
Sheng Tang poet Li Ji bid farewell to friends, this poem has too many wonderful points, it is worth pondering repeatedly

author:Sink into ancient poetry

In ancient times, as long as you go to the capital, it is often exciting.

If the elders send the juniors to Beijing, they should be advised before leaving.

The Sheng Tang poet Li Yi sent his junior Wei Wan to Beijing and also wrote an exhortation poem.

The poem's rhetoric has been praised by readers throughout the ages.

But I think the poem is also very cleverly structured, and the neck link also hides deeper feelings.

Let's read "Send Wei Wanzhijing" and see where the beauty of this poem lies.

Singing away from the song to the wanderer, last night the frost first crossed the river.

Hongyan could not bear to listen, and the situation of Yunshan was a guest.

The color of the trees in Guancheng is approaching, and the anvil of the imperial garden is much louder.

Don't see the chang'an happy place, the air makes the years easy to stumble.

Writing Background:

Wei Wan, a Poet of the Tang Dynasty, was a junior friend of Li Ji and once lived in Wangwu Mountain.

This poem was written before Wei Wan entered Beijing, passing through Luoyang, and visiting Li Qi by the way, Li Ji bid farewell to Wei Wan the next day.

Sheng Tang poet Li Ji bid farewell to friends, this poem has too many wonderful points, it is worth pondering repeatedly

Wang Wu Shan, Wei Wan once lived here

1, singing away from the song to the wanderer, last night the frost first crossed the river.

The song of parting is the song of parting.

When I first crossed the river, I had just crossed the Yellow River. Wei Wan lived in Wangwu Mountain, on the north bank of the Yellow River, and before going to Chang'an, he had to cross the Yellow River.

In the morning, you can hear the wanderer singing the parting song, and last night in the thin frost fog, you had just crossed the Yellow River.

A little strange: the previous sentence writes early morning, why does the latter sentence write last night?

This is the use of the inverted method, the purpose of which is to emphasize the previous sentence and supplement it with the latter.

Du Fu also used this method in a famous sentence: when the cup was heavy, and last night the moon was together.

These two sentences, we understand in layman's terms: today we are going to be separated from you, but we just met last night!

Obviously, these two sentences express the poet's attachment to his friends.

Don't you think these two sentences are very ordinary?

Nothing special.

However, the use of the inverted method has been praised by readers throughout history.

But I think the beauty of these two sentences is the word "micro-frost".

There is "frost", indicating that it has reached late autumn.

Why did the poet write "micro-frost"?

Not only to point out the season, but also to elicit the next sentence.

Sheng Tang poet Li Ji bid farewell to friends, this poem has too many wonderful points, it is worth pondering repeatedly

Wild goose

2, Hongyan can not bear to listen, the situation of Yunshan is a guest.

In the guest, on the way to the guest.

My heart was full of sorrow, and I was afraid to hear the chirping of the wild geese; not to mention passing through Yunshan on the way to the guest.

Let's first look at what scenes are described in these two sentences.

In the passenger, the description is on the way.

Obviously, these two sentences describe the scene of a friend on the road.

We know that in fact, the friend has not left at this time.

It can be seen that this is the poet's imagination, and the poet imagines that his friends will hear the cries of the geese on the way and will see the Cloud Mountain.

Why did the poet think of Hongyan?

It is because of the "slight frost".

In late autumn, the geese fly south, so the poet concludes that friends will meet the geese.

So, why are friends afraid to hear the cries of wild geese?

Because geese generally chirp in both situations.

(1) When flying in groups: gathering partners, danger warnings, etc.

(2) When flying alone: Calling for partners, the voice is very desolate.

In either case, friends will be sad to hear the chirping of geese.

Because friends are on the road, very lonely.

Watching the geese fly in flocks, you will feel your loneliness; when you see the lonely geese mourning, your heart will be even more sad.

It can be seen that the poet's "sorrow" is the sorrow of loneliness and loneliness.

Sheng Tang poet Li Ji bid farewell to friends, this poem has too many wonderful points, it is worth pondering repeatedly

Clouds and mist

So, why don't friends want to pass through Yunshan?

Cloud Mountain is a mountain surrounded by clouds and mist.

Friends are lonely on the way, and they will naturally feel homesick.

This is the wanderer's homesickness.

But surrounded by green mountains and more clouds, how can you see your hometown?

You see, the poet is very sure that friends will be lonely on the road and will miss their hometown.

Why, then, does the poet say this to his friends when they are separated?

The reason is obvious, let the friend have a psychological preparation: you will be very lonely on the road, but since you are determined to go to Chang'an, you must insist.

Does the poet imagine that friends will be lonely, just to prepare them mentally?

There is also a very clever foreshadowing here.

We looked back.

3, the color of the trees in Guancheng is near, and the anvil of the royal garden is more late.

Guancheng refers to Tongguan.

Imperial Garden, here refers to the capital city.

Anvil: The sound of pounding clothes.

The scenery of the Tongguan trees urges the cold to approach; the sound of clothes pounding in the capital will be more at night.

The poet's refining and sentence refining skills are indeed good: in fact, the cold has changed the color of the tongguan trees.

And the word "urge" writes out that the chill comes very urgently.

Sheng Tang poet Li Ji bid farewell to friends, this poem has too many wonderful points, it is worth pondering repeatedly


Why did the poet write about Tongguan?

Because friends will pass through Tongguan, this is still the poet's imagination.

So, why did the poet write that the cold of Tongguan came very quickly?

Because Tongguan is already close to Chang'an.

In fact, the poet wants to say that the cold air in Chang'an is coming very quickly.


Because to elicit an "anvil".

When will I mash clothes?

It's when the cold comes.

As you can see, these two sentences are very clever flowing water pairs: because the cold is coming very quickly, every household in Chang'an City is pounding clothes.

So why do women (usually women who make clothes) mostly make clothes at night?

This problem has been analyzed by many people.

It is generally believed that you have to work during the day, so you only have time to make clothes at night.

But I think there's another reason: I can't sleep alone and miss people far away.

Who does the woman miss?

Missing her husband on the frontier.

Li Bai once wrote that "Chang'an is a month, and ten thousand households are pounding clothes", which is to express the feelings of Chang'an women for Zhengfu.

And Li Qi's two sentences also express the same feelings.

Isn't this a farewell? Why did the poet write about the Chang'an woman's longing for Zhengfu?

As you can see, the poet's feelings are transitioned very cleverly: the first two sentences write about the loneliness of friends and the feeling of missing their hometown, and the last two sentences write about the loneliness of the Chang'an woman and the longing for Zhengfu.

This is the way to push oneself and others!

Obviously, he only thought that his friends would be lonely, but the poet pushed himself and others, and further thought that there were many ordinary people in Chang'an who were also suffering from loneliness.

This expresses the poet's deep sympathy for the lives of ordinary people.

This kind of feeling is very rare and precious, similar to Du Fu's "Ande Guangsha ten million rooms, shelter the world and the cold people are happy."

Let's think again: Why should a husband be separated from his wife?

This implies that there is war on the border and that the country is not at peace.

This is what the poet wants to say to his friend Wei Wan.

Why do poets say this?

Let's move on to the next two sentences.

Sheng Tang poet Li Ji bid farewell to friends, this poem has too many wonderful points, it is worth pondering repeatedly

Chang'an Ancient City

4, do not see the chang'an happy place, empty to make the years easy to stumble.

Stumbling: Refers to the wasted years.

Don't think that Chang'an is a place for fun, and waste precious time.

This is clearly a word of exhortation.

The original intention is also very simple: when you arrive in Chang'an, you must seize the time to achieve a career.

Why did the poet say this?

Because the poet believes that Chang'an is prosperous on the surface, it is easy for people to see only hedonism.

The poet has seen the dangers facing the country and the pain of the people.

Therefore, the poet exhorted Wei Wan: Now that the country is not at peace and the people are suffering from loneliness, you must achieve your career as soon as possible and contribute to the country and the people.

5. Summary

Let's summarize from two lines:

(1) Scene line:

First, friends cross the Yellow River in "microfrost";

Secondly, friends on the road, heard "Hongyan";

Then, the friend was in Tongguan and felt the cold coming very urgently;

At the end, the friend was in the capital and heard the sound of "pounding clothes".

You see, the scene of the whole poem is written in the order of friends all the way to Beijing, and "cold weather" runs through the whole poem.

(2) Emotional line:

First of all, the poet is reluctant to let his friends leave;

Second, the poet thinks that friends will be lonely on the road;

Then the poet further thinks that many people are suffering from loneliness;

At the end, the poet exhorted his friends to achieve their careers as soon as possible and contribute to the country and the people.

It is normal for a poem to contain both scene lines and emotional lines.

But the cleverness of this poem is that the scene line and the emotional line not only unfold at the same time, but each transition is very natural, which is very rare.

The middle two are particularly amazing: the poet completes the transition of the scene with the flowing water pair, and completes the transition of feelings with the technique of pushing himself and others.

It's amazing!

I personally think that this poem is worth pondering over and over again, and if you carefully taste the words and sentences, you will definitely have more gains!

Well, that's it for today's sharing.

Thank you for your patience in reading!

I am immersed in ancient poetry, interpreting the emotional context of ancient poetry for you, so that you can understand the emotional expression methods in ancient poetry.

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