
Two methods and advantages and disadvantages of manually simulating natural bees in the later stage of the bee colony

author:Mao tribe

In the late stage of the bee colony division stage, the bee colony appears in the royal platform, and the royal platform is covered, the idea of the bee colony is strong, and the method of artificial simulation of natural bee division conforms to the development law of the bee colony, which is easy to be accepted by the bee colony, and the stress on the bee colony is small, and the control of the bee colony separation process is used.

Two methods and advantages and disadvantages of manually simulating natural bees in the later stage of the bee colony

First, the principle and principle of artificial simulation of natural bee splitting

Before the bees naturally divide the bees, the number of bees in the swarm is large, the food is sufficient, the new bees continue to feather out of the house, the biological energy and the emotions of the bees continue to accumulate, the maturity of the wangtai and the surrounding environment is the condition that finally triggers the timing of the bees, when the bees are divided, most of the leisure bees (surplus labor) in the nest have nothing to do, pour out of the nest door to gather, and soon they will form a cluster nearby, in this process, the old queen bee follows the bee swarm to leave the old nest, and then flies to the new site under the leadership of the scouting bees, and does not return.

1. Artificial simulation of the principle of natural bee splitting method

When the bee colony has a strong idea of dividing bees, the bees in the bee colony are mainly leisure bees (leisure bee separation method) and the bee splitting emotions are released during the bee splitting impulse process (bee splitting emotion release method), and necessary measures are taken to implement artificial simulation of natural bee division methods to help the bee colony quickly complete the bee division.

2. Artificial simulation of the principle of natural bee splitting method

Near the honey flow period, you should choose a method that has no effect on the existing bee colony to relieve the bee fever, if there is still a period of time from the honey flow period, the bee colony still has time to recover, and the bees should be divided as soon as possible.

Two methods and advantages and disadvantages of manually simulating natural bees in the later stage of the bee colony

Second, the leisure bee separation method

First adjust enough free space for bees to clump in the swarm, imprison and hang the queen bee in the free space, after that, spray smoke on the bee colony, or spray irritating odors, cover the lid of the bee, and knock or shake the hive, forcing the bees to clumb away from the spleen in the free space where there is a queen bee, and then let the bee colony be quiet for 10 minutes, during which time, all the bees that can do anything can be done return to the nest spleen to continue to work, and most of the leisure bees are still clumping in the space near the queen bee. Finally, open the hive, transfer the lid, the large larval spleen into the new hive, form a new colony, place it on the original site, retain the high-quality wangtai or induce the new egg-laying king; the eggs, small larval spleens, old queen bees and clumps of leisure bees are in the original box, forming the original colony, inspecting and destroying the royal platform, moving to the new site, releasing the imprisoned queen bee, and adding the egg-laying spleen as appropriate.

The advantage of this method is that it is simple and quickly relieves the bee-splitting fever, and the disadvantage is that there are still a small number of return bees when the handling position is closer. Therefore, it is recommended to carry a longer distance or in the evening to prevent the return of bees or reduce the return of bees.

Two methods and advantages and disadvantages of manually simulating natural bees in the later stage of the bee colony

Third, the method of emotional release of the bee

1. Queen bee shearing method

First clean up the weeds within 1 meter before the hive, and then, combined with the maturity of the king platform in the nest, choose the appropriate migration day, cut the wings of the old queen in the early morning and put it back, then insert the group into the obvious blackened wang platform, generally induce the bees at noon on the same day, after the bee colony moves, put a new box at the original site, transfer the eggs and small larval spleens, catch the king into the box, form a new group of old kings, the original box is offset by 2 meters, and the nest door is closed. After finding that the queen bee did not keep up, the sub-bee swarm returned to the new group at the original site, and after the bee colony was quiet, it moved away from the new site, and the original swarm was put back to the original site, and the follow-up observation of the new king's departure and the end of the house.

2. Harvesting method

First imprison the old queen bee in the royal cage, and then hang the king cage in the bee cage not far in front of the nest door, and then lift a spleen bee from the original colony close to the queen bee, the worker bees will form a group around the queen bee, you can also hang the queen cage, the royal cage close to the bee colony, with the accompanying bees, the purpose is to let the bee colony quickly find the queen bee and cluster around the queen bee, and finally after the bee colony is quiet, the bee colony is shaken into a new box (placed eggs, larvae spleen), moved to the new site, the original colony retains the high-quality king of different ages or lure in the spawning of new kings.

Two methods and advantages and disadvantages of manually simulating natural bees in the later stage of the bee colony

3. Advantages and disadvantages of the two methods

The common advantage of the two methods of bee-splitting emotion release is that the position of the new swarm after the bee is randomly placed, there is basically no return bee, the bee swarm after the bee is splendored and collected actively, and the swarm recovers quickly.

The disadvantages of the queen bee shearing wing method are more obvious, and it is necessary to cut off the queen bee wings, which does not meet the needs of organic honey production, and the harvesting method is more cumbersome for novices. The two methods of bee-splitting emotional release are only suitable for a small number of bee breeding, not for large-scale bee breeding, and it is easy to trigger early division of bees in other bee colonies in the beekeeping season.

Conclusion: Artificial simulation of natural bee splitting is based on the characteristics of the bee colony in the natural bee division process, leisure bees participating in the emotional release of bees, and artificial measures are taken to interfere with the normal bee division order of the bee colony, which is used for breeding.

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