
In 2000, Zhao Lirong died, after two widows and daughters died, how did she live to become a comedy queen?

author:Jellyfish entertainment
In 2000, Zhao Lirong died, after two widows and daughters died, how did she live to become a comedy queen?

On July 17, 2000, Zhao Lirong died of lung cancer at the age of 72.

On the day of the funeral, the road to Babao Mountain was not clear,

Most of the stars of the entertainment industry and tens of thousands of people came to see them off, and the scene was very rare;

The crowd held Zhao Lirong's posthumous photos in their hands to commemorate this artist, and everyone was sad in their hearts.

In 2000, Zhao Lirong died, after two widows and daughters died, how did she live to become a comedy queen?

Although it is the summer heat, everyone's mourning has not diminished in the slightest,

The first audience to enter the Babao Mountain was washed like water,

The staff repeatedly persuaded them not to stop and leave, and the scene was very sensational.

This is probably the power of the People's Artists!

In 2000, Zhao Lirong died, after two widows and daughters died, how did she live to become a comedy queen?

In fact, as early as Zhao Lirong's last rehearsal at the Spring Festival Gala,

Gong Hanlin found that Zhao Lirong had the phenomenon of coughing up blood,

The family took her to the hospital for examination and was diagnosed with advanced cancer!

Her family knows that Zhao Lirong will still insist on performing on stage no matter what.

In 2000, Zhao Lirong died, after two widows and daughters died, how did she live to become a comedy queen?

In order not to leave her with regrets,

Be able to complete the performance with peace of mind,

He decided not to tell her the news for the time being.

In 2000, Zhao Lirong died, after two widows and daughters died, how did she live to become a comedy queen?

Unbeknownst to her knowledge, Zhao Lirong happily learned the theme song of "Titanic" to correct her pronunciation every day on the tape,

Only then did it have the last singing left on the stage.

Before going on the stage, in the backstage, Zhao Lirong's body was actually unable to support her to complete the performance.

Continuous taking of large doses of painkillers did not help, and the actor next to him contacted his family to ask the doctor to inject pain relief injections.

In 2000, Zhao Lirong died, after two widows and daughters died, how did she live to become a comedy queen?

The three sons watched Zhao Lirong perform optimistically on the stage,

I knew in my heart that my mother's body was powerless to return to heaven, and my heart ached.

Can't help but hug the headache and cry!

In 2000, Zhao Lirong died, after two widows and daughters died, how did she live to become a comedy queen?

After the Spring Festival, Zhao Lirong's physical condition plummeted, not as good as before, even if she did not say that she knew that her time was short.

The physical torture was unbearable, so that she once wanted to euthanize herself but did not want her family,

Strong against cancer to complete chemotherapy, her weight from the original 140 pounds to more than 70 pounds,

Or every day I happily play chess with the babysitter and the nurses nag.....

In 2000, Zhao Lirong died, after two widows and daughters died, how did she live to become a comedy queen?

She said that her biggest regret in life was that she did not spend time with her mother.

Failed to make the mother live a good life,

Tell your family that their funerals don't need to be too grand,

It's all from Jane.

In 2000, Zhao Lirong died, after two widows and daughters died, how did she live to become a comedy queen?

Zhao Lirong liked white the most, and her family erected a white tombstone for her.

Gong Hanlin once said in the program:

Some people are respectable and fearful, and some people are respectable and amiable,

And Teacher Zhao Lirong obviously belongs to the latter and is a real people's artist.

In 2000, Zhao Lirong died, after two widows and daughters died, how did she live to become a comedy queen?

How did she get out of it step by step when she started learning opera as a child?

With little literacy, she became the queen of sketches?

How much did she love the stage and let her insist on finishing the performance despite her physical pain?

In 2000, Zhao Lirong died, after two widows and daughters died, how did she live to become a comedy queen?

Probably from the time she was still in her infancy, she was destined to embark on the path of acting.

Her father was a makeup artist in the theater, and often made up the famous horned hibiscus flowers in the three eastern provinces at that time;

Hibiscus is very fond of her, and her name is Hibiscus.

In 2000, Zhao Lirong died, after two widows and daughters died, how did she live to become a comedy queen?

By chance, she was carried onto the stage when she was less than a year old.

She thought she would be frightened, unexpectedly did not cry or make trouble, and reached out to smile at the audience!

When she was old enough to go to school, she was sent to the drama team to study opera.

To the relationship of hibiscus flowers she got many opportunities to perform on stage.

In 2000, Zhao Lirong died, after two widows and daughters died, how did she live to become a comedy queen?

At the age of seventeen, he became the protagonist, and then entered the Chinese Theater.

She has taken her to a new level, and her career has been smooth sailing.

However, her life has not been as smooth as her career, and she has suffered many changes.

In order to make a living, she transformed into acting, starring in TV series and movies.

In 2000, Zhao Lirong died, after two widows and daughters died, how did she live to become a comedy queen?

In those poor and turbulent times, the family did not have the conditions to let her receive an education,

So she's not actually literate;

When starring in "Journey to the West", Zhao Yuxiu taught her word by word,

It took a slow time to memorize all the lines and finish the performance with difficulty.

In 2000, Zhao Lirong died, after two widows and daughters died, how did she live to become a comedy queen?

He was named to star in the Spring Festival sketch "A Day of a Heroic Mother" and became a household name and became a resident actor of the Spring Festival Gala.

Many people only see the infinite scenery when she became famous, but they don't know the hardships behind her;

In 2000, Zhao Lirong died, after two widows and daughters died, how did she live to become a comedy queen?

She practiced martial arts as a young woman with a small bone in her knee, and the surgery took three months to repair.

Zhao Lirong gave up the operation worried about the impact of the Spring Festival Gala, and the bones of her knees had grown out before the Spring Festival Gala.

In order to present a perfect performance to the audience, she endured the pain and still smiled at the audience to continue to complete the performance.

After the performance, he was rushed to the hospital.

In 2000, Zhao Lirong died, after two widows and daughters died, how did she live to become a comedy queen?

A similar situation more than once, once after the rehearsal sketch Zhao Lirong in rehearsal,

Because the kneecap fracture has been red and swollen, she still refused the doctor's advice and did not want to be hospitalized for observation.

In this performance, she not only dances, but also uses the table as a kang to jump up and down;

In 2000, Zhao Lirong died, after two widows and daughters died, how did she live to become a comedy queen?

Although there is Gong Hanlin's partner, Gong Hanlin plays a heavy role,

When she put into the performance, I couldn't take care of her at all,

Need a role with less drama to take care of her,

Reluctantly, he found Gong Hanlin's wife Jinzhu to make a cameo.

In 2000, Zhao Lirong died, after two widows and daughters died, how did she live to become a comedy queen?

But the most brilliant thing about this skit is at the end,

At that time, there was also a small oolong:

Since several rehearsals before the Spring Festival Gala did not achieve the expected effect, in order to make the stage effect more realistic,

The director temporarily decided to let Zhao Lirong personally write calligraphy with a pen,

The director said this Zhao Lirong naturally promised!

In 2000, Zhao Lirong died, after two widows and daughters died, how did she live to become a comedy queen?

Zhao Lirong, who is 68 years old, sits at her desk every day when she comes home

Desperately copying and practicing these words,

Every day when I go to sleep, I still think about practicing words, and I write seventy or eighty pounds in the newspaper alone.

In 2000, Zhao Lirong died, after two widows and daughters died, how did she live to become a comedy queen?

Finally, I wrote down a few big words on the stage,

As a result, many people thought that she was quite accomplished in calligraphy, and they came to ask her for inscriptions, which made her cry and laugh.

A few words written in just two months have not lost to the calligrapher, and the emphasis on the stage can be seen,

Worthy of the title of Queen of Sketches in the minds of the audience!

In 2000, Zhao Lirong died, after two widows and daughters died, how did she live to become a comedy queen?

If her husband and children die one after another, can she withstand the blows of fate?

How should she be treated by the name of Kef?

Regardless of the instructions of others to marry the little uncle, can you keep the clouds open and see the moon?

Only people who have lived in misery can create and act well in comedy, but her whole life seems to be sad.

In 2000, Zhao Lirong died, after two widows and daughters died, how did she live to become a comedy queen?

At the age of 25, he met shengqiang, who was born in the commentary theater, and was knowledgeable.

Zhao Lirong, who had never been to school, was deeply attracted to him.

As soon as she had the opportunity, Sheng Qiang taught her to read and read, and the two quickly came together.

In 2000, Zhao Lirong died, after two widows and daughters died, how did she live to become a comedy queen?

The disparity in family status will inevitably become an obstacle between them, and the door is not right,

This relationship is naturally not favored;

But soon they entered the palace of marriage, and after marriage, they also spent a sweet and beautiful life.

Soon after the marriage, Zhao Lirong gave birth to her eldest son, and later became pregnant with a second child.

In 2000, Zhao Lirong died, after two widows and daughters died, how did she live to become a comedy queen?

Her tragedy probably began at this time.

Shengqiang was sent to Tianjin Chadian Farm for renovation and never came back, and did not even see the second child.

Zhao Lirong raised the child alone and waited for her husband to return, but did not want to wait for the news of her husband's death;

But life has to go on, she can only act while taking care of the children,

No matter how hard life is, no one can tell.

In 2000, Zhao Lirong died, after two widows and daughters died, how did she live to become a comedy queen?

At that time, a family always had to have a man.

Under the persuasion of the people around her, she married her little brother-in-law Sheng Hong, and she endured a lot of gossip.

I also had to give up my career to take care of my family.

In 2000, Zhao Lirong died, after two widows and daughters died, how did she live to become a comedy queen?

After giving birth to her third child, Sheng Qian, she longed to have a daughter, and she finally got her wish.

Named her daughter Sheng Jiahuan, but it wasn't long before bad news came again,

The little daughter with congenital cerebral palsy can't live long!

Zhao Lirong is unwilling to give up going around seeking medical treatment for her daughter, or even did not get better.....

In 2000, Zhao Lirong died, after two widows and daughters died, how did she live to become a comedy queen?

Faced with one blow after another, none of them could knock her down, as long as the family was together was enough for her.

But fate seems to be unable to see that Zhao Lirong is a little better, she has never been able to keep her daughter, and the white-haired people send the black-haired people.

A few years later, her second husband also died of a heart attack.

The village was also full of gossip about her, and instead of sympathizing, he cursed her Kefu!

She didn't even have a hard time, and the family still had three children and a debt to see her daughter.

In 2000, Zhao Lirong died, after two widows and daughters died, how did she live to become a comedy queen?

How happy she is on the stage, how sad she is in life,

Even after becoming famous, there were no waves in her heart.

The pain of life has long paralyzed her,

Perhaps only on stage can she briefly forget the sufferings of life.

In 2000, Zhao Lirong died, after two widows and daughters died, how did she live to become a comedy queen?

A life of ups and downs, life's setbacks not only did not make her give up the hope of life but made him stronger,

How many people in life can do this?

Her later achievements are all due to her strength and hard work,

Her indomitable optimism and positive spirit are worth learning!

In 2000, Zhao Lirong died, after two widows and daughters died, how did she live to become a comedy queen?

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