
Summer Solstice Malaysia: Green Cameron

author:Wander around
Summer Solstice Malaysia: Green Cameron

On the first day we arrived in Malaysia, we took the car that Xiao Gong had chartered for us to Comeron. Before the departure, it was a hot weather in the country, whether it was 42 degrees in Shanghai or 37 degrees in Guilin, it was unbearable, and Cameron was a good place to escape the heat.

Cameron is about 4 hours away from Kuala Lumpur, not particularly far, but when entering the Cameron Mountains, the nine-curved and eighteen-bend mountain road is more time-consuming, if the first night rest time is insufficient, the stomach is cold or on fire, there is a good chance that walking this road will make people motion sickness. We all had 4 big and 2 small cars, except for me and Jiajia, who were basically recruited one after another.

So, if you have enough time, you can rest in Kuala Lumpur for a good night and then slow down the next day.

Entering the mountains is full of greenery, coupled with the location of the mountain plateau, it is instantly cooler, and the closer you get to the destination, the cooler it is, and you need to add a small coat. According to the driver, cameron Highlands is about 1500 meters above sea level, during the colonial period, it was home to the villas of british dignitaries, the annual temperature is between 15-25 degrees, the unique geographical location and climatic conditions make it the largest highland resort in Malaysia. Generally, there are more tourists from the country, Singapore and other surrounding countries, and even Europe and the United States, and Chinese tourists are estimated to come to the beach and food, but there is little interest here.

Summer Solstice Malaysia: Green Cameron

This way by car, the most seen on the side of the road in the mountains is a variety of green fruit trees, especially durian, I feel that I don't need special care, anyway, there are unique conditions. The durians sold on the roadside in Malaysia are all ripe trees, usually falling down in the morning, and mountain people pick them up and sell them on the side of the road. It is not large, different from the large Thai golden pillow varieties we see in China, because of the relationship between transportation, it is often picked off from the tree and transported to China, and there are not many opportunities to eat durian ripe in the tree. Our Guilin is located in Guangxi, geographically close to Southeast Asia, but there are still more opportunities to taste the ripe fruit of the tree, Xue Xue from Shanghai is not necessarily. So when the road met the durian stall, as a durian control, Xue Xue and I naturally wanted to stop and taste it.

Durian is not cheap, the small one cost 30 myring, but the store opened fruit on the spot, if there is a bad part, they will be responsible for making up the intact pulp, to ensure that the good flesh of the two.

As an area with rich forest resources and unique climate, Cameron should love it for hiking and adventure tourists. It is home to the Mossy Forest, one of the oldest forests in Malaysia. The humid climate makes the forest cloudy all day long, and the ground and vegetation are usually covered with rich moss, making the forest a quiet and simple place, like a fairyland.

If you are an adventurous donkey, the first recommended activity is jungle adventure. Cameron has 14 hiking trails of varying length and difficulty to choose from, and the only place to pass on each route is the moss forest. Think about walking through the primeval forest, the fog is thick, this is simply a proper "Wizard of Oz". If you want our team of young (children) and girls (people) to imagine it, just experience it yourself.

Summer Solstice Malaysia: Green Cameron

Our first night stay was a converted English estate B&B in Cameron. This has to talk about the historical background of Cameron, in fact, it is a bit like the small alpine tea plantations in Sri Lanka, which were also developed by the British.

Summer Solstice Malaysia: Green Cameron

Cameron Highlands was accidentally discovered in 1885 by the British explorer William Cameron while mapping a plateau, and since then this beautiful and fertile land, which has been obscured by lofty mountains, has been known as Cameron Highlands , cameron highlands. For tropical countries near the equator, the temperature maintained here is about 20 degrees all year round, making it a rare summer and cold resort. After visiting the site in 1925, Sir George Maxwell developed it into a summer resort, completing a road to Daba. After the road was opened, british dignitaries built villas here, and some of them also settled and developed the plateau. Soon after, a permanent British barracks was established here. In 1929 John Archibald Russell, the son of the British Governor-General at the time, developed tea cultivation here until World War II, when the Cameron Highlands were transferred to the Federal Government of Malaya in 1957.

Therefore, in cameron highlands, you can find traditional colonial-style English cottages, known as "Switzerland of the East". The Cameron Highlands, a Cameron Country Hotel, a cameron plantation country hotel with a story, is also a 30s Country Inn with a story.

Summer Solstice Malaysia: Green Cameron

The interior of the hotel is full of antiques, and it is like stepping back in time. Especially when I woke up the next morning, the entire manor house garden inside the hotel was so elegant and exquisite that it didn't seem to exist in the real world!

Summer Solstice Malaysia: Green Cameron

Two little babies LULU and kitty kiki got up early and spent an hour with me before breakfast, still unsatisfied, lulu even gave her highest rating: this must be my Kron kingdom, beautiful not like the real thing! (About the Klang kingdom this stem to explain, LULU is a little girl born with a great interest in insects, although only 6 years old, the encyclopedia of insects can be studied a lot, in her mind, the world of insects is a wonderful kingdom, even shiklang is also the hero of the insect kingdom in her heart, it is true that the bug of shiklang is not small in objective contribution to the natural world.) )

Summer Solstice Malaysia: Green Cameron

A fun butterfly insect park

Cameron Highlands is the largest temperate vegetable and flower growing area in Malaysia. On the way out of the hotel, we saw many large and small artificially cultivated small gardens, such as strawberry fields, cactus gardens, rose gardens, lavender gardens, butterfly gardens, bee gardens, etc. The tickets are very cheap, if you have time, you can choose a few large gardens to visit. Because all cities in China have weekend trips to strawberry farms on the outskirts of the city, we gave up the famous strawberries in Cameron and went directly to the well-known "Butterfly Insect Park".

Summer Solstice Malaysia: Green Cameron

The owner of the park has put a lot of thought into the care of the park, and various varieties of butterflies are displayed directly in a relatively open glass shed, and visitors can personally watch the butterflies of various colors up close, and the experience is very strong.

Summer Solstice Malaysia: Green Cameron

This is the most famous butterfly of Cameron Highlands, the green-leaved red-necked butterfly, which is the national butterfly of Malaysia. The black wings, like a row of emerald green leaves, a red neck, huge size, very beautiful.

Summer Solstice Malaysia: Green Cameron

The owner also collected some common but strange insects to display in the special area, such as lizards, frogs, snakes, dead leaf frogs, scorpions and so on.

Summer Solstice Malaysia: Green Cameron

The most coke is still these two raccoons, one is estimated to be a mother, saw us walking over to watch them, still calmly holding one leg to do the action of pulling leg hair, uh, also, summer is coming, pull some leg hair to the beach to put on the bikini to show off the figure; the other is estimated to be male, occasionally busy with livelihood problems, when it sees LULU and KIKI on a cigarette to run to the nearest wall to make a rope, not to say, the child's heart is the softest, why didn't you give me some biscuits to taste? We have a cute raccoon psychological language in our brains, a little embarrassed, this time not fully prepared, small snacks did not come with us!

Summer Solstice Malaysia: Green Cameron

Hidden alpine small tea plantation

If you go to Cameron Highlands just to see bugs and eat strawberries, but not to the tea plantations, then you can say that you miss half of the essence of Cameron Highlands.

The Tea Garden Tour is also one of cameron's first routes. Cameron Highlands has two major tea gardens, the most recommended of which is the BOH Tea Plantation established in 1929, developed by the son of the British Governor-General who introduced tea plants, covering an area of 1200 hectares, producing 4 million kilograms of tea per year, accounting for 70% of Malaysia's production, it is a very famous tea brand in Malaysia. Many of Cameron's brochures and profile pictures were taken here and are free to visit. BoH Tea Garden has a tea art center Boh Tea Centre built on the top of the tea garden, partly suspended in the air. Taste tea and eat meals, enjoy the scenery, how comfortable. However, on Monday, the BOH Tea Garden was closed to tourists, so we had to change our route to another private tea garden, the scale and fame were not as good as BOH, we only hurried to see, it is a visit here.

Summer Solstice Malaysia: Green Cameron

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