
Live for Yourself - Seventy-Seven Days

author:A scorching fire essay

How many days can you live in life, you live according to your own ideas.

"Seventy-Seven Days" tells the story of Yang alone crossing the no-man's land of Changtang, which is based on Yang Liu'an's real experience and his novel "The Empty Land in the North". Alone in the face of high pressure, high cold, high risk of the wild environment. What made him make that decision and go through it?

Live for Yourself - Seventy-Seven Days

In the play, the female protagonist played by Jiang Yiyan asked the male protagonist Yang played by Zhao Hantang, many people came here (Changtang no man's land) are disease-free groaning, he is indeed the first person she saw who is determined to cross the Changtang no man's land, Yang replied: In the eyes of others, I am either a crazy person, or I am an unfortunate loser in life, but I am not, living for half a lifetime, I want to do what I want to do, just like that sentence, many people died at the age of thirty, and waited until they were eighty years old to bury, I just wanted to make myself feel that I was still alive.

Live for Yourself - Seventy-Seven Days

Changtang Uninhabited Area is currently the highest altitude and largest nature reserve in China, with an average altitude of more than 5,000 meters and an area of 298,000 square kilometers. The terrain is complex, the terrain is peculiar, and the area is deserted for hundreds of miles, which is one of the most dangerous and difficult routes for hiking in China, known as the "forbidden area of life". Although the Changtang no-man's land is not suitable for human habitation, the beauty of nature cannot be ignored, and the film incorporates those charming natural landscapes well. Majestic mountains, calm and atmospheric snow peaks, vast and magnificent grasslands... These were all adapted to "Seventy-Seven Days."]

Live for Yourself - Seventy-Seven Days

When the male protagonist crossed the no-man's land, he encountered countless problems, drinking water, food, wolves, brown bears, bad weather environment, etc., there is a fragment of Yang's inner monologue, on the fifty-ninth day, he lost control of food, that is, the irrepressible desire for food, this I also had experienced, in order to lose weight, 19 years, I used 70 days to lose 13 pounds, at that time did not deliberately control the diet, just strengthen exercise, so it does not feel like nothing. Later, because I had to move, I had to stop my weight loss plan. By March 30, 2020, everything was all right, and I restarted my weight loss plan, bought a gym mat, and worked out for an hour a day according to keep's classes. But because there is no control diet, in the 4 months from April to August, the weight did not decrease, but rebounded, on August 10, 2020, I sent a fierce, strict control diet, steamed food every day, steamed potatoes, steamed sweet potatoes, steamed sweet potatoes, steamed corn, do not eat rice, do not eat pasta, and eat as little as possible, eat more fruit, drink more water. This method of exercise + diet is also really effective, losing 10 pounds in 1 month, but around September 10th, this state of strict control of diet can not be maintained, not that I do not want to insist, but the body is resisting, because for a long time did not eat staple foods such as rice noodles, so the body broke out of the desire for staple foods. It was a state of great thirst for food, drooling at the thought of it, a state of not being able to live without eating meat or staple food. Although it was sad that month, but now that I look back, in order to meet a better self, the suffering, the sweat, everything is worth it.

Live for Yourself - Seventy-Seven Days

Life is very long, long to live like a year, life is short, short to the gap of the white colt, the carving knife of life is in his own hands, to carve out what kind of life, all up to himself.

In the vast universe, in a short life, pluck up the courage to do what you want to do, and become the self you want to be.

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