
At the end of the spring artificial beekeeping, beekeeping novices remember to blindly follow the trend, teacher Fu told you the timing of the artificial bee division principle, the requirements for the number of worker bees in the bee colony, and the impact on the original bee colony after the lid spleen was transferred

author:BeeBee Club

The end of spring, according to the reason is the beginning of the vigorous period of bee colony breeding and development, because the queen bee's spawning capacity changes with the seasons, beekeepers as the saying "spring hair" and "autumn harvest", in fact, refers to the queen bee's spawning ability, the spring queen bee spawning capacity gradually from hundreds of grains in early spring, to summer queen bee spawning can reach 1200 ~ 1500 grains per day and night, with the end of spring, the outside temperature gradually rises, the external flowering plants gradually increase, relatively no matter whether it is the queen's spawning capacity , as well as the source of honey and temperature in the outside world, are suitable for the peak season of bee colony breeding and development, but for the bee colony for artificial beekeeping, beekeepers must also master the principle of these 3 beekeeping, weak groups can not only breed and collect honey, but also actively build new nest spleens, so that artificial bees are meaningful.

At the end of the spring artificial beekeeping, beekeeping novices remember to blindly follow the trend, teacher Fu told you the timing of the artificial bee division principle, the requirements for the number of worker bees in the bee colony, and the impact on the original bee colony after the lid spleen was transferred

The purpose of artificial beekeeping is to expand the number of breeding bee colonies, beekeepers know that weak groups not only reproduce slowly, at the same time, weak groups of worker bees need to concentrate on feeding work, need to actively collect pollen to feed larvae and young bees, worker bees have less honey collection, the speed of consumption of honey storage is faster, artificial bee division of bees, if, the next honey flow period comes for a longer time, the number of worker bees in the bee colony can be about 5000, that is, 2 spleen ~ 3 spleen foot bees, if the next honey flow period time is shorter, In order to improve the honey collection of the bee colony, the method of equalization of bees can be used to divide a strong group into two, and the two bee colonies are fed and managed at the same time, and the spleen expansion of the nest expands the spawning space and honey storage space in the bee colony.

At the end of the spring artificial beekeeping, beekeeping novices remember to blindly follow the trend, teacher Fu told you the timing of the artificial bee division principle, the requirements for the number of worker bees in the bee colony, and the impact on the original bee colony after the lid spleen was transferred

Beekeepers to the swarm for artificial bee division needs the queen bee platform, a group of bees can also obtain the queen bee platform, and then carry out the operation skills of artificial bee division, first of all, the artificial bee division of the bee 14 days to 15 days in advance of the old queen bee colony into the cage of the king of the bee colony to foster to its group, and then, waiting for the bee colony to appear in the emergency king platform, select the "pagoda-like" high-quality emergency king platform for reservation, wait for the queen of the queen to cover the mature, after the king of the prisoner about 12 days to 13 days to clean up the inferior king platform, artificial bee division, At this time, the swarm is all caps spleen, caps spleen can be selected at will, which can calculate the number of new bees that are about to be feathered out of the house, and plan to expand the nest of the swarm.

After the bee colony is artificially divided, the new queen bee feathering out of the room mating time is 7 to 11 days, then the number of new bee feathering out of the room on the lid spleen gradually increases, and after the new queen bee has successful tailing, the new queen bee has a strong ability to lay eggs, then there are more empty nest rooms in the hive spleen in the hive, which can lay eggs for the new queen, and wait until the new queen begins to lay eggs for about 12 days, then the spleen will appear on the whole board of the spleen, and the spleen is very beautiful.

At the end of the spring artificial beekeeping, beekeeping novices remember to blindly follow the trend, teacher Fu told you the timing of the artificial bee division principle, the requirements for the number of worker bees in the bee colony, and the impact on the original bee colony after the lid spleen was transferred

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