
Zhang Wanyi's "The Age of Awakening" as Chen Yannian: The fragment of heroism and righteousness cannot be forgotten for a lifetime

author:Beijing News

"Chen Yannian, an alternate member of the Fifth Politburo of the Communist Party of China and a revolutionary martyr, was arrested in Shanghai in 1927, preferring to die rather than kneel, and was hacked to death by the Kuomintang reactionaries at the age of 29." This is the last paragraph written for Chen Yannian in "The Age of Awakening". Chen Yannian in the picture, his face and body are blood marks left by torture, but he always smiles, and his eyes are as firm and calm as starlight, flashing with faith and ideals.

This is also the last shot of actor Zhang Wanyi in "The Age of Awakening". As a young actor after the 90s, "The Age of Awakening" is not the first major historical revolution he played, but "The Age of Awakening" has made countless audiences remember his pure and resolute eyes. "Every character in this play is alive, not stereotypically interpreting the hero template in the hearts of the people, but a flesh-and-blood person." Zhang Wanyi said in an exclusive interview with a reporter from the Beijing News.

Zhang Wanyi's "The Age of Awakening" as Chen Yannian: The fragment of heroism and righteousness cannot be forgotten for a lifetime

Chen Yannian's last shot in the play is touching.

Understand people with stubbornness, kindness, and ambition

Born in 1994, Zhang Wanyi is a veritable "post-90s". When he received the role of Chen Yannian from the director, his first thought was "Who is Chen Yannian?" Zhang Wanyi did not hide his strangeness to the character. That history is indeed too distant and vague for most young people today.

In order to gain a deeper understanding of this heroic figure, Zhang Wanyi read "Standing calmly and righteously - Chen Yannian", and through consulting the materials on the Internet, re-studied the New Culture Movement, the May Fourth Movement and the "New Youth" magazine, and entered the background of the times and the historical stage in the play. In Zhang Wanyi's view, reading is the most direct way to learn and comprehend the fearless revolutionary spirit of martyrs. "I was really nervous at first, because people don't know Chen Yannian very well, including myself. But I need to do a good job, shape this role, and be well prepared. ”

Zhang Wanyi's "The Age of Awakening" as Chen Yannian: The fragment of heroism and righteousness cannot be forgotten for a lifetime

Zhang Wanyi has made great efforts to play Chen Yannian.

As a young actor, Zhang Wanyi believes that to create a real and great character in history, the first thing to do is to eat the script thoroughly. Only by reading the script and understanding the intentions of the screenwriter and director can you integrate your own understanding into the performance. Secondly, we must also try to communicate with the directors and actors as much as possible after shooting, and understand what Chen Yannian looks like in the eyes of others.

In Zhang Wanyi's understanding, the real Chen Yannian in history "has a deep temperament and does not smile", and finally combined with the needs of the plot, he integrates the characters in the play into three main character keywords: "stubborn", "kind" and "ambitious". "Stubbornness" is mainly manifested in the relationship between Chen Yannian and his father, from the initial incomprehension and complaint about his father's disregard for the family and the obsession with the revolution, to the admiration for his father afterwards and the realization of the unity of faith with his father, "He is actually like a child (in his heart). "Kindness" is the justice in Chen Yannian's heart and brought out of Chen Duxiu's righteous family style." "Ambition" is that era, such a group of people, have the "feeling of home and country", is also the most attractive place of this character.

Zhang Wanyi's "The Age of Awakening" as Chen Yannian: The fragment of heroism and righteousness cannot be forgotten for a lifetime

The relationship between Chen Yannian and his father Chen Duxiu is very touching.

Therefore, when performing, Zhang Wanyi will strictly pay attention to the development of historical time periods and the relationship between the characters in the plot at the moment, and accurately grasp the evolution of personality for detailed interpretation. "Only by deeply grasping the historical background and psychological state of the character at that time can we create a vivid historical figure, thereby enhancing the credibility of the character and the satisfaction of the audience."

The scene of righteousness was filmed for 5 hours, and it was unforgettable for a lifetime

In the play, zhang Wanyi's most impressive scene is a fragment of Chen Yannian's heroic righteousness. At the time of filming, Hengdian was a rainy day, And Zhang Wanyi needed to wear 1:1 handcuffs and shackles, wear single clothes and pants, and walk barefoot on the sand and gravel floor of the execution site, covered with oil-painted blood, and makeup alone took more than three hours. Zhang Wanyi said that this clip was filmed from noon to afternoon, and it was filmed for more than five hours. "I will never forget it for the rest of my life!" But see the final effect, it's worth it! ”

Zhang Wanyi's "The Age of Awakening" as Chen Yannian: The fragment of heroism and righteousness cannot be forgotten for a lifetime

Chen Yannian is righteous, and the play uses a very touching lens switch.

Historical truth is the artistic pursuit of "The Age of Awakening", which also affects the creation of every actor. For Zhang Wanyi, "The Age of Awakening" is a work with the atmosphere of life, but also a play with interest, and almost no scene can be completed by "standing and speaking lines". The director will ask each actor to "combine movement and static" and complete the performance in action, which is a challenging and advanced way for the actor, especially for young actors. Zhang Wanyi said that during filming, they will be exposed to many props that they have never touched in their happy lives now, to familiarize themselves with it, use it, and naturally complete the performance content specified by the director. "It's easy to say, but it's a bit difficult to practice."

However, the filming of the drama also allowed Zhang Wanyi to learn from his predecessors and exchange a lot of acting experience. For example, in the play, Chen Yannian has the most rival scenes with his father Chen Duxiu (played by Yu Hewei). The feelings of these two fathers and sons are more complicated, and the director told Zhang Wanyi that in dealing with this emotional logic, it is necessary to adhere to the principle of "big things are not vain, small things are not informal". For example, the change in the relationship between father and son is shown step by step through the plot - first, Chen Duxiu has just returned to China, eavesdropping on him in the kitchen about major national events, although he has a little identification, he still uses frogs to express his hatred for him; second, Chen Duxiu speaks at the opening declaration of "Youth Magazine", Chen Yannian applauds on the stage; third, Chen Yannian shouts "Dad", the real father and son reconcile, open their hearts to each other, and walk into each other's starting point. The scene where Chen Duxiu sends Chen Yannian to France is the last scene of father and son in the whole play. In Zhang Wanyi's view, this parting is helpless and moved by the historical background, and it is an emotional sublimation, "The Chen father and son have done too many things for this country and for this nation. ”

Zhang Wanyi's "The Age of Awakening" as Chen Yannian: The fragment of heroism and righteousness cannot be forgotten for a lifetime

The young people of that year did not fear sacrifice for the future of China.


Beijing News: As a young person, how do you think about that era of ideological awakening?

Zhang Wanyi: That era was full of ups and downs, and heroes were born. On the one hand, it is because we have been closed to the country for more than two hundred years, and we have been forced by the guns of the ship to open our eyes to the world. On the other hand, various ideological trends have also spread to China through various channels. People in that era had a sense of crisis, saving lives. Therefore, we need the guidance of ideas, and we also need to have practice to explore which kind of ideas can save China.

Beijing News: Imagine if you were born in that era, what would you want to do, or what kind of role would you play?

Zhang Wanyi: If I lived in that era, I would have become a soldier. Dignity is only within the reach of the sword, and truth is only within the range of the cannon.

Beijing News reporter Zhang He

Edited by Tong Na Proofreader Zhao Lin

Source: Beijing News

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