
How to take advantage of the natural split of bees

author:Shanghai Bee Breeding Research Base

If the natural bee division occurs within 10 days of the main honey harvesting period, the enthusiasm of the natural bee division can be used. After flying away in separate groups, remove the hives, put two empty hives in place, put a few lid spleens in the box, and empty the spleen or nest frame. The collected bee colonies are mixed into the hives, and the newly separated groups become production groups composed mainly of collecting bees. The original colony can leave a mature throne, or lure in a new queen bee, making it a new colony. Natural bees occur less than 50 days from the main honey harvesting period or earlier than the middle of 10 days, and the bee colonies are completely useless. In this case, the occurrence of natural bee division should be controlled by adding eggworm spleen, adding empty spleen, and replacing the queen bee.

How to take advantage of the natural split of bees
How to take advantage of the natural split of bees
How to take advantage of the natural split of bees

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