
"Theme Education" my original intention of education (46) | Paddle with the original heart, move forward to the dream (Zibo Middle School, Meng Xia)

author:Poster News

In order to deepen the theme education of "not forgetting the original heart, keeping the mission in mind", we have extensively carried out the theme essay collection activity of "my initial heart of education" in the city's education system, and the majority of educators closely focus on "my initial heart of education", combined with their own work experience, affectionately tell the true story of their learning, practice and growth on the road of teaching, express their heartfelt care and care for students, and fully demonstrate that contemporary educators do not forget their original intentions, forge ahead, have the courage to take responsibility, and strive to move forward in ordinary posts. Adhere to and practice the spirit of the times of the dream of education. Now the excellent articles are shared, in order to learn from each other, encourage each other, improve together, and be a "dreamer" of Zibo education who runs hard.

Paddle with the original heart to the dream of Zibo Middle School Meng Xia

At the flick of a finger, the nine years of teaching are in the sound of colorful lectures, just burying their heads in the nib of grading homework, just talking between teachers and students, and quietly sliding through the alternation of class bells. Looking back on these nine years, what comes to my mind is tension, busyness, loss, and bitterness; but when I savor it, the nine-year teaching path is so short, and I enjoy the joy and fulfillment brought to me by the children, tirelessly. I think this all stems from my love for them, from my adherence to education, and it is this love and responsibility that makes me always paddle with my original intention and move forward to my dreams.

Hai Na Bai Chuan Has tolerance is great

Education is not a drastic move, but more importantly, it is meticulous; education is not immediate, but more subtle. With emotional people, convincing people with reason, treating every child tolerantly, accommodating the shortcomings of every child, and making every child in the class shine, our class can become more and more powerful. When I first became a class teacher, I was quite touched.

The first day of registration of freshmen tested my patience. There was a boy who caught my attention the moment he stepped into class: he was dressed in a very fashionable way, his hair was very different, and his attitude was very arrogant. When he came to me to report, I told him about the dormitory and asked him to go home and get a haircut. Reluctantly, he went back. When all the children have arrived, in order to get to know them as soon as possible, but also to enhance the feelings between the children and make full preparations for military training, I asked them to introduce themselves. Every kid was very active, and when it was the boy's turn, he said wait, and I smiled and said, "Then let this classmate prepare again!" After all the students had finished introducing, he still did not want to introduce, saying that he would not. I thought he might be embarrassed, so I asked the whole class to applaud and encourage him, but he actually twisted his body, looked at me with extremely provocative eyes, spoke in Zibo dialect, and said lazily: "I won't!" "At that moment, I was particularly embarrassed, and I felt that my face was red, which was undoubtedly a sudden storm for me. But I slowly adjusted my angry mentality and didn't confront him head-on. Just as a child loses his temper with his parents, he is tolerated by his challenges. Later, I talked to him, and he confessed that it was a small revenge for me to let him go home and get a haircut. He can admit it, which shows that he is still very frank. But through this incident, I realized that he was a very sensitive child, and he should be touched with love and tolerance. Therefore, I always treat him with the same care as the fluttering dew on a rose, talk more, help more, encourage more, try to find and capture the shining points on it, take advantage of the situation to praise and promote its light. Slowly, our relationship got better, and he became tolerant. I know: only if the teacher is tolerant and patient, can the child have a sunny mentality.

Sow hope and reap happiness

Life is a long way, it needs to be constantly sown, constantly harvested. I am willing to be a sower, sowing the seeds of hope, not seeking fame, not for profit, for every seedling to thrive, without complaint or regret! In the silent cultivation, I turn youth and years into a drop of rain and dew, moisturizing the heart of every child.

During the evening self-study during military training, I accidentally found a girl who always ran to the toilet and silently shed tears. I thought she might be homesick, so I comforted her. But on the morning of the third day, she walked into the classroom with red eyes, and I felt that she could not be trained in this state, so I asked her to walk around the campus and chat with her. In an unfamiliar environment that leaves their parents, students are most likely to connect with their teachers, especially girls, who open their hearts to me: their parents are divorced, their mother and daughter are dependent on each other, and their mother has cancer. Therefore, her crying is not only homesick, but more of an uneasy feeling about her mother. Knowing her filial piety, I gave her a half-day off. Although it is a small favor, what I have gained is the trust of my children and parents. Her mom also sent me a message to thank you, what could be happier than this moment? The happiness of children is the biggest sunny day for me.

"Man always learns less from the flat and more from the tribulation; the lesson from the flat is shallow, and the lesson from the tribulation is deep." I am thankful for those setbacks in teaching that will make each of us who give better. I am willing to sow hope and harvest happiness in ordinary posts.

The mountain is high and man-made is the peak, and the sea is the rudder. In the thick land of teaching, I will paddle with my original intention and move forward to my dreams. I will continue to take responsibility on the road, because with responsibility in my heart, there will be a lighthouse in front of me to guide the wind and waves; with responsibility in my heart, there will be inexhaustible motivation behind you to help you move forward. Therefore, I firmly believe that with the joint efforts of us who are full of vitality, in the positive and enterprising us, and in the hard work of us, Bozhong's tomorrow will be full of flowers.

Responsible editor 丨 Ren Wenjiao

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