
Chen Yongquan, a veteran artist of the Baozi generation, once praised Li Jindou and ranked first in the country in "Wusong Fighting Tiger"

author:Tianjin Past
Chen Yongquan, a veteran artist of the Baozi generation, once praised Li Jindou and ranked first in the country in "Wusong Fighting Tiger"

Li Jindou Chen Yongquan

In June 1986, CCTV held some provincial and municipal TV cross-talk invitational competitions, after two rounds of six competitions, cross-talk "Wusong Fighting Tiger" became a big winner, the author Lian Chunming won the first prize for creation, Li Jindou won the first prize for comics, and Chen Yongquan won the first prize.

Li Jindou was born in 1947, born with a foreigner's face, a pair of large and evocative eyes, a big nose, as long as he stands in front of people, he will make people laugh, can be described as a cross-talk actor, is a genius type of cross-talk actor. Li Jindou is from the student class of the Beijing Qu Art Troupe, because he treats people sincerely and respects the teacher, he has received the true biography of the teacher of the student class, the famous cross-talk artist Wang Changyou and Tan Boru, and the basic skills are solid, and he is proficient in teaching and singing. After worshiping Zhao Zhenduo as a teacher, he grew even faster.

Li Jindou's cross-talk is like a series of wonderful cartoons, in "Wusong Fighting Tiger", Wu Song is a Peking Opera Wusheng, the bartender is a sanhua face, the county official is a small flower face, Li Jindou constantly changes roles, sings while acting, and the body scheduling wenwu scenes are readily available, and the whole paragraph is like a big drama, leaving an unforgettable impression.

Chen Yongquan, a veteran artist of the Baozi generation, once praised Li Jindou and ranked first in the country in "Wusong Fighting Tiger"
Chen Yongquan, a veteran artist of the Baozi generation, once praised Li Jindou and ranked first in the country in "Wusong Fighting Tiger"

He is serious and serious in art, and his dealings with the world are even more ancient and warm,He respects the old and loves the young, and has a face. People in the circle all call him "Douzi", "Dou Brother" and "Dou Ye", who has a big affair and a small affair, as long as Jin Dou knows, he must help him. Cross-talk, sketches, and opera performers from other provinces and cities who came to Beijing, Jin Dou met the friendship of the landlord. Friends party, you don't let him pay money, he will be anxious with you.

Programs such as Hou Baolin's "Nocturnal Journey" have always been a model for Li Jindou to emulate. Master Hou Baolin also liked Li Jindou very much, and he once said to Li Jindou: "Xiangsheng will not die, and after 50 years, Xiangsheng will definitely have vitality." As long as there are ten words such as occasion, audience, paragraph, sound, and emotion, cross-talk cannot be wrong! This sentence Li Jindou has always remembered in his heart.

In 1980, Li Jindou began to partner with Chen Yongquan. Chen Yongquan was born in 1932, after the famous family, the authentic cross-talk family, the father Chen Zizhen, in Beijing can be regarded as a famous person in the cross-talk industry, the grandfather Zhong Ziliang's knowledge is admirable, the famous cross-talk duan "Eight Major Changes" and "Selling Five Instruments" are all from his hands.

Chen Yongquan, a veteran artist of the Baozi generation, once praised Li Jindou and ranked first in the country in "Wusong Fighting Tiger"
Chen Yongquan, a veteran artist of the Baozi generation, once praised Li Jindou and ranked first in the country in "Wusong Fighting Tiger"

When Chen Yongquan was in elementary school, he could perform cross-talk passages such as "Bell Score" and "Anyway", but his family did not let him say cross-talk, "in the line of suspicion" is the ancient common sense, it is difficult to eat when opening a meal, and the artists who said cross-talk at that time could not talk about social status. However, Chen Yongquan used his kung fu to read and read middle school in a serious way.

But Chen Yongquan still likes cross-talk, and finally became a cross-talk actor in the 50s, with Tan Boru as his teacher. Tan Boru is the Shou character generation, and Chen Yongquan is the treasure character generation. At that time, almost no cross-talk actors had ever gone to school, and Chen Yongquan's cultural level was relatively high, and he had the honor to participate in the "Beijing Cross-Talk Improvement Group", with his love for cross-talk, with the vitality of youth, and together with the famous cross-talk artists, he proposed and advised the new birth of the old cross-talk. The xiangsheng improvement group gathered Hou Baolin, Sun Yukui, Luo Rongshou and other famous artists, and everyone discussed the abandonment of the old and the new of the cross-talk, to rough and refined, chen Yongquan benefited a lot.

Chen Yongquan, a veteran artist of the Baozi generation, once praised Li Jindou and ranked first in the country in "Wusong Fighting Tiger"

Chen Yongquan also learned stand-up comedy from Zhao Qiru, Tang Jincheng and other predecessors, and performed "Three Dangers in the Day" and "White Character Society" on stage. His traditional cross-talk skills are indeed profound, and he knows, knows, and can play a lot. Until he partnered with Li Jindou and won the national award, more viewers knew Chen Yongquan, and there was a trend of old and popular.

After "Wu Song Fights the Tiger", Li Jindou and Chen Yongquan hit the iron while it was hot and launched a new work "Mouse Secret Language". When the two imitated the mouse, they hung their hands on their chests, made the face of the mouse's mysterious shape, and shook their heads and shoulders, showing the mouse's appearance extremely vividly. Funny expressions, humorous tones, every performance can get warm applause, especially the line "annoyed, ignore me" a line, representing the mentality of many people, has won great resonance. It can be said that the pair of Li Jindou and Chen Yongquan represents the highest level of Beijing cross-talk actors in the 1980s and 1990s. (Text: He Yuxin)

Chen Yongquan, a veteran artist of the Baozi generation, once praised Li Jindou and ranked first in the country in "Wusong Fighting Tiger"
Chen Yongquan, a veteran artist of the Baozi generation, once praised Li Jindou and ranked first in the country in "Wusong Fighting Tiger"
Chen Yongquan, a veteran artist of the Baozi generation, once praised Li Jindou and ranked first in the country in "Wusong Fighting Tiger"

Hou Yaohua Chen Yongquan

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