
Those classic lines in "Gone with the Wind" are unforgettable after watching it once


See Word No. 805

I'm going to be like you.


Sir, you are not really a gentleman; Miss, you are not a lady.


I do everything just to be rewarded, and I always get paid.


The land is the only thing in the world worth your work, your fight, your sacrifice for, because it is the only eternal thing.

Those classic lines in "Gone with the Wind" are unforgettable after watching it once


I've never been that kind of person, and I can't patiently pick up some pieces, glue them together, and say to myself that this patched thing is exactly the same as the new one. A thing that breaks is broken – I'd rather remember what it looked like when it was at its best than fix it and look at the broken places for the rest of my life.


You give up your happiness and pursue something that won't make you happy at all.


Heaven has not given you what you want, not that you are unworthy, but that you deserve better.


Sometimes if you take a wrong step, you will get farther and farther away from the original road.

Those classic lines in "Gone with the Wind" are unforgettable after watching it once


Don't waste your time for those who don't want to spend time on you.


But one thing I know explicitly is that I love you, Scarlett. Even if it's the end of the world, I still love you.


I'm going home, I'm going to find a way to get him back, anyway, tomorrow is a whole new day.

Those classic lines in "Gone with the Wind" are unforgettable after watching it once

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