
"Thunderstorm" asks the fate - Zhou Puyuan

author:Old giant reading
"Thunderstorm" asks the fate - Zhou Puyuan

Zhou Puyuan would not have imagined that the goddess of destiny would end his life in such a tragic way.

Ever since he was born into that rich family, his life has been filled with almost all kinds of possibilities, which are the privileges given to him by external forces, and he can squander these privileges almost freely and get everything he wants. However, after all, there is still a restriction word - almost, yes, since all these privileges are given by external forces, external forces can be taken back at any time, especially the reason why external forces will give Zhou Puyuan privileges, not only to reward this lucky family member, but also to maximize the contribution to this family, rather than to bring harm.

So the answer to the question of who made the "mistake" of thirty years ago is not so simple. We can't simply think that Zhou Puyuan "deceived" Shi Ping and "toyed" with Shi Ping, as if he had never had feelings for Shi Ping in his heart, and some were just the arrogance and irresponsibility of a stupid boy. In many details, it is not difficult to find that Zhou Puyuan's feelings for Shi Ping are so deep that we should believe that he has love for her. For example, in the Zhou family, Zhou Puyuan has maintained the living environment of Shi Ping for decades, the furnishings of the furniture, her photos, including her living habits, have not changed. This all shows that in his heart, the past few decades have not been forgotten, including the emotional entanglement with Shi Ping.

"Thunderstorm" asks the fate - Zhou Puyuan

However, fate still made the proud Zhou Puyuan truly recognize a cruel fact, that is, "your life is not in your own hands, and there is fate above your choices." "Thirty years ago, the 28-year-old Zhou Puyuan fell in love with the 20-year-old Mei Shuping, to be precise, the Zhou Gongzi of the Zhou Mansion fell in love with the Yahuan of the Zhou Mansion, and they lived together and lived together, which is no problem, because this is the privilege that the Zhou Gongzi was given, and he had the right to be with the Yahuan of the Zhou Mansion. However, as we said above, his privileges are not unlimited. When Zhou Gongzi wanted to consider the marriage event, Zhou Gongzi truly realized that he had no right to choose the yahuan named Shi Ping as his wife. Zhou Mansion has a set of clear rules and unspoken rules, marriage masters, pay attention to the door to the door, how does the daughter of the old mother deserve zhou Gongzi? This is irresponsible to the extended family. Zhou Puyuan as an important member of this family, the future "leader", he must make a comprehensive consideration for the long-term development of this family, then, sacrificing a little is completely acceptable, even if it is sacrificed "love", not to mention, the other party is just a yahuan.

I think that the 28-year-old Zhou Puyuan is still far from being able to resist the pressure of the extended family, and it is not he who really controls his fate, he is controlled by fate itself. Shi Ping was a victim, so why wasn't Zhou Puyuan?

"Thunderstorm" asks the fate - Zhou Puyuan

Shi Ping was kicked out by the Zhou Mansion. The girl he loved could not get his own protection, and the love he wanted also passed, and Zhou Gongzi, who was extremely proud from childhood to adulthood, must have had a serious sense of frustration and guilt for the first time. Who bears this frustration and guilt? Is he alone? I'm afraid it's very difficult, in fact it's really difficult, so he transferred this inner pain to other people, not only the later XuanYi, but also the woman after Shu Ping, before The Xuanyi, the lady of the rich family who was right at the door. It's just that in this play, she came and went silently, leaving no trace. We just know there is such a woman. Therefore, we can boldly speculate that she must be a more aggrieved woman than Shu Ping, and more depressed than Xuan Yi. Her husband had a beloved woman before marrying himself, and lived together for three years, giving birth to two children. When I passed by, I could still see the way of life left by the woman in the past, and her husband was still immersed in the memories of past love. Who can bear and dissolve this pain, loneliness and depression?

The ending of Zhou Puyuan is also worth playing. At the end of the whole play, Si Feng is dead, Zhou Chong is dead, and Zhou Ping is also dead. Shu Ping was crazy, and so was Xuan Yi. It seemed that the most damned and the most crazy person was Zhou Puyuan, but he was neither dead nor crazy. The author Cao Yu left us with such a question, why is the ending of Zhou Puyuan so designed?

"Thunderstorm" asks the fate - Zhou Puyuan

The Zhou Mansion was sold and became a church hospital. Every thirtieth day of the waxing moon, the elderly Zhou Puyuan rushed to the hospital to visit the crazy Xuan Yi and Shu Ping. He couldn't talk to them, he couldn't apologize, he couldn't confess. He wants to live to atone for all his previous mistakes, even to bear the sins that did not belong to him in the first place, and this is the life that fate has given him.

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