
Dried Bacillus pictures and prices

author:Catering pioneer

  Dried Bacillus is a very good fungal ingredient, its nutrients are rich, can have antioxidant effects, and Dried Bacillus also has medicinal effects and effects; many people are not very familiar with Dried Bacillus, the following Xiaobian to introduce you to Dried Bacillus and its price.

  Introduction to dried bacillus

  Dried bacillus, alias dried bacella fungus, flower fungus, horse tooth fungus, etc., for the rare wild edible mushrooms in Yunnan, in recent years in the northwest mountains of Yichang, Hubei province has also been found, growing in the middle of Yunnan, the west of Hubei, northwest of hubei mountain forest pine trees, every year in the july rainy season will break out of the soil, the appearance of its appearance is not proud, black with white, this wild fungus has no fungus cover and, fungus folds, clustered like cattle teeth, so the masses commonly known as bovine tooth fungus. When it was first unearthed, it was yellow-brown, and when it was cooked, it became black-brown and had a rich aroma similar to that of cured beef jerky, and the people of cured beef jerky were called dried ba, so the fungus was named dried ba fungi, the taste was very delicious, and it was used to fry the taste of green peppers, which was really wonderful.

Dried Bacillus pictures and prices

  Nutritional value of dried bacillus

  Dried bacillus, the mushroom aroma is very strong, delicious, delicate to eat, dry, chewed up with endless aftertaste, which is one of the reasons why everyone loves dried bacillus, rich nutrition is also one of the main reasons why the public likes to eat dried bacillus. Dried Bacillus is rich in nutrients, rich in protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, as well as a variety of trace elements calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, etc., and also contains a large number of amino acids, thiamine and small molecule peptides that the human body cannot synthesize on its own. Among them, the very prominent protein is an important diet that cannot be lacking in human immune function, and it is also the main component of white blood cells and antibodies, so it can effectively improve our body's immunity by eating dried bacillus regularly, which is undoubtedly a very good choice for people with poor physique and physical immunity.

  In addition, dried bacillus also contains glycotides, polysaccharides and other substances, these substances and components for reducing cholesterol, regulating blood lipids, improving immunity have a very good help; its active ingredients are many, medicinal value is also very high; there are low fat, low calorie, low cholesterol characteristics, is obese people and weight loss people rare ideal health food.

Dried Bacillus pictures and prices

  How much does dried bacillus cost a pound?

  Due to the different origins of dried bacillus, the price is also different, and the price of most fresh dried bacillus in Yunnan is 100-150 yuan a catty; while the Kunming and Yuxi regions of Yunnan may be more than 200 yuan a catty.

  In Kunming, known as the hometown of dried bacillus, the output of dried bacillus is determined according to its output, at least when dried bacillus has just been listed, the price of fresh dried bacillus on the general market is about 300-500 yuan a catty; when it is listed in large quantities in June and July, the price has been reduced, at about 200-260 yuan a catty. However, here you can clearly tell everyone that dried bacillus is a rare wild edible mushroom, the edible value and medicinal value are very high, the price is generally higher than other fungi, sometimes, everyone wants to spend a high price may not be able to eat delicious dried bacillus.

Dried Bacillus pictures and prices

  There are many benefits of eating dried bacillus, can have anti-aging effects, can also reduce cholesterol, has certain benefits for improving physical fitness, can also have the effect of lowering lipids, but also can promote appetite to improve immunity, anti-aging, is a very healthy fungal ingredients.

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Yunnan treasure dried bacillus (wild) ¥998 purchase

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