
The favorite casserole pot of eating men and women came, and when the lid was lifted, the whole house was fragrant, and the saliva could not stand it

author:A shake loves good food

In the cold winter months, the most popular among the masses, in addition to the steaming hot pot, is the fragrant casserole pot.

It's so pleasant to leave work from the cold and windy outdoors, back to the warm and melting home, and then to a steaming casserole of beef offal stewed radish.

As the saying goes, eat turnips in winter and eat ginger in summer, and it is what I introduce to you today.

The favorite casserole pot of eating men and women came, and when the lid was lifted, the whole house was fragrant, and the saliva could not stand it

Dishes:【Beef offal stewed radish】

Ingredients: 500 grams of beef offal, 1 green radish, 1 star anise, a small section of cinnamon, a slice of tangerine peel, a piece of fragrant leaves, a handful of white pepper granules, 6 dried peppers, a handful of spring onions, a coriander, a piece of ginger, a few cloves of garlic, cooking wine, oyster sauce, white sugar, rock sugar, southern milk, table salt, cooking oil.

The favorite casserole pot of eating men and women came, and when the lid was lifted, the whole house was fragrant, and the saliva could not stand it
The favorite casserole pot of eating men and women came, and when the lid was lifted, the whole house was fragrant, and the saliva could not stand it
The favorite casserole pot of eating men and women came, and when the lid was lifted, the whole house was fragrant, and the saliva could not stand it
The favorite casserole pot of eating men and women came, and when the lid was lifted, the whole house was fragrant, and the saliva could not stand it

Production process:

1. First change the beef offal into a knife and cut it into long strips about half an inch.

The favorite casserole pot of eating men and women came, and when the lid was lifted, the whole house was fragrant, and the saliva could not stand it

2. Wash with clean water, put cold water in the pot, pour a small amount of cooking wine and add a few slices of ginger.

The favorite casserole pot of eating men and women came, and when the lid was lifted, the whole house was fragrant, and the saliva could not stand it

3. Bring water to a boil, let it last for 2 minutes, skim off the foam, then put the offal out and wash it again.

The favorite casserole pot of eating men and women came, and when the lid was lifted, the whole house was fragrant, and the saliva could not stand it

4. At this time, wash the shallots, coriander and radish, cut out the white onion, cut part of the green onion, the remaining green onion leaves knotted, coriander cut out the root, and the rest of the part is chopped.

The favorite casserole pot of eating men and women came, and when the lid was lifted, the whole house was fragrant, and the saliva could not stand it

5. Cut the radish into small pieces without peeling and set aside with chopped green onions of coriander.

The favorite casserole pot of eating men and women came, and when the lid was lifted, the whole house was fragrant, and the saliva could not stand it

6. Heat the oil, put a little more oil, let's fry the sugar color first, add a spoonful and a half of white sugar to the oil pan, stir-fry slowly over low heat until small brown bubbles appear.

The favorite casserole pot of eating men and women came, and when the lid was lifted, the whole house was fragrant, and the saliva could not stand it

7. Immediately add the beef offal and stir-fry to color.

8. Stir-fry for 30 seconds, add garlic cloves, ginger slices, white onion, coriander root, a piece of southern milk, a spoonful of southern milk, continue to stir-fry, stir-fry the taste of the top of the ingredients, then add star anise, cinnamon, tangerine peel, fragrant leaves, dried chili pepper and stir-fry.

The favorite casserole pot of eating men and women came, and when the lid was lifted, the whole house was fragrant, and the saliva could not stand it

9. Stir-fry until fragrant, add water over the ingredients and bring to a boil over high heat. Transfer the ingredients to a casserole dish along with the water.

The favorite casserole pot of eating men and women came, and when the lid was lifted, the whole house was fragrant, and the saliva could not stand it

10. Bring the casserole to a boil over medium heat, start seasoning, add a spoonful of oyster sauce, two spoonfuls of light soy sauce, a spoonful of chicken powder, a small piece of rock sugar, reduce heat and simmer for 1.5 hours.

11. When the time comes, taste the soup, add the right amount of salt, add the radish and simmer for another 15 minutes.

12. When the time comes, turn off the heat and sprinkle with green onions and chopped coriander. A fragrant dish of beef offal stewed radish is ready.

The favorite casserole pot of eating men and women came, and when the lid was lifted, the whole house was fragrant, and the saliva could not stand it


1. Winter is the season when radishes are on the market, and the radishes are watery, cheap and nutritious.

2. When the casserole is just opened, use a low heat to prevent it from bursting.

3. Do not place hot casseroles directly on cold tiles or wet wooden boards to prevent them from exploding. Hot and cold will cause cracks in the casserole.

4. Blanch the beef offal in cold water.

5. To color the beef offal, you can use white sugar or rock sugar to fry the sugar color, or you can directly use the old soy sauce to color.

6. After turning into a casserole dish, add enough water at a time, preferably without the ingredients.

7. The radish should be cooked at the end to prevent the stew from being too bad and affecting the taste.

Beef offal stewed radish, have you learned, let's try it together.

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