
Prevention of natural bees

author:Shanghai Bee Breeding Research Base

There are many factors that cause bee splitting, beekeeping is the result of the comprehensive action of various factors, and different measures should be taken for various periods and external conditions in order to control bee division, thereby maintaining a large group and improving the productivity of the bee colony, which is an important measure in the production and management of beekeeping. The following measures are often used for prevention in beekeeping production:

7.1 Queen Bee Selection

Excellent bee species and young queen bees with strong adaptability, low bee division, strong population and strong collection ability are selected, and excellent varieties are used to artificially cultivate high-quality queen bees that can maintain more than 10 spleens. Replace the aging and weak queen bee in the strong group with a new queen with strong spawning power at any time.

7.2 Strengthen bee colony management

Focus on increasing the amount of eggs laid by the queen bee and increasing the work burden of the bees. After the bee colony enters the proliferation period, it is necessary to add a spleen in time, expand the hive with a high-quality nest spleen, alleviate the crowded situation of the bee colony, and expand the spawning area. When the colony develops to 10 frames of bees and 7 to 8 boxes of spleens, it is necessary to increase the succession box in time, give full play to the spawning power of the queen bee and the feeding power of the worker bees, do not make the juvenile feeding worker bees surplus, so that the queen bee's egg production power and the flock's feeding power can be stabilized for a period of time.

7.3 In the non-flowing honey period, the lid spleen in the strong group is exchanged for the egg and larval spleen in the weak group as appropriate, so as to increase the nest feeding burden of the strong group.

7.4 Spleen building

After the bee colony is strong, it has the ability to create a spleen, master the opportunity to eliminate the old spleen, add the nest base frame to create a new spleen, increase the workload of the worker bees, alleviate the mood of the bees, but also increase the space in the nest, expand the spawning circle.

7.5 Production of king pulp

When the bee colony is strong, it will produce a bee-sharing mood, the main reason is the excess feeding power, through the production of royal jelly, can consume the feeding power of the bee colony. At this stage, a honey source should be found in a continuous flowering site to continuously produce royal jelly, which can obtain benefits and effectively control bees.

7.6 Take honey at the right time

In the case of abundant auxiliary honey sources, bee colonies sometimes have the phenomenon of honey pressure circle. At this time, the honey should be taken in time so that the queen has room to lay eggs. If it is a large flow of honey, the honey is taken out immediately after maturity, which can eliminate the bee's bee-sharing mood.

7.7 Regular inspections to destroy the Royal Platform

In the beekeeping season, check the bee colony once every 7 days or so, cut off the natural king platform in time, cut off the covered male bees, and control the growth of male bees.

7.8 Change hive conditions in a timely manner

When the weather is hot, the nest door should be appropriately expanded, the ventilation and shade of the bee colony should be improved, and if necessary, the water around the hive should be sprinkled to cool down, and the water spleen should be added to the bee colony to increase the humidity of the hive in order to reduce the nest temperature.

7.9 Breeding of double kings

The new queen bee spawning tissue is used in the spring of that year to organize a double king group. A bee colony using two queen bees to lay eggs can not only increase the feeding burden on the bee colony, but also accelerate the breeding of strong honey collection groups and prevent bee fever. At the same time, it can increase the queen bee material, thick queen bee material, is an important factor in maintaining a strong swarm, the nest queen material is insufficient, it will promote the swarm to produce the idea of dividing bees.

7.10 Appropriate control of the population during the breeding period

The specific method is to complement each other, such as no weak group or relatively few weak groups, which can be appropriately artificially grouped. It can control the bees and increase the number of bees, killing two birds with one stone.

Prevention of natural bees
Prevention of natural bees
Prevention of natural bees

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