
How to make Little Dragon Girl - Black Ant Wine What are the main effects of black ants: Black ant soaking wine to cure rheumatism? Methods for black ants to brew wine:

author:The Best Little Dragon Girl

The black ant is an insect-like animal and a type of ant. The body is pitch black, smooth and shiny. Long-term group life, often nesting underground, most of the country is distributed. Many people in life often use black ants to brew wine to drink, so what is the effect of black ants? Do black ants soak wine to cure rheumatism? The following little dragon girl will give you a detailed introduction to it!

How to make Little Dragon Girl - Black Ant Wine What are the main effects of black ants: Black ant soaking wine to cure rheumatism? Methods for black ants to brew wine:

Rheumatoid arthritis, frozen shoulder, ankylosing spondylitis, hemiplegia, cervical spondylosis.

Cholecystitis; fatty liver, alcoholic liver, etc.

Nourish yin and aphrodisiac, fill the sperm and solidify the pulp, enhance sexual function, and leave sperm. prostatitis

Sciatica, gout, bone pain, necrosis of the femoral head.

Regulate blood pressure, soften blood vessels, improve arteriosclerosis;

Hydronephrosis, coronary heart disease, type II diabetes, tuberculosis, chronic asthma

Irregular menstruation, cold uterus, frigidity in women, postpartum wind, postpartum lack of milk and so on.

Regulates immune function, anti-cancer, anti-cancer, anti-aging and so on. The miraculous effect of "ants" in treating different diseases is mainly the interaction of a variety of biologically active substances.

How to make Little Dragon Girl - Black Ant Wine What are the main effects of black ants: Black ant soaking wine to cure rheumatism? Methods for black ants to brew wine:

The efficacy of black ant soaking wine indications: rheumatism treatment rheumatoid arthritis: anti-rheumatic pain relief, meridian activation. Strong menstruation and bone strengthening have great curative effects.

The standard for the selection of raw materials, black ants: clean, ant content of more than 2.3%, water content of less than 10%. It is recommended to use Guangxi black ants collected during the winter solstice-spring period, about half a catty.

Highly pure grain liquor 50-60 degrees about 6 pounds.

How to make Little Dragon Girl - Black Ant Wine What are the main effects of black ants: Black ant soaking wine to cure rheumatism? Methods for black ants to brew wine:

Brewing method:

Choose a glass container or ceramic container.

Put the black ants (about half a catty) bought in the market into a container;

Brewed with highly pure grain liquor at 50-60 degrees Celsius, 15 days in summer and 30 days in winter.

Take immediately for a shelf life of 3 years.

Adults 25-50 ml 3 times a day or as a meal;

When you first drink, pay attention to observe whether there are other reactions.

Tips: Hepatitis patients take ant wine with caution, it is recommended to choose to take ant powder, the efficacy of black ants, black ants soaking wine to cure rheumatism? I have introduced it to you, I hope the above can help you!

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