
The Bellington Terrier, like an alien dog! But it's our little elf

author:Show Dance Passion 1903
The Bellington Terrier, like an alien dog! But it's our little elf

Miners in Bedlington used as small animal itinerant hunting dogs and fighting dogs. It was first exhibited as a separate variety in 1877. Now it is good city family dog and barking alarm watchdog. Origin United Kingdom Character The Bellington Terrier is bold, strong and agile, resembling a baby sheep, but not a baby sheep, with a lion-like heart. It has been used to drive away small pests, hunting otters, foxes and so on. The personality is very different from the beautiful appearance, the fighting heart is strong, and it is a breed with a strong jaw.

The Bellington Terrier retains the need for strong psychological stimulation and can be fatal to lack of adequate exercise. Generally suitable for children, suitable for city life, can adapt to both hot weather and cold climate, is an excellent gatekeeper dog, loyal family dog.

The Bellington Terrier has ancestral ancestry, has a combative personality, and by and large, the dog can be called a faithful family dog. The Technique of Pruning the Fur of the Bellington Terrier is very complex, so it is best to have an expert do it at the first trimming. For keepers who prefer cleanliness, the non-hair removal of the Bellington Terrier is the biggest advantage.

The Bellington Terrier, like an alien dog! But it's our little elf

Overall Appearance: An elegant, gentle, muscular dog without any roughness or weakness. The whole head is pear-shaped or wedge-shaped, and the expression is gentle and elegant when sleeping.

Behavior/Temperament: Be brave and confident. Is a smart partner with strong athleticism. Good temper, gentle by nature, mighty, but not shy or nervous. Sleeps gently, but wakes up courageous.

Head: The head has a large head bun, almost all white.

Head cover area:

Skull: Narrow, but deep and rounded.

Stop: Must have no stop: There is a continuous straight line from the bone to the nasal mirror.


Noseoscope: Large nostrils with clear contours. Blue and brown dogs must have a black nose, while liver-colored and pale yellow-brown dogs must have a brown nose.

Muzzle: Fullness under the eyes.

Lips: Lips are tightly closed and no lips fluttering.

Jaw/Teeth: Jaws grow long and taper. The teeth are long and strong. Scissor bite, where the upper teeth clasp the lower teeth so that the lower jaw is square.

Eyes: Small, bright and sunken. The ideal eye should be triangular in shape. Blue dog eyes are dark, blue and brown dog eyes are brighter with amber light, and liver and light yellow brown dog eyes are light brown.

Ears: Appropriately sized, hazelnut-shaped, low-lying, flat on either side of the cheek. The ears are thin and covered with a layer of fluff. The tips of the ears are covered with soft ornaments that form a silky fringe.

Neck: Long, tapering, no hoarseness. Sticking up from the shoulders, the head can be raised high.

Body: Muscular and extremely flexible. The length is slightly greater than the height.

Back: Natural upper arch above the waist.

Waist: Curved, curved dorsal line just above the waist.

Chest: Deep and fairly wide. The ribs are flatter and reach depth to the elbows.

Ventral line: The bowed waist causes the ventral line to have a certain folding.

Tail: The tail is moderately long, the roots are thicker, tapered, and gracefully curled. Position low, can not be lifted over the back.


Forehustom: The front legs are straight and spaced more apart at the chest than between the claws.

Shoulders: Flat and sloping.

Crust: Long, slightly inclined but not weak.

Posterior body: Muscular and moderately long. The hind legs are longer than the front legs.

Flying joint: Strong, leaned down, not turned inward or out.

Foot claws: The claws are long rabbit feet with compact claws.

Gait/Movement: Ability to run at high speeds and give it up. The movement is very distinctive, and in the slow walk, the gait appears to be somewhat slow and methodical and brisk; the running is slightly paddling.


Hair: Very distinctive. Soft hairs are mixed with hard hairs and grow naturally from the skin, but not like the feeling of wire. Hair is very easy to curl, especially on the head and face.

Color: Blue, liver or light yellowish brown with or without brown. Brown markings are encouraged.

Size and Weight: The shoulder length of the horse is about 41 cm (16 inches). Slightly lower is allowed for female dogs and slightly higher for male dogs. Weight ranges from 8.2 to 10.4 kg (18 to 23 lbs).

Defects: Any deviation from each of the above points is considered a defect, the degree of which is strictly proportional to its grade and its impact on the health and welfare of the dog.

Any dog that is manifestly physically or behaviorally malfunctioning is out of place.

Note: Male dogs should be born with two distinctly normal, completely placed testicles in the scrotum.

The Bellington Terrier, like an alien dog! But it's our little elf

The Bellington Terrier is brave, stable and easy to train. It is a gentle, gentle dog, well balanced, without any roughness or weakness. The expression at quiet is very gentle and soft, and there is no tendency to be timid or neurotic. When excited, the dog is vigilant, energetic and courageous. Their endurance is also noteworthy, and when they run at high speeds, the contours of their bodies are clearly displayed.

The Berrington Terrier has a personality that is very different from its beautiful appearance, and it has a strong fighting spirit.

The Bellington Terrier, like an alien dog! But it's our little elf

For the first 4 days after birth, check frequently and be careful of the mother dog crushing the Bellington Terrier puppy. After 5 days, in the good weather of wind and warm weather, take the Bellington Terrier puppy outdoors to bask in the sun with the mother dog, usually twice a day, each time for about half an hour. It can be used to breathe fresh air, use ultraviolet rays in the sun, kill bacteria on the body, and promote bone development to avoid disease. When you can walk, you can go outside, the start time should be short, and then you can gradually lengthen it. About 13 days after birth, the Bellington Terrier puppy can only open its eyes, and at this time, it is necessary to avoid strong light stimulation so as not to damage the eyes of the Bellington Terrier puppy.

After 9-12 days of opening your eyes, you can pour the milk on the food tray for licking. (Some Bellington Terrier puppies, though open-eyed, still don't lick themselves.) )

For about 20 days, a small amount of rice soup and porridge can be added to the milk.

After 20 days, in the event of sunny weather, let the mother dog take the Bellington Terrier puppy to the hospital (provided you have a yard) activities, the time can be unlimited, until the evening or rainy day to return to the room. If the Bellington Terrier puppy gets wet from the rain, dry it with a dry towel right away. Keep warm to prevent colds.

The Bellington Terrier puppy can be cut once in about 20 days to prevent the Bellington Terrier puppy from scratching the mother's breast while feeding.

After 25 days, you can add some broth and vegetable soup, and the amount can be gradually increased to about 200 ml.

After 30 days, crushed cooked meat can be added, 15-20 grams each time. After 35 days, the amount can be increased.

For 30 days, the Bellington Terrier puppies are dewormed with anthelmintics and once a month thereafter.

Generally 1 and a half months - 2 months of weaning.

Note: Supplemental foods can be mixed with milk, eggs, minced meat, pasta or rice to form semi-solid foods, while supplementing with an appropriate amount of cod liver oil and bone meal. 4-5 times a day.

The Bellington Terrier puppies are prone to dirty things, and at first the mother will lick them at any time, but after the older ones, they will not care, and someone needs to wipe and bathe them frequently, once every 2-3 days.

The Bellington Terrier, like an alien dog! But it's our little elf

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