
How much to eat in a day for the Berrington Terrier Puppies Feeding Points

author:Pet Network

How much the Bellington Terrier eats in a day, of course, is an important part of their diet when we have dogs. Because a regular diet and nutrition can ensure that they live a day. Some dogs eat more, some eat less, some have some quirks when eating, so how do we feed them?

How much to eat in a day for the Berrington Terrier Puppies Feeding Points

How much the Bellington Terrier eats in a day

1. Newborn Berrington puppies, the owner should observe his movements anytime and anywhere, so as not to crush the puppies by the female dog, the Berrington puppies develop faster during the growth period, so special attention should be paid to feeding puppies.

After 2.5 days, in the good weather of wind and warm weather, take the Bellington Terrier puppy outdoors to bask in the sun with the dog mother, usually twice a day, about half an hour each time. It can be used to breathe fresh air, use ultraviolet rays in the sun, kill bacteria on the body, and promote bone development to avoid disease. When you can walk, you can go outside, the start time should be short, and then you can gradually lengthen it.

3. About 13 days after birth, the Bellington Terrier puppy can open its eyes, at this time to avoid strong light stimulation, so as not to damage the eyes of the Bellington Terrier puppy.

How much to eat in a day for the Berrington Terrier Puppies Feeding Points

Feeding points for Berrington Terrier puppies

1. After 9-12 days of opening your eyes, you can pour the milk on the food tray for licking. (Some Bellington Terrier puppies, though open-eyed, still don't lick themselves.) )

2.20 days or so, you can add a small amount of rice soup and porridge to the milk.

After 3.20 days, in the event of sunny weather, let the mother dog take the Bellington Terrier puppy to the courtyard (provided you have a yard) activities, the time is unlimited, and then return to the room at night or on a rainy day. If the Bellington Terrier puppy gets wet from the rain, dry it with a dry towel right away. Keep warm to prevent colds.

4.20 days or so, the Bellington Terrier puppy can be cut once toenails to prevent the Bellington Terrier puppy from scratching the mother's breast while feeding.

After 5.25 days, you can add some broth and vegetable soup, and the amount can be gradually increased to about 200 ml.

After 6.30 days, you can add crushed cooked meat, 15-20 grams each time. After 35 days, the amount can be increased.

At 7.30 days, the Bellington Terrier puppies are dewormed with anthelmintics and dewormed once a month thereafter.

8. Generally 1 and a half months - 2 months weaning.

How much to eat in a day for the Berrington Terrier Puppies Feeding Points

Puppies are fed with special attention

1. Puppies are different from adult dogs, when the newly bought puppies arrive home, the initial period of feed must be carefully mixed. In terms of nutrition, animal protein, calcium, vitamin D and other nutrients are very important, because generally six months to one year old adult period weight per kilogram of puppy, the calorie requirements are twice as much as adult dogs. Therefore, in the process of puppy growth, it is best to match the appropriate nutritional feed, or simply buy the dog feed produced by the manufacturer with a balanced nutritional design, and the dog owner does not have to bother to match the feed.

2. Puppies have a small stomach, so they should master the principle of eating less and eating more. It should be fed more than four times a day at the beginning of weaning. At about six months, you should be sure to feed three times a day. As we age, it gradually decreases to feeding twice a day. Each feeding should be mastered in good portions, and the puppy should not be allowed to eat too much.

3. Try not to feed the puppy to eat some people eat, the puppy's requirements for eating are very simple, and gobble up, the comer does not refuse. After puppies are accustomed to eating what some people eat, they will become dependent on what people eat. Because the nutrition in what people eat is different from the nutritional needs of puppies, the result will cause uneven nutrient absorption in puppies and affect puppy development.

4. Another thing to note is that never feed the puppy milk or other dairy products such as ice cream. If puppies eat too much milk or dairy products at a time, they will cause gastrointestinal diseases such as diarrhea. If the newborn puppy lacks milk, it should be fed special milk for the puppy and heated to a temperature close to the human body temperature.

5. Newborn puppies are not in a hurry to supplement calcium, because the gastrointestinal tract of puppies has not yet fully developed, at this time should pay attention to feeding the whole intestinal formula of milk powder, conditioning the stomach is the most critical.

Feeding of the Berrington

1. In the previous feeding of Berrington dogs, the nutritious food provided by owners to Berrington dogs was more complicated and time-consuming than it is now. Previous owners of Berrington believed that the daily rations should include fresh beef, vegetables, cereals, egg yolks and milk, in addition to adding vitamins such as brewer's yeast or other vitamins.

However, in recent years, perceptions of the necessity and even benefits of such an approach have changed. Everyday foods such as egg yolks and milk are still provided every day, but the basic method has changed, and it is understood that there are many experts who have also affirmed such changes. Schools also teach that "dog food that is made in large quantities for dogs is better than dog food that you mix and blend in the kitchen."

2. Foods specially prepared for dogs of all ages, from puppies to elderly dogs, add or adjust the nutrition in them. Dogs a few years ago weren't so lucky, because the improvement of dog food cooking techniques made dog food suitable for their tastes.

In addition, its contents and nutrition will be clearly listed on the label, and the size and weight of the dog will be provided with a moderate amount of food.

3. Of course, if you feel happy to cook food for your dog yourself, you can do the same. But with so much cheap and convenient food to choose from, cooking your own food can seem superfluous.

4. How often you are fed depends on the schedule that is suitable for you and your dog. Many owners prefer to feed only once a day. Others think it's better to feed your dog twice a day. And he will feel satisfied; Especially in the family, people who must prepare a meal for their family. The most important thing is not to overfeed, if you feed too much, it will bring a lot of unnecessary problems.

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