
A precious wild edible mushroom, dried bacillus, have you ever eaten it?

author:Three Gorges

Recently, in the villages of Xiabaoping Township, Dengcun Township and Wuduhe Township in Yiling District, ordinary people were picking up a wild edible mushroom that was more expensive than beef in the mountains, dried bacillus. According to the people, the price of this dried bacillus is as high as 320 to 360 yuan per kilogram. And very sought-after.

A precious wild edible mushroom, dried bacillus, have you ever eaten it?

In Xiabaoping Township, due to the competition for dry bacillus resources, ordinary people have installed surveillance cameras in their own mountain forests to supervise the situation of mountain forests day and night to prevent others from stealing. Just a few days ago, Xiabaoping Township was also mediated by the police station because a fungus picker broke into another ordinary people's mountain forest and was reported to the police by the other side.

A precious wild edible mushroom, dried bacillus, have you ever eaten it?

According to the people, this dry bacillus can only grow in mountainous areas above 900 meters above sea level, and must have hyphae in mountain forests. Generally, there are wild tianma in the mountains, so the market will be very precious.

A precious wild edible mushroom, dried bacillus, have you ever eaten it?

Dried bacillus can be harvested during June and July every year, its flesh is tender, rich in nutrition, is a treasure in the fungus, it can not only nourish the body but also has a good health effect.

A precious wild edible mushroom, dried bacillus, have you ever eaten it?

Next, let's take a closer look at the efficacy and role of dried bacillus

First, dried Bacillus can lower blood lipids and blood pressure

According to the data, dried Batu is also a special ingredient that can lower blood lipids and blood pressure, and the nucleotides and polysaccharides contained in Dried Bacillus can clean up the cholesterol in the human blood, so that excessively high blood lipids can be lowered, and can also accelerate blood flow, soften blood vessels, and also have a certain preventive and alleviating effect on hypertension.

A precious wild edible mushroom, dried bacillus, have you ever eaten it?

Second, dried bacillus can improve the body's immunity

Dried Bacillus can improve the body's immunity, Dried Bacillus contains polysaccharides is a natural medicinal ingredient, this substance can regulate the human immune system, increase immune cell activity, prevent cell carcinogenesis, but also improve the body's self-immunity, can reduce the occurrence of some common diseases, usually eat dried Bacillus to promote good health has great benefits.

A precious wild edible mushroom, dried bacillus, have you ever eaten it?

Third, dried Bacillus can be anti-aging

Dried bacillus is a kind of anti-aging fungal treasures, it contains natural vitamin E and polysaccharides, but also contains some minerals selenium, these are natural antioxidants, can scavenge free radicals in the human body, reduce the occurrence of oxidation reactions, usually often eat can delay aging can also prolong life.

A precious wild edible mushroom, dried bacillus, have you ever eaten it?

Therefore, dried bacillus has become an important resource for farmers to get rich and a very sought-after mushroom treasure in the market.

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