
Ant brewing method, wild Changbai Mountain ant wine

author:Love wine a little

Ants have a wide range of protective effects such as anti-inflammatory, analgesic, sedative, antispasmodic, protective, anti-asthmatic, anticonvulsant, anti-epileptic, enhanced red blood cell deformation, inhibition of gastric acid secretion and prevention of acute ulcers.

Ant brewing method, wild Changbai Mountain ant wine

First, the selection standard of raw materials

1, black ants: clean, formic acid content of more than 2.3%, water content of less than 10%. It is recommended to use Guangxi black ants collected during the winter solstice-spring period, about half a catty.

2, highly pure grain wine 50-60 degrees about 6 pounds.

Second, the brewing method

1. Choose a glass container or ceramic container with a capacity of 6 kg.

2, put the Guangxi black ants (about half a catty) bought in the market into the container,

3, with a high degree of pure grain liquor 50-60 degrees 6 kg brewing, summer 15 days, winter 30 days later

4. Take it. Shelf life 3 years.

5. Adults 25-50 ml or with food 3 times a day;

6. When you first start drinking, pay attention to observation and whether there are other reactions (geriatric disease, hypertension, heart disease, etc.);

7. Warm tips: Patients with hepatitis should take ant wine with caution. It is recommended to take ant powder.

Third, the brewing wine recipe

Ant brewing method, wild Changbai Mountain ant wine

1, yin tonic wine 50% of ants, 20% of goji berries, raw ground yellow, He Shou Wu, female virgin 10% each. Suitable for yin deficiency diseases: such as heart yin deficiency manifested as palpitations, insomnia forgetfulness, dreams, etc.; liver yin deficiency manifested as headache dizziness, tinnitus deafness, numbness, tremor, night blindness, dry tongue and less jin, etc.; lung yin deficiency is manifested as cough and choking reversal, phlegm is less sticky, phlegm with blood, afternoon low fever, night sweats, dry mouth, etc.; kidney yin deficiency is manifested as waist and leg weakness, sperm retention, dizziness and tinnitus, impatience, dry mouth, etc. (Those who suffer from unhealed external sensations or wet sputum should not be taken)

2, tonic yang wine 50% of ants, centipede 20%, fairy spleen, ox knee, dragonfly 10% each. Suitable for yang qi weakness diseases: such as pale face, tepid limbs, fatigue, waist and knee soreness, weak lower limbs, small abdomen, sperm retention, impotence, premature diarrhea or female frigidity, bone hyperplasia, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, long urine, pale tongue.

3. Tonic wine

50% of ants, 20% of astragalus, 10% of ginseng, poria and 10% of baishu. Suitable for lung and temper deficiency: such as fatigue and fatigue, low voice and lazy speech, breathing less breath, tuberculosis, emphysema, bronchitis, pulmonary heart disease, etc., pale face, sweating and fear of wind, stool slippage and so on.

4, blood tonic wine ant 50%, angelica, white peony, Sichuan bow, jujube, raisin 10% each.

Suitable for camp blood deficiency disorders: such as pale or yellowish face, dizziness, palpitations and shortness of breath, lips and tongue purple and light, anemia, women menstrual blood irregularities, etc.

5. Tonic wine

Ingredients and preparation method: 50 grams of ants, 20 grams of goji berries, 10 grams of raw ground yellow, He Shou Wu, and female virgins, 10 ml of pure grain liquor, soaked for 24 weeks and then blended and filtered. Whether it is black ants, yellow ants or sandwich ants, the wine is orange, and it is not necessary to add red yeast and other colors.

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