
Teacher Zhao Lirong's "Part-time Job Adventure" is still a classic to this day

author:Ancient and modern times
Teacher Zhao Lirong's "Part-time Job Adventure" is still a classic to this day

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On that cold winter night in 2000, at the moment when she learned that her life was coming to an end, Ms. Zhao Lirong, who was over 70 years old, still insisted on preparing new works for herself until the last flame of her life fell.

Her body is getting weaker and weaker, but her passion and dedication to art have never been extinguished, looking back on that wonderful life, it is a legendary story full of twists and turns.

Zhao Lirong grew up in the opera troupe with her parents since she was a child, and her love for the art of opera seems to have been born with her. Under the careful cultivation of her parents, at the age of 12, she began to learn art and receive professional art education.

At the age of 15, she was already promoted to the leading role of the Ping Theatre, radiating a brilliant light on the stage.

Teacher Zhao Lirong's "Part-time Job Adventure" is still a classic to this day

Later, Zhao Lirong met the first love of her life - Sheng Qiang. Because the two have similar professional backgrounds and share common interests, they quickly fall in love. Although Zhao Lirong's parents did not approve of this relationship, they could not stop their daughter's firm determination in the end, so in 1953, they entered a happy marriage.

However, after only two short years of married life, Zhao Lirong suffered the first major blow in her life. At that time, she was pregnant, but she was suddenly falsely accused and forcibly sent to a labor camp.

At that time, although her husband Sheng Qiang had comforted Zhao Lirong and promised that when he returned, the two children would grow up strongly.

However, what is unexpected is that Sheng Qiang's departure has become an eternal farewell, and he has never returned home. Leaving Zhao Lirong alone, silently bearing the endless longing for Sheng Qiang, she walked forward with her two young children.

Teacher Zhao Lirong's "Part-time Job Adventure" is still a classic to this day

It was during those arduous years that Sheng Qiang's younger brother Sheng Hong gradually entered Zhao Lirong's life. He was deeply concerned about the hardships of his sister-in-law raising his two young sons, so he often took the time to go home and help take care of the children.

Every day and night, his concern and admiration for Zhao Lirong gradually transformed from the initial worry and panic into deep feelings, and actively expressed his heart to her, and tried his best to pursue that beautiful and wise woman.

Under the good intentions and loving teachings of her relatives, Zhao Lirong finally let down her inner guard and opened her heart to accept Sheng Hong.

Infiltrated by sincere and deep love, Sheng Hong treats Zhao Lirong and her two lively and lovely children as if they were his own flesh and blood, and their family life is full of laughter and warm harmony.

Teacher Zhao Lirong's "Part-time Job Adventure" is still a classic to this day

Soon after, Zhao Lirong ushered in the birth of two new lives, adding more joy and hope to this happy family.

However, fate always likes to play tricks on people. Just when Zhao Lirong thought that her life was finally on track and everything was stable and peaceful, a heavy blow struck again - her daughter was diagnosed with a congenital disability after birth, and doctors asserted that she would not be able to make it past her third birthday.

Faced with such a cruel reality, Zhao Lirong did not choose to retreat or give up, but resolutely put down the work in her hand for the time being, and devoted herself to the heavy responsibility of taking care of her daughter.

Although her daughter finally left her forever at the age of seven, Zhao Lirong always adhered to that unwavering belief - "as long as there is love, life will not end".

Teacher Zhao Lirong's "Part-time Job Adventure" is still a classic to this day

Zhao Lirong's love and dedication to art have reached the extreme, and this enthusiasm and yearning for the stage has always burned in her heart, even in the most difficult moments.

Growing up with her parents in the troupe since she was a child, Zhao Lirong has formed a deep friendship with art. At the age of 12, under the careful planning and arrangement of her parents, she officially apprenticed to a teacher and received systematic and professional stage art training.

In just three years, at the age of 15, she was given the opportunity to play a leading role in the theater, successfully standing on her own stage, and bringing wonderful performances to a wide audience.

Whenever Zhao Lirong walked on stage to perform, the audience was almost full. Her beautiful singing voice, superb acting skills, and deep understanding and interpretation of the role won warm applause and cheers from the audience.

Teacher Zhao Lirong's "Part-time Job Adventure" is still a classic to this day

Since then, she has stepped into the film and television industry, playing important roles in many TV series, showing a broad range of drama and outstanding talent.

With the rapid development of science and technology, televisions have gradually entered thousands of households. The discerning Zhao Lirong realized that audiences loved TV shows far more than watching performances directly in the theater.

It is precisely because of this that Ms. Zhao Lirong has boldly changed the direction of her career and shifted her focus to the field of sketch art and TV drama creation.

Teacher Zhao Lirong's first sketch masterpiece "A Day of a Heroic Mother" has received rave reviews since it came out. The image of an elderly woman who is both humorous and cute in this play is deeply imprinted in the hearts of the audience and leaves a deep impression on everyone.

Teacher Zhao Lirong's "Part-time Job Adventure" is still a classic to this day

Since then, Ms. Zhao Lirong has become a resident guest of the Spring Festival Gala, and can bring new sketches to the audience every year to spend a happy holiday time together.

Among them, the most popular among the audience is undoubtedly the sketch "Part-time Job Adventure" that she collaborated with her partner Gong Hanlin in 1996. The tacit cooperation between the two actors at the party complemented each other, and the wonderful performances won the warm applause of the audience.

In particular, it is worth mentioning the classic line of "palace jade liquor, one hundred and eighty glasses", which is novel and unique, and makes people laugh, which has been widely known since then and has become a common phrase in people's mouths.

However, behind the glamorous scenery on the stage, there is a hidden sweat of Teacher Zhao Lirong's hard work. At the Spring Festival Gala in 1995, when performing the sketch "So Packaged", Teacher Zhao Lirong accidentally fell at the end and sat on the ground in embarrassment.

Teacher Zhao Lirong's "Part-time Job Adventure" is still a classic to this day

Surprisingly, Mr. Zhao did not show the slightest abnormality, but gritted his teeth and persevered until the successful end of the performance. It wasn't until after stepping down that the rest of the staff were shocked to find that Mr. Zhao's knees were full of sores and bleeding.

However, this resolute and unyielding veteran actor did not reveal half a word at the time, as if it was just a trivial matter in daily life.

At the Spring Festival Gala in 1996, teacher Zhao Lirong and her partner Gong Hanlin joined hands again and presented the comedy sketch "Part-time Job Adventure". In this work, there is such a witty line: "Palace jade liquor, one hundred and eighty glasses".

That night, this playful and witty line detonated the laughter of the audience under the wonderful interpretation of Zhao Lirong and Gong Hanlin. Subsequently, this humorous joke quickly spread across the country and became a well-known mantra that everyone knew and everyone knew.

Teacher Zhao Lirong's "Part-time Job Adventure" is still a classic to this day

Who would have predicted that such an ordinary and seemingly inconsequential joke would become a key clue to identify foreign enemy elements many years later! A spy who has been hiding in our territory for a long time was successfully discovered by the mainland's keen investigators because he was questioned and interrogated by vague words and did not answer this well-known line, thereby revealing his true identity.

As the saying goes, "art comes from life", this classic drama by teacher Zhao Lirong not only brings endless laughter to the audience, but also becomes an important clue in the process of safeguarding national security in the mainland! What is surprising is that this spy has been exposed because of the lack of such a deep cultural heritage, and we have exposed their hypocrisy.

Just in 2020, a local public security organ in Fujian received an emergency call from an enthusiastic citizen, who, according to the information provided by the citizen, had information on the whereabouts of a suspicious foreigner.

Considering the great value of this clue, the police paid great attention to it and quickly assembled an elite team to conduct a comprehensive and in-depth investigation.

Teacher Zhao Lirong's "Part-time Job Adventure" is still a classic to this day

After a rigorous follow-up investigation, the authenticity of this report was finally confirmed - the reported person is an international spy who has been lurking in the mainland for a long time! What is shocking is that the spy frequently posted some highly controversial remarks on social platforms, making covert attacks on the mainland, trying to influence the public through public opinion.

At first, people did not pay much attention to this netizen who called himself a "native of northern China", and only regarded him as a conservative and self-contained old man, who may not be understood by others in real life, so he chose to vent his emotions in the online world.

However, as the time entered August, the words and deeds of this netizen began to arouse the vigilance of the majority of netizens. He not only used the controversial title of "northerner" in his self-introduction, but also mixed some content with regional discrimination and sowing discord between the North and the South in his remarks, which was obviously a deliberate attempt to create contradictions and divisions.

As sensible and rational online participants, we quickly observed that the "Big Brother of the Northeast" was acting in a slightly unusual way, and suspected that he was deliberately stirring up disputes with some sinister motives.

Teacher Zhao Lirong's "Part-time Job Adventure" is still a classic to this day

At this moment, a keen netizen instantly came up with the iconic line that was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people - "Palace jade liquor, one hundred and eighty glasses", which originated from the witty sketch "Part-time Job Adventure" starring Zhao Lirong at the Spring Festival Gala in 1996.

It is unbelievable that this online participant, who deliberately claims to be from northern China, is quite flickering and even a little embarrassed when faced with this well-known classic line, and finally uses the excuse of "getting older" to perfunctory.

Another similar incident occurred during an ordinary KTV party. At that time, a newcomer to the company who had just joined the company sang familiar classic songs such as the legend of the phoenix in unison, but sat alone in the corner and was silent, never making any sound.

At first, everyone thought that he might have kept a low profile because he was modest or shy. However, when the new employee asked for the microphone, he repeatedly stressed that he was "unfamiliar with the songs and could not do anything about them", which undoubtedly made everyone present wonder.

Teacher Zhao Lirong's "Part-time Job Adventure" is still a classic to this day

Although the plots of the two events are slightly different, they both reveal the unfamiliarity and avoidance of the spies' well-known national cultural works, thus revealing their true identities.

It is these popular classic lines and tracks that have become the key clues to debunk their lies.

In addition, the people of the mainland have on many occasions relied on their profound understanding of national culture to successfully find out some foreign spies disguised as Chinese.

Once, in a small town in Fujian, a young woman suddenly walked into the local police station on the grounds that she had reported that her boyfriend could not sing the national anthem in its entirety. For our Chinese sons and daughters, the melody of the national anthem is as deep as an imprint in our bones, and no one can sing it skillfully, regardless of age.

Teacher Zhao Lirong's "Part-time Job Adventure" is still a classic to this day

However, as a Chinese citizen, it is incredible that this man could not even sing the national anthem in its entirety.

Thanks to the hard work of the public security organs, the truth of the case finally surfaced - the alleged male suspect turned out to be a foreign agent disguised as a Chinese citizen in order to cover people's eyes! As a passionate young man loyal to the country, the whistleblower was not fooled by her boyfriend's seemingly innocent Chinese face.

In addition, there is a thought-provoking case that comes from the annual gala held by an ordinary company. While all the employees sang in unison and performed those popular Phoenix legendary golden songs, a new employee hid alone in the corner, closed his lips tightly, and remained silent.

At first, everyone thought that he chose to keep a low profile just because he was modest or shy. However, when the newcomer took the initiative to ask for the use of the microphone, but repeatedly emphasized that he "knew nothing" about these classic music, everyone in the audience couldn't help but be shocked and full of doubts.

Teacher Zhao Lirong's "Part-time Job Adventure" is still a classic to this day

After further in-depth investigation, the public security organs finally confirmed that this "new employee" who could not sing the legendary song of the phoenix was actually a foreign spy who had infiltrated the mainland and attempted to carry out intelligence activities under the cover of his identity as a Chinese!

From the above two cases, it is not difficult for us to find that although the Chinese nation has a unique cultural tradition, the broad masses of the people have an extremely profound cultural heritage for the national anthem, military songs, and well-known quyi sketches and popular music.

On the other hand, those spies who pretend to be Chinese, because they lack understanding of this profound cultural heritage, often reveal their flaws in some seemingly mundane occasions, so that their carefully planned camouflage can be seen through by us at a glance.

This huge difference in cultural heritage has undoubtedly become a sharp weapon for us to distinguish between real and fake Chinese and expose espionage acts.

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