
One dog per day --- the Bellington Terrier

author:Le Hui Cute Pet Home
One dog per day --- the Bellington Terrier

Berrington Terrier

Bedlington Terriern (scientific name: Canis lupus familiaris), a canine and gray wolf species native to The United Kingdom, originated in the 19th century. Originally named Ross Behring Terrier by origin, it was heavier and shorter than the current breed and was used to hunt foxes, hares and badgers.

From the end of the 18th century to the beginning of the 19th century, after mixing with dog breeds such as the Whippet and the Dandy Dingmeng Terrier, it improved the beautiful, fast and agile dog breed, and maintained its original vitality and endurance. The Bellington Terrier is a good city family dog and a watchdog that barks to call the police.

Eye meat

The Latin scientific name canis lupus familiaris

Suborder Split-foot suborder

Family Canines

The animal kingdom

Clan dogs

Phylum Chordata

It belongs to the genus Canine

Subphylum subphylum vertebrates


Breed gray wolves

Subclass Euphropodidae

Subspecies domestic dogs

His English name is Bedlington Terriern

Subfamily Canine subfamily

Country of origin, United Kingdom

Weight 8.2-10.4kg

Breeding method viviparous

Chinese berrington Terrier

His foreign name is Bedlington Terriern

One dog per day --- the Bellington Terrier

FCI International Standard History It is said that the Bellington Terrier has a longer traceable pedigree than other terriers, one of the known relatives is the Rothbury Terrier, produced in the former mining area of northern England. His fame spread beyond his hometown, and in 1877, associations were formed for the dog. Although his expression is mild, he is fully able to defend himself and will not provoke trouble. He is a strong puppy, this unique breed has a lamb-like appearance, but don't be fooled, he is a terrier. As a dog in the northern region, his initial duty was to catch rabbits, and he still maintains his hunting nature to this day. General appearance It is an elegant, supple, strong dog, not timid or neurotic, the whole head is pear-shaped or wedge-shaped, and the expression is quiet and gentle. The important proportions are slightly larger than the shoulder height. Temperamental, full of self-confidence, good athletic talent, soft personality, natural, and majestic. Not timid or neurotic, gentle and serene when calm, full of fighting spirit when angry. The head of the head has a rich silky white ornament. Skull: Narrow, but deep and round. Stop: no infraorbital spine, straight and coherent contour line from the occipital bone to the tip of the nose. Facial region nose: The nostrils are large and clear, and varieties that are blue or blue and brown as a whole must have a black nose, and dark brown or sand varieties must have a brown nose. Muzzle: Plump. Lips: Tightly closed. Jaws/teeth: Jaws are long, tapered, and teeth are large, hard, and scissor bites. Eyes: Relatively small, bright, ideally triangular in shape. The blue varieties have dark eyes, the blue and brown varieties have light eyes and are amber, and the sandy and brown varieties have light brown eyes. Ears: Medium in size, hazelnut-shaped, low in position and down to the cheek, fine and soft, with slender and soft tips and velvety tip hairs. The neck is long, tapering, the larynx is not prominent, the head is deep, protruding from the shoulders, the shoulders are flat, slightly oblique, and there is no excess muscle. Heads up. The body is muscular, has a pronounced curvature, and is slightly longer than the height. Back: Naturally arched. Lions: The dorsal midline is curved and abruptly slanted down at the waist. Croup: Chest: Deep and wide, ribs flat, extending all the way to the elbows. Underline: Bowed, very beautiful polyline. The tail is moderately long, the tail root is thick, tapering to a point, and has a nice curvature, low position, never rolling over to the back. The forelimbs of the limbs (FOREQUARTERS) have straight front legs and the chest spacing is greater than the foot spacing. Shoulder: Flat and oblique. Upper arm: elbow: Forearm: Pasterns: Long and slightly inclined, but not slender. Forefeet: Long rabbit feet, thick and compact foot pads, foot pads function well, no dry cracks, no excess horn. Hindquarters

One dog per day --- the Bellington Terrier

Full of muscles, moderately long, the hind legs are longer than the front legs. Knee (Stifle/Knee): Rotate appropriately. Tarsal joints (hocks): strong, downward, neither expanding nor varus. Feet: The hairs on the feet are long, thick and cling to the palms. Gait has the ability to gallop at a high speed, and this can be seen from the appearance, the gait is very characteristic, when strolling, it is more Sven, light, elastic, and slightly rolling when striding. Hair: Very special, thick and flocculent, erect on the skin, but not hard, slightly curly, especially on the head and face. Coat color:blue, liver color, or sand band or no brown, deep pigment is better. Size Ideal shoulder height: Approx. 41cm when standing. Female dogs that meet the above requirements may be slightly shorter. Weight in 8-10 kg. Defects and deviations from those described above are defects, and the extent of the defects depends on the specific circumstances or the extent to which they affect the health and welfare of the dog. Disqualification defects ● Aggressive or too timid. ● Dogs with marked physical deformities or behavioral disorders are considered out of place (N.B.) ● Male dogs have two distinct testicles completely suspended in the scrotum. Only dogs that are functional, healthy and structurally fit to breed standards can only be used for breeding. Disclaimer Entry Consultant PetIter Digital (Beijing) Network Technology Co., Ltd. only guides the content of international standards, and the text pictures related to this entry do not represent its position.

One dog per day --- the Bellington Terrier
One dog per day --- the Bellington Terrier

Life Habits Describes the miners of Bedlington as small animal itinerant hunting dogs and fighting dogs. It was first exhibited as a separate variety in 1877. Origin British Character Berrington Terrier Bold, strong, agile, shaped like a small sheep, but not like a small sheep, with a lion-like heart. It has been used to drive away small pests, hunting otters, foxes and so on. The personality is very different from the beautiful appearance, the fighting heart is strong, and it is a breed with a strong jaw. The Bellington Terrier retains the need for strong psychological stimulation and can be fatal to lack of adequate exercise. Generally suitable for children, suitable for city life, can adapt to both hot weather and cold climate, is an excellent gatekeeper dog, loyal family dog. It is best to have an expert do it at the first trimming. For keepers who prefer cleanliness, the non-hair removal of the Bellington Terrier is the biggest advantage. The temperament is brave and confident. Is a smart partner with strong athleticism. Good temper, gentle by nature, mighty, but not shy or nervous. Sleeps gently, but wakes up courageous.


One dog per day --- the Bellington Terrier

Bellington Terrier 1.Puppies are different from adult dogs, when the newly bought puppies arrive home, the initial period of feed must be carefully mixed. In terms of nutrition, animal protein, calcium, vitamin D and other nutrients are very important, because generally six months to one year old adult period weight per kilogram of puppy, the calorie requirements are twice as much as adult dogs. Therefore, in the process of puppy growth, it is best to match the appropriate nutritional feed, or simply buy the dog feed produced by the manufacturer with a balanced nutritional design, and the dog owner does not have to bother to match the feed.

2. Puppies have a small stomach, so they should master the principle of eating less and eating more. It should be fed more than four times a day at the beginning of weaning. At about six months, you should be sure to feed three times a day. As we age, it gradually decreases to feeding twice a day. Each feeding should be mastered in good portions, and the puppy should not be allowed to eat too much.

3. Try not to feed the puppy to eat some people eat, the puppy's requirements for eating are very simple, and gobble up, the comer does not refuse. After puppies are accustomed to eating what some people eat, they will become dependent on what people eat. Because the nutrition in what people eat is different from the nutritional needs of puppies, the result will cause uneven nutrient absorption in puppies and affect puppy development.

4. Another thing to note is that never feed the puppy milk or other dairy products such as ice cream. If puppies eat too much milk or dairy products at a time, they will cause gastrointestinal diseases such as diarrhea. If the newborn puppy lacks milk, it should be fed special milk for the puppy and heated to a temperature close to the human body temperature.

5. Newborn puppies are not in a hurry to supplement calcium, because the gastrointestinal tract of puppies has not yet fully developed, at this time should pay attention to feeding the whole intestinal formula of milk powder, conditioning the stomach is the most critical.

One dog per day --- the Bellington Terrier

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