
Black Rhinoceros: I'm not black, people are "white"...

Black Rhinoceros: I'm not black, people are "white"...

In the distant african lands

There's a bunch of "big guys" living

They are black rhinos and white rhinos

Do you think black rhinos are black?

Is a white rhinoceros white?

These facts may surprise you

Surely black rhinos are black?

To this question, the black rhino BenNiu has something to say: "I am not black! Who said I was black? Stand up! ”

Just like there is no fish in the shreds of fish and meat, there is no husband and wife in the lung slices of the husband and wife! Although the black rhinoceros has the surname "black", it is itself dark gray.

Black Rhinoceros: I'm not black, people are "white"...

Is the white rhinoceros white?

Since we are talking about black rhinos, we have to mention white rhinos.

The name of the white rhino comes from the Dutch word "weit", meaning "wide", this title is mainly used to describe their wide and flat lips, and was later mistakenly called "white" (white), so it is called "white rhinoceros", also known as "square-billed rhinoceros".

But in terms of body color, whether it is a black rhinoceros or a white rhinoceros, there is not much difference.

Black Rhinoceros: I'm not black, people are "white"...

What is the difference between black rhinos and white rhinos?

From the outside, white rhinos are a bit larger than black rhinos. In addition, the mouths of the two rhinos are also different

The mouth of the white rhino is wide and large, like a lawn mower. The mouth of the black rhino is pointed and narrow.

Black Rhinoceros: I'm not black, people are "white"...
Black Rhinoceros: I'm not black, people are "white"...

Despite being relatives, black rhinos and white rhinos are still different, they are not colorful black, nor are they colorful white, and the skin color number of others is "high-end business gray". Like to live in groups, gentle personality, such rhino "brothers", do you like?

Black Rhinoceros: I'm not black, people are "white"...

Migration is new

The "Great Migration of Wild Animals" is taking place! How much do you know about wildlife? "Central Video" Weibo, WeChat and other platforms launched a special plan of "Migration New Knowledge", which popularizes wildlife knowledge for small partners through the form of questions and answers every day, and the knowledge points are super "fresh"! Enough "novelty"!

New wisdom tomorrow

What is the "killer weapon" of the snake vulture?

If you happen to know the answer, you can click "Write Answer" above, interact with frequent online Oh ~ or go to the "Central Video" official Weibo, search for "Migration New Knowledge", say your answer below the question, and have a chance to get exquisite gifts! The mystery will be revealed tomorrow (September 7) at 12:00 noon on the official Weibo of "Central Video"

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Black Rhinoceros: I'm not black, people are "white"...
Black Rhinoceros: I'm not black, people are "white"...

▍Editor-in-chief: Jiang Leyu

▍Editor: Tao Tao, Li Chenyuan

Black Rhinoceros: I'm not black, people are "white"...
Black Rhinoceros: I'm not black, people are "white"...

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