
How much salt should be put in 10 pounds of Sichuan bacon? The 30-year ratio recipe tells you how to marinate Sichuan bacon The culture and flavor of Sichuan bacon are delicious enough to burst

author:Swing Chengdu

< h1 class="pgc-p" > introduction</h1>

People take food as the sky, and food is always a hot topic that cannot be avoided in life. China's gastronomic culture has a long history and a wide variety of genres, which can be described as a science worthy of careful study and taste. There is a kind of cuisine called bacon abroad, which is made of salted pork, chicken, ham, etc., and in China, there is also a similar and unique cuisine, that is, bacon.

How much salt should be put in 10 pounds of Sichuan bacon? The 30-year ratio recipe tells you how to marinate Sichuan bacon The culture and flavor of Sichuan bacon are delicious enough to burst

Wax flavor can be said to be Chinese unique creation, and it was necessary to extend the shelf life and safety of marinated pork before the advent of modern affordable artificial refrigeration. However, the flavor of the meat given through various curing processes is so excellent that it has become a completely new dish that has taken advantage of people's tables and becomes very popular.

How much salt should be put in 10 pounds of Sichuan bacon? The 30-year ratio recipe tells you how to marinate Sichuan bacon The culture and flavor of Sichuan bacon are delicious enough to burst

In Sichuan, bacon is a specialty. Sichuan cuisine's pursuit of taste is very meticulous, and the story of bacon is staged in every cold winter wax month near the end of the year. Want to know how Sichuan bacon should be marinated to be delicious? How much salt should be put in marinating 10 pounds of Sichuan bacon? The proportion of salt is the focus, here is to teach everyone to pass on the recipe for 30 years, use this method to marinate bacon, delicious and not moldy.

<h1 class="pgc-p" > how Sichuan bacon is marinated </h1>

The preparation before curing the bacon is to select the meat. Too greasy taste is not good, too thin and will fry meat, the best raw material is of course fat and lean pork belly. Pork belly is rich in nutrients, contains a large number of high-quality protein and fatty acids, and can play a role in tonifying the kidneys and nourishing the blood. As for how much meat to prepare, this can be decided according to the population and preferences of the family. Some people will pickle a lot of hoards at one time and eat it directly until the New Year; some people will also pickle while eating and trying more different flavors.

How much salt should be put in 10 pounds of Sichuan bacon? The 30-year ratio recipe tells you how to marinate Sichuan bacon The culture and flavor of Sichuan bacon are delicious enough to burst

Whether the bacon tastes good or not, the key lies in the lack of skill in the marinating process. In particular, how much salt is put in, if the proportion of salt is not correct, then the marinated pork may have a fishy smell. Here we will use the example of marinating 10 pounds of pork belly.

Buy 10 pounds of fat and lean suitable pork belly, take it home first do not clean at the first time, because the surface of the pig hair and dirty things can not be washed off with water, we can use a knife to scrape the surface of each piece of meat skin, the taste is reflected in several small details. Then a small hole is inserted on one side of the pork, which is more convenient when drying.

How much salt should be put in 10 pounds of Sichuan bacon? The 30-year ratio recipe tells you how to marinate Sichuan bacon The culture and flavor of Sichuan bacon are delicious enough to burst

Next, we have to prepare a clean basin, put the pork in it, and then take out the high liquor for secondary cleaning. Because liquor can sterilize, but also enhance the adsorption of salt grains, so that the cured bacon will not easily deteriorate, smooth and attractive. Here it should be known that when curing meat, it cannot be washed with water, and it can only be washed before drying after marinating. When marinating, it is also necessary to ensure that the surface of the pork belly is dry, otherwise it will be prone to mold and the shelf life is not long. After cleaning up the meat, put it on a plate and set aside.

Then there's the seasoning for marinating. We need to prepare spices such as salt, cinnamon, star anise, grass fruit, white button, dried pepper, fragrant leaves and cumin. When curing meat, is the seasoning more and more flavorful? In fact, the seasoning must be in accordance with the proportions, can not put too much, otherwise the original flavor of the meat will be covered up, but it is not worth the loss.

How much salt should be put in 10 pounds of Sichuan bacon? The 30-year ratio recipe tells you how to marinate Sichuan bacon The culture and flavor of Sichuan bacon are delicious enough to burst

Here I will tell you the most concerned about the proportion of table salt. 5 kg of pork needs about 60 grams of salt, then ten pounds of pork to put 120 grams of salt, this ratio must be remembered, because salt is the soul of cured bacon, mastering its proportion will cause marinated failure or bacon difficult to swallow, because it is easy to put less it is easy to mold, put more and too salty to eat. After putting the salt, we can add spices or a certain amount of pepper powder, five-spice powder, the delicious secret of Sichuan bacon is here, it is not only salty and meaty, these are the credits of special spices.

How much salt should be put in 10 pounds of Sichuan bacon? The 30-year ratio recipe tells you how to marinate Sichuan bacon The culture and flavor of Sichuan bacon are delicious enough to burst

The next step is to dry the pork, and after about an hour, the surface of the pork will be dry and smooth. That's when we put it in the basin again and drizzle it with highly liquor to help kill and Titian. Then it comes to the process of spreading the ingredients, and evenly smearing the ingredients on every place of the pork will test the patience of the producer, but everything is worth it for the sake of deliciousness.

It is worth mentioning that at this time, you can add a little raw soy sauce and old soy sauce according to your own taste, so that you can tune out the flavor of the sauce, because the city is not like the countryside can use smoked bacon, the taste of soy sauce can make up for this deficiency, and the taste of the sauce does not have to be smoked.

How much salt should be put in 10 pounds of Sichuan bacon? The 30-year ratio recipe tells you how to marinate Sichuan bacon The culture and flavor of Sichuan bacon are delicious enough to burst

After spreading the seasoning evenly on the pork, apply plastic wrap. Cover the entire basin with a large piece of plastic wrap, marinate the pork for a few days, pay attention to place it in a cool and dry place, during which you can turn it over appropriately, because it will emit a lot of water in the marinade, resulting in the taste of the meat is not uniform enough. Usually, this process lasts for three days, and if the amount of meat is relatively large, the appropriate extension of time can make the meat more flavorful. At this time, the process of marinating bacon is over, hang the pork on the balcony or vent to dry and wait for air drying, it takes about 15 to 20 days, be sure to wait until the drip oil, which is the signal that the bacon is dried.

How much salt should be put in 10 pounds of Sichuan bacon? The 30-year ratio recipe tells you how to marinate Sichuan bacon The culture and flavor of Sichuan bacon are delicious enough to burst

<h1 class="pgc-p" > the culture and flavor of Sichuan bacon </h1>

As a traditional cuisine with a long history, bacon is a delicacy condensed from the wisdom of time and ancestors, and Sichuan is a taste of hometown and a taste of the year in memory. When I was a child, the memory of the New Year meal must be indispensable to the plate of steamed sliced bacon, or stir-fried, or stewed soup, mellow and delicious.

How much salt should be put in 10 pounds of Sichuan bacon? The 30-year ratio recipe tells you how to marinate Sichuan bacon The culture and flavor of Sichuan bacon are delicious enough to burst

The most representative of Sichuan bacon is Bazhong bacon, especially the smoked bacon cured in the countryside. I don't know if you remember the kang frame built with bricks and cypress branches, and the fresh pork gradually became contaminated with the smell of cooking smoke, which is the bacon in the smoking.

Of course, the bacon after only smoking once can not achieve the ideal drying effect, hanging drying, repeated smoking of oil smoke, the deliciousness of the meat and the seasoning of the sauce are gradually and perfectly integrated in the air drying process, even birds and birds and rats will not be able to resist stealing, then it must be more protective.

How much salt should be put in 10 pounds of Sichuan bacon? The 30-year ratio recipe tells you how to marinate Sichuan bacon The culture and flavor of Sichuan bacon are delicious enough to burst

The status of bacon in Sichuan cuisine is not low, and the indispensable plate of bacon on the table of new year's festival and marriage celebration is the plate of beautiful bacon. Similarly, bacon is a delicacy from the hometown, which can alleviate the nostalgia of people who have returned home after a busy year in the distant place, and the family can gather together to enjoy the taste and taste of the new year in the memory, which is why the traditional cuisine like bacon will always be passed on.

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