
The process of natural bee splitting

author:Shanghai Bee Breeding Research Base

The colony has a preparatory period before the natural separation of bees, and the situation that occurs within the hive during this stage is called bee-splitting fever. The specific performance is: the worker bee first builds the male hive, breeds a large number of male bees, and builds several royal bases at the edge of the nest spleen to force the queen bee to lay eggs in it. After the king is covered, the worker bees reduce or stop feeding the queen bee, and the queen bee spawns rapidly, and the queen completely stops laying eggs within a few days. The queen bee's abdomen gradually shrinks and loses weight so that it can fly away with the group. The sudden change in the amount of eggs laid by the queen bee has greatly reduced the feeding work, and there are more and more bees that have nothing to do, and many bees often gather in front of the nest door to form a "bee beard". The bee colony is in a state of bee fever.

When the new queen bee is about to feather 1 to 2 d after the wang tai is covered, about half of the bees flock to the old queen bee flies out of the hive, leaving the old nest for the new queen and the remaining bees. The bees that fly away with the separation of the colonies are mainly young and middle-aged bees with working, and most of the bees that remain in the original colony are young bees. The first swarm to fly away is the "first divergence swarm", and due to the heavy body of the accompanying old queen bee, it is initially unable to fly far. Therefore, it is generally gathered into a bee colony closer to and lower than the original hive, and the bee colony is often stable in situ for 2 to 3 h, at which time the beekeeper should seize this opportunity to harvest the bee colony. After the group arrives at the new nest, after entering the nest, the bees begin to gather wax to make spleens, come out of the nest to fly and collect powder honey, and the guard bees set up posts in front of the nest gate, and the feeding bees begin to actively feed the queen bee, the queen lays eggs in the newly built nest, and the new group life begins.

After the bee colony is formed, if the queen bee is not in it, the bees will be restless, and soon they will fly back to the original nest, or fly to the place where the queen bee lives, and then form a group.

The number of bees varies depending on the population and species, and the number of bees may be more than once. Soon after the first bee division, the first queen of the original colony was introduced, and crawled around the nest, destroying the other royal platforms, and the bee colony was ended. However, if the bee-sharing fever of the bee colony is still very strong, the worker bees will protect the royal platform and prevent the virgin queen from approaching, and at the same time force the queen to come out of the nest to divide the bees again. Because the queen is more active than the old queen, the second colony is often clustered at a far, higher place, and there are many male bees in the colony. After the 2nd bee division, the 2nd queen immediately destroyed the other thrones after the queen left the house. At this time, if the group is not strong, the worker bee guards the wangtai strictly, the wangtai is destroyed, and the bees are terminated. If the swarm is strong and the WangTai is not destroyed, there is a possibility that the 3rd split bee may occur.

The process of natural bee splitting
The process of natural bee splitting
The process of natural bee splitting

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