
Why no one raises The Berrington Terrier eats

author:Pet Network

Why is the Bellington Terrier no one keeps, we generally like to raise dogs as pets, because the nature of dogs is very loyal, and some dogs are also very kind at heart, so people generally like to keep dogs. However, some dogs cannot be kept, because there will be regulations in some parts of the country. So why didn't the Bellington Terrier have anyone to keep?

Why no one raises The Berrington Terrier eats

Training of the Bellington Terrier

1. The purpose of the prohibition of training this action is to correct the indiscriminate bite of people, livestock (poultry) by dogs, as well as to prevent dogs from picking up food on the ground and not eating food given by raw people, so as to prevent accidents. Ways to train dogs not to pick up food

When training, the food is placed in a conspicuous place, and then the dog is led to swim here, and when the dog approaches the food and wants to eat, it immediately uses a threatening tone, issues a "non" password, and is accompanied by the stimulation of pulling the leash to stop. Rewards are given when the dog stops picking up food. Repeat the training multiple times.

2. Training of refusal to eat During training, the assistant naturally approaches the dog and gives the dog food, when the dog wants to eat, the owner immediately issues a "non" password and taps the dog's mouth. At this time, the assistant gives the dog to eat again, and when the dog still has the performance of eating, he gives a strong stimulus. At this time, the owner issued a "barking" password, and pretended to be an assistant to cheer the dog to provoke the dog's active defensive response. When a dog barks at an assistant, the assistant should take the opportunity to escape, and the owner should reward the dog. It is also possible to take the assistant to throw food in front of the dog, and when the dog wants to pick up or pick up food, the owner should immediately issue a "no" password and pull the leash to stimulate it. If the dog does not pick up food, a reward is given.

3. Training of bad behaviors such as dogs biting people and animals Is prohibited Bring dogs to places where there are vehicles, pedestrians, livestock, and poultry activities, relax the leash, and let the dogs move freely, but closely monitor their movements. If the dog has the performance of biting people and animals, it should immediately issue a "no" password in a threatening tone, accompanied by mechanical stimulation of pulling the leash, and when the dog stops bad behavior, it will be rewarded with a "good" password. After repeated training, you can switch to the training rope to master until the training rope is canceled.

4. Training to prohibit others from throwing items When training, an assistant will first throw out the items in his hand, such as when the dog wants to chase, the owner should immediately issue a "no" password, accompanied by a sharp pull to stop it, and reward the dog should be given after stopping. Then another assistant throws the item, and if the dog wants to chase it, it should repeat the above method to stop it, so that it can be performed 3 to 4 times at the same time. When the dog no longer pursues the items thrown by others, it can be considered to have achieved the purpose of training.

Why no one raises The Berrington Terrier eats

What the Berrington Terrier eats

The Berrington Terrier looks like a sheep, so can it be fed grass? The answer is of course not, although it looks like a sheep, but it is still a dog. Dogs generally have the following kinds of food:

1. Half-raw food

This food is similar to cheese, and the amount of heat card is 3 times that of canned food. But the content of carbohydrates is high, and dogs with diabetes do not like to eat. Like dry dog food, leaving it out for a day does not affect its taste, and can be fed in small amounts to hungry and elderly dogs, depending on their amount of exercise.

2. Family food

For us humans a nutritiously balanced and rich diet, for dogs is not necessarily nutritionally balanced. Feeding the dog's leftover food on the table will develop a bad habit of begging for food. So at home we can make some dog food, chicken nugget bibimbap or noodles, which is a very suitable food. Chicken is easily digestible, and the heat card is lower than that of beef and pork. But remember not to put spices. The amount of rice or noodles should be eaten at one time.

3. Dry dog food

Completely dried dog food is nutritionally balanced and conducive to large storage. Because it contains 4 times the heat card of canned food, be careful not to be too large when feeding. Dried dog food is also divided into several types:

Highly nutritious. Suitable for growing puppies, but pay attention to choose easy to digest. Normal type. For adult dogs, nutrition and heat cards have been calculated according to the amount of activity. Low-calorie type, suitable for old dogs, obese or insufficient exercise, a low-calorie weight loss food. For teeth grinding. A large, crunchy dry food that stabilizes the gums and removes tartar.

Why no one raises The Berrington Terrier eats

4. Canned food

Juicy, fluffy canned foods come in different flavors and bites, boosting your dog's appetite. But it is high in protein, and heat calories and carbohydrate intake are usually increased when mixed with dried dog food. And it loses its umami taste after opening.

5. Bite the glue

This is a type of bone gelatin made from the compression of beef bone meal. Dogs need to grind their teeth frequently, but the glue is too small to be swallowed in one bite, the chicken bone is thin and brittle and easy to hurt the mouth and stomach, and the big cow bone is too hard to break the teeth, so this is a very suitable food.

6. Dry patties

Crunchy dry patties added to canned food to feed dogs not only adds fibrous and fat to the bite, but also enhances palate movement.

When preparing dog food, pay attention to the proportion of various nutrients required by dogs: dogs weighing one kilogram need 8-10 grams of protein, 2-3 grams of fat, 30-40 grams of carbohydrates, and 800-1500 grams of calories per 10 kilograms. Some people think that dogs are carnivores that give excessive amounts of protein, which will increase the burden on the dog's digestive and urinary systems and hinder the development of puppies.

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