
Tang Dynasty wine table: can buy half of the Hong Kong wine glass, modern people have not drunk the green ant wine cup to drink what kind of wine?

author:Old Tao said

Just as the so-called Chinese table must be indispensable to wine, Chinese pay attention to the fact that there is no wine and no table, but in ancient times, what kind of wine was drunk on people's tables? Taking the Tang Dynasty as an example, the tang dynasty's banquet is different from the present, and the current liquor drinking method is to lift a bottle and then eat it. But in the Tang Dynasty is different, the Tang Dynasty is very exquisite when drinking, not only to have an atmosphere, mood but also to have understanding and rules.

Tang Dynasty wine table: can buy half of the Hong Kong wine glass, modern people have not drunk the green ant wine cup to drink what kind of wine?

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > drinking cup</h1>

In addition to being a well-known poet, Li Bai is also a famous wine fairy, and in Li Bai's poems, it is mentioned that the cup used for drinking wine is mentioned, "Cormorant, Parrot Cup." Thirty-six thousand days in a hundred years, three hundred cups a day"; then what cup is the parrot cup mentioned here?

Tang Dynasty wine table: can buy half of the Hong Kong wine glass, modern people have not drunk the green ant wine cup to drink what kind of wine?

Divide the wine with a dipper

Tang Dynasty people drinking is not like now directly poured into the wine glass can be, but to take the wine first into the inside of the big wine bottle, many people think that this wine bottle is the meaning of the wine glass, in fact, it is not so, the wine bottle is also a kind of wine vessel, but it is much larger than the glass. Moreover, the bottom of the bottle is hollow, so that it can be lit below to heat the wine. Since the beginning of the Shang Dynasty, there has been a custom of drinking, until the Tang Dynasty, it is necessary to first heat the wine in the bottle, and then use the thing to divide the wine. Therefore, the spoon is similar to the current spoon, which is used to scoop wine.

During the Tang Dynasty, the wine glasses were not only very practical, but also ornamental, so the price was always expensive and scary. In the current Shaanxi Museum, a small wine glass was displayed, and it is necessary to know that this wine glass is not good. The Queen of England visited this wine glass and liked it so much that she offered to exchange it for half of Hong Kong. It is conceivable that the price of a small wine glass is so amazing, but in the end Hong Kong was returned, and this wine glass was safely stored in the Shaanxi History Museum.

Tang Dynasty wine table: can buy half of the Hong Kong wine glass, modern people have not drunk the green ant wine cup to drink what kind of wine?

Gold-encrusted beast head cup

The name of this wine glass is called the Gold Beast Shou Nao Cup, which is a unique style and the product of multi-ethnic cultural integration. Back to the point, what does the Parrot Cup look like? It is literally misleading to think that the parrot cup is a parrot-shaped cup, but it is not. The parrot cup is made of nautilus as a raw material, which belongs to a kind of wine glass made of natural organisms, and the capacity of the parrot cup is very large, one can hold two liters of wine. Moreover, the parrot cup was very popular with the Tang Dynasty, such as the poem mentioned in Luo Binwang's poem "The Phoenix Upstairs Blows the Flute, the Parrot Cup In the Parrot Cup" and Lu Zhaolin's "Han Dynasty Jinwu Qian rides, the Emerald Tu Su Parrot Cup"; all show that the Tang Dynasty people used the Parrot Cup a lot.

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" what kind of wine > drink? </h1>

So in addition to the necessary items such as wine glasses, what kind of wine did the ancients drink? Bai Juyi's "Green Ant New Wine, Red Clay Small Stove." The green ants mentioned in the late snow can drink a cup of nothing are actually a kind of wine, and the reason why they are called green ants is not to say that it is made of ants, but a green rice wine.

Tang Dynasty wine table: can buy half of the Hong Kong wine glass, modern people have not drunk the green ant wine cup to drink what kind of wine?

Bai Juyi

So did the Tang Dynasty people drink liquor? In fact, the wine of the ancient people is still very different from the present, and the current liquor belongs to shochu, because after drinking it, there will be a burning feeling. And shochu only appeared in the Yuan Dynasty, and there was no liquor in the Tang Dynasty. Therefore, the Tang Dynasty people did not drink liquor, but drank another common liquor, that is, yellow wine. Among them, Shaoxing's flower carvings are famous and are also a kind of wine that the ancients favored.

Tang Dynasty wine table: can buy half of the Hong Kong wine glass, modern people have not drunk the green ant wine cup to drink what kind of wine?

Tang Dynasty wines

In addition to these locally produced liquors, the Tang Dynasty people were also able to drink wine. As early as the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, that is, in the Cao Wei period, wine had already appeared. At that time, China was not able to grow grapes, but it first tasted a fresh wine, so the wine can also be regarded as an ancient imported wine. By the time of the Tang Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty people had mastered how to grow grapes. When Tang Taizong was conquering Gaochangguo in the western region, he brought grapes with his booty, and then planted grapes near Chang'an City, and when he had grapes, he learned how to make wine from Gao Changguo.

But although the grapes are available, they cannot be grown in large areas, and once you can only enjoy the wine by the nobles. In order to replace this regret, the Tang Dynasty people thought of ways to use other fruits to make wine, such as tulip wine. This kind of wine Li Bai once drank, but also left a poem "Lanling fine wine tulips, jade bowls filled with amber light".

Similarly, Li Bai's poem also mentions amber light, which is actually a foreign wine, from Persia, there is amber and naturally there is agate. These two kinds belong to foreign foreign wines, so the wine culture of the Tang Dynasty people is not inferior to the present, and they want their own wine to have their own wine, and they want foreign wine and foreign wine. However, when it comes to the wine of the ancients, we modern people may not have drunk it, such as the green ant wine mentioned earlier, which has now been lost, so the Tang Dynasty people are slightly better at drinking.