
#Angela Halloween Baking Wonder Nights #Protein Sugar/Marlin Sugar

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
#Angela Halloween Baking Wonder Nights #Protein Sugar/Marlin Sugar

Hey, Halloween is coming, don't give sugar to trick-or-treat!!

By Alian


Egg whites 35 g

Caster sugar 60 g

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

#Angela Halloween Baking Wonder Nights #Protein Sugar/Marlin Sugar

1: Mix the fine sugar ➕ egg whites evenly.

#Angela Halloween Baking Wonder Nights #Protein Sugar/Marlin Sugar

2: Heat in hot water until all the caster sugar melts (stir at the same time).

#Angela Halloween Baking Wonder Nights #Protein Sugar/Marlin Sugar

3. Use the whisk to beat at medium speed to the state of the big bend hook.

#Angela Halloween Baking Wonder Nights #Protein Sugar/Marlin Sugar

4. Color grading.

#Angela Halloween Baking Wonder Nights #Protein Sugar/Marlin Sugar

5. Squeeze shape.

#Angela Halloween Baking Wonder Nights #Protein Sugar/Marlin Sugar

6: Place on a baking sheet.

#Angela Halloween Baking Wonder Nights #Protein Sugar/Marlin Sugar

7: Put in the preheated oven, bake at 70 to 85 degrees for about 2 to 3 hours, bake until the protein sugar is completely dry. (Dry by hand)

#Angela Halloween Baking Wonder Nights #Protein Sugar/Marlin Sugar

8. Halloween protein sugar.

#Angela Halloween Baking Wonder Nights #Protein Sugar/Marlin Sugar

9. Halloween protein sugar.

#Angela Halloween Baking Wonder Nights #Protein Sugar/Marlin Sugar

10. Halloween protein sugar.

#Angela Halloween Baking Wonder Nights #Protein Sugar/Marlin Sugar

11. Halloween protein sugar.

#Angela Halloween Baking Wonder Nights #Protein Sugar/Marlin Sugar

12. Halloween protein sugar.


To seal and save oh ~

<h2>Nutritional benefits of egg whites</h2>

1 Egg white is slightly cold and clear, can easily replenish qi, moisturize the lungs and throat, clear heat and detoxification, supplement high-quality protein, skin care, beauty, help delay aging.

Therapeutic diet: take 50 grams of sugar, 2 egg whites; use egg whites to dissolve the white sugar, 1-2 spoons per serving, 2-3 times a day, to treat chronic pharyngitis.

2 Take one egg white, a little alum, mix well, take it after foaming, you can clear phlegm and cough

There are skills in cooking delicious dishes, each of my dishes has a little trick, everyone search for "bean fruit" can directly view my recipe!

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