
Beijingers' Memories of the New Year, Beijing-style snacks during the Spring Festival, pot cakes, ginger juice forks, and scorched circles

author:Beijing City old

Beijingers' Memories of the New Year, Beijing-style snacks during the Spring Festival, pot cakes, ginger juice forks, and scorched circles

Beijingers' Memories of the New Year, Beijing-style snacks during the Spring Festival, pot cakes, ginger juice forks, and scorched circles

Old Beijing has a kind of snack called pot cake, this word to pronounce must be with a child's pronunciation, as we all know, pot cake is rhubarb rice noodles, yellow rice to it in advance to soak, soak overnight, and then grind the noodles plus seven ripe red kidney beans and noodles, steamed up and then laid a layer of dates, the next side of the pot put a layer of dates

Beijingers' Memories of the New Year, Beijing-style snacks during the Spring Festival, pot cakes, ginger juice forks, and scorched circles

Old Beijing's pot cake was originally pushed by the car string hutong to sell, along the way steaming, the fragrance is overflowing, in the hutongs of the big old and far away people are salivating, so so grounded and have Beijing characteristics of snacks, why not be made at the temple fair?

Beijingers' Memories of the New Year, Beijing-style snacks during the Spring Festival, pot cakes, ginger juice forks, and scorched circles

In fact, the reason is also very simple, because the pot is relatively large, the temple fair can not directly get a steamer past, so the old Beijing pot cake is steamed, in the past the old Beijing people sold pot cake, in the morning on the cart to order a coal stove, bring raw materials, this is out of the door

Beijingers' Memories of the New Year, Beijing-style snacks during the Spring Festival, pot cakes, ginger juice forks, and scorched circles

Along the way, this pot cake completed the process of making, overturned out, cut into large and small pieces according to the needs of Beijing people, pay attention to fresh eating, limited output, make a pot of pot cake at least four or five hours, the first night is done and then get to the temple fair, overnight it is not good, if you do it early in the morning, I am afraid that I will not be able to eat it in the afternoon

Beijingers' Memories of the New Year, Beijing-style snacks during the Spring Festival, pot cakes, ginger juice forks, and scorched circles

Therefore, compared with the lamb skewers and fried enemas that are quick to decide, this pot of cakes has a lot less advantages at the temple fair

Beijingers' Memories of the New Year, Beijing-style snacks during the Spring Festival, pot cakes, ginger juice forks, and scorched circles

And this maker of pot cake guy Shi'er also has a little special, steaming pot cake has to use the old Beijing special tile pot, the bottom hole, similar to the steamer 'pot cake' name is also from the pot this is derived, the good pot cake layered, sweet taste, jujube fragrance, but it is different in addition to sweet, there is a hint of bitterness

Beijingers' Memories of the New Year, Beijing-style snacks during the Spring Festival, pot cakes, ginger juice forks, and scorched circles

Because the yellow rice itself has a little bitter taste, the old Beijingers have a special way to eat pot cake, that is, buy it home and cut it into small pieces, fry it in oil, and there is a crisp flavor in addition to the sweet glutinous, and then dip it with some sugar and fried cake

Beijingers' Memories of the New Year, Beijing-style snacks during the Spring Festival, pot cakes, ginger juice forks, and scorched circles

Ginger juice fork, the raw material is ginger and flour, because the addition of ginger, there is a cold, stomach effect, with ginger and sugar boiled into syrup, the fork into a bath, take out to cool it become a ginger juice fork

Beijingers' Memories of the New Year, Beijing-style snacks during the Spring Festival, pot cakes, ginger juice forks, and scorched circles

The thin sugar coating makes the fork more brittle, sweet on the outside and salty on the inside, coupled with the spicy aroma of ginger, making this small ginger sauce fork no longer simple, but this kind of snack that the old Beijingers give each other during the New Year's Festival rarely appears at the temple fair

Beijingers' Memories of the New Year, Beijing-style snacks during the Spring Festival, pot cakes, ginger juice forks, and scorched circles

Perhaps after the ginger juice is forked out of the pot, it needs a drying process, it is easy to recruit soil, and the advance production of bags is too crispy and difficult to transport, so we rarely see the figure of the ginger juice fork at the temple fair, our Beijing snacks, most of them have ethnic minority characteristics, from eating it reflects the inclusiveness of the city

Beijingers' Memories of the New Year, Beijing-style snacks during the Spring Festival, pot cakes, ginger juice forks, and scorched circles

The refinement of halal snacks, the heroic ruggedness of meat, and the exquisite elegance of Manchu snacks, take the pastry, the Manchus are called gluttony, it is made of dead noodles, characterized by special resistance to time, there is that feeling of fullness, and good dough, put into the oven to bake, pay attention to the old Beijingers will light a red dot on it, this is to make it sell well

Beijingers' Memories of the New Year, Beijing-style snacks during the Spring Festival, pot cakes, ginger juice forks, and scorched circles

In the old Beijing snacks, sweet, sticky, fried, all kinds of flavors of snacks are available, and the most colorful of them, whether it is made or the appearance does not look amazing, but this is an authentic Manchu snack, followed by it is a hungry and easy to carry snack, the focus is to convey a distinctive feature of Beijing snack

Beijingers' Memories of the New Year, Beijing-style snacks during the Spring Festival, pot cakes, ginger juice forks, and scorched circles

Influence and Xi'an's Bai Ji Feng is not different, seemingly simple, but it is difficult to imitate the essence of it, fortunately, there are still some old brands in the old Beijing City still adhering to the production of Dun'er Rao, many people also call it the most original Taste of Beijing!

Beijingers' Memories of the New Year, Beijing-style snacks during the Spring Festival, pot cakes, ginger juice forks, and scorched circles

Old Beijing tea dishes may be many young people have not heard of, in the past because the family is poor, are eating white potatoes, it is precisely because the price of white potatoes has become one of the main ingredients of the tea dishes of that year, some people say that Beijing people are poor and exquisite, can not open the pot, but also have seven plates and eight bowls to talk about pomp, in fact, it is not

Beijingers' Memories of the New Year, Beijing-style snacks during the Spring Festival, pot cakes, ginger juice forks, and scorched circles

Because that is a kind of respect for the number of etiquette, no matter how poor we have to talk about etiquette, on the contrary, the etiquette does not need luxury, on the status of Beijing's tea dishes can be compared with the appetizers of the French feast, but the ingredients and methods are extremely simple, never make it mysterious, cut it into slices and fried, made into dessert after the meal, in order to neutralize the grease in the frying process, Beijingers will also boil some sugar to wrap it, and finally put some preserved fruit into it

Beijingers' Memories of the New Year, Beijing-style snacks during the Spring Festival, pot cakes, ginger juice forks, and scorched circles

Finally, from the color we can see, colorful, green flowers are indeed good-looking, the production process is not complicated, now the old Beijing tea dishes have been broken for various reasons, this traditional authentic Beijing snacks in addition to the old Beijing people will do, outside is not able to eat, may not have heard of old Beijing and tea dishes

Beijingers' Memories of the New Year, Beijing-style snacks during the Spring Festival, pot cakes, ginger juice forks, and scorched circles

Finally, let's talk about the old Beijinger's favorite, the scorched circle, although the scorched circle has always been the standard of bean juice, but it does not mean that it can not be separated from the bean juice, because without the bean juice, the jiaohuan can still be independent, the scorched circle is very simple to make, the reconciled noodles are cut into strips, and then down to the oil pot

Beijingers' Memories of the New Year, Beijing-style snacks during the Spring Festival, pot cakes, ginger juice forks, and scorched circles

Jiaoquan itself does not put oil, it is fried in the oil pan is a small fire, can not open the fire, otherwise it will be paste, scorched circle inside and outside are soaked with oil, so it is crisp, authentic Beijing flavor jiaohuan even if there is no bean juice white mouth to eat is still very fragrant, of course, its best partner is always bean juice, because the two are typical perfect match in the eyes of Beijingers! Some of the pictures come from the Internet, welcome to pay attention to the Beijing City Old School public number!

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