
Legend has it that because of the endless fighting, fighting, and plundering of mankind, God destroyed everything with a flood, and only Noah's family escaped by hiding in the ark because they had received God's instructions in advance. road

author:Qingyun read it

Legend has it that because of the endless fighting, fighting, and plundering of mankind, God destroyed everything with a flood, and only Noah's family escaped by hiding in the ark because they had received God's instructions in advance. On the way, a unicorn uses its horn to remove the poison from the water and help Noah survive the disaster. Noah invites him to board the Ark with him, but the arrogant unicorn refuses, and eventually disappears into the great flood...

The legend of the unicorn has been passed down to this day, and it can often be seen in major civilizations, so what is the unicorn?

To discover the secrets of unicorns, start with the horns. In mammals, horns are a specialization of the skin, either from the epidermis or from the dermis. The legendary unicorn has the following notable features: a black horn is pierced between the brow bones, has a natural spiral, and the tip is very sharp.

The researchers found that, under natural conditions, mammals with true one horns, were only rhinos. There are five species of rhinos in the world, of which the Indian rhino and Javan rhino are true unicorns, while the black rhino, white rhino and Sumatran rhino have two horns arranged in front and back, but due to the smaller horns in the back row, it is also possible to be considered a unicorn. Therefore, many people believe that the legendary unicorn is the rhinoceros.

A narwhal that was wrongfully killed

Narwhals live in the cold waters of the Arctic, and Westerners once regarded them as unicorns, believing that their horns could be used to ward off all kinds of poisons, so they hunted them down. In fact, this is really a wrongful killing of narwhals, because the long "horn" on their heads is not actually a real horn, but a "tooth".

When the male whale is sexually mature, the tooth will grow forward in a counterclockwise direction like a spiral to the left, reaching a length of up to three meters, which looks very mysterious and strange, which also leads to their killing.

Other anthropologists and paleontologists believe that unicorns may have been linked to a giant prehistoric rhinoceros. This rhinoceros, called the plate-toothed rhinoceros, is huge in stature, with a horn up to two meters long on its forehead, and it was once widely distributed in Eurasia.

Although this rhinoceros is large, it has a gentle temperament, which is basically in line with the gentle temperament of various legendary unicorns. However, some traditional biologists believe that the plate-toothed rhinoceros was extinct ten thousand years ago and could not be a unicorn. But there are also some biologists who believe that the rhino may have survived until the birth of human civilization and gradually integrated into various civilizations. #请你讲一个民间传说的奇闻奇事 #

Legend has it that because of the endless fighting, fighting, and plundering of mankind, God destroyed everything with a flood, and only Noah's family escaped by hiding in the ark because they had received God's instructions in advance. road
Legend has it that because of the endless fighting, fighting, and plundering of mankind, God destroyed everything with a flood, and only Noah's family escaped by hiding in the ark because they had received God's instructions in advance. road
Legend has it that because of the endless fighting, fighting, and plundering of mankind, God destroyed everything with a flood, and only Noah's family escaped by hiding in the ark because they had received God's instructions in advance. road

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