
The Bellington Terrier trainability is a breed with a strong jaw

author:Pet Network

Bellington Terrier trainability, The Berrington Terrier looks like a very docile dog, some parents will inevitably have this kind of question, is the Bellington Terrier obedient? How do you train the Berrington Terrier? Let xiaobian answer these questions for you one by one.

The Bellington Terrier trainability is a breed with a strong jaw

Bold, strong and agile, the Bellington Terrier resembles a baby sheep, but does not have a personality like a baby sheep and has a lion-like heart. It has been used to drive away small pests, hunting otters, foxes and so on. The personality is very different from the beautiful appearance, the fighting heart is strong, and it is a breed with a strong jaw.

First, how to train the Bellington Terrier

When starting training, especially when starting to teach new content, the command and signal should be gentle, supplemented by appropriate movement guidance, and the password should be clear and short, so that it can be convenient for the dog to remember.

When the dog is bored, correct it with a leash in time. If the leash is ineffective, it is rebuked in a strong tone, because at this time it is useless to use an encouraging tone.

Praise If the dog correctly completes the action requirements according to the owner's instructions, it needs to be praised in a pleasant tone, indicating to it that "your performance has won the owner's pleasure". However, you can't fool a dog with praise in order to reprimand it. This will make the dog feel deceived, and after more times, it will not return to the owner's side.

If the order is convinced that the dog has understood the master's instructions, but does not put them into action, but speculates on the owner's attitude, it must be ordered in a strong tone and forced to comply. But before that, you should carefully consider whether the owner's requirements are too high, and the dog cannot do it for the time being.

Harsh rebuke of this method should be used with caution. A common mistake that breeders make is that the owner instructs the dog to do certain actions, but because the expression is unclear or the dog has not yet understood, he begins to yell at the dog. The Bellington Terrier would be puzzled by the reason for the rebuke. Harsh reprimands are limited to some special cases. For example, there will be a serious accident related to the life and death of the dog.

Call the dog by its name a fixed name for the dog. For example, the dog's name is "Babe", and different family members and neighbors on different occasions also have names called "Baby" and "Little Babe", which will cause confusion to the dog.

Second, is the Bellington Terrier obedient?

Bold, strong and agile, the Bellington Terrier resembles a baby sheep, but does not have a personality like a baby sheep and has a lion-like heart. It has been used to drive away small pests, hunting otters, foxes and so on.


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