
Honored by Zhang Guo as "the most perfect woman", it turned out that Mo Wenwei's mother was so cattle

author:World Chinese Weekly
Honored by Zhang Guo as "the most perfect woman", it turned out that Mo Wenwei's mother was so cattle

In 2019, Karen Mok held a shocking concert in Lhasa at an altitude of 3646 meters, and under the shouts of more than 10,000 live audiences, Karen Mok successfully completed the challenge of "Top of the World" and created a Guinness World Record.

At the time of this concert, Karen Mok was 49 years old, but she was still energetic on the stage, her figure was bumpy, and her every move exuded endless charm.

Honored by Zhang Guo as "the most perfect woman", it turned out that Mo Wenwei's mother was so cattle

Karen Mok's excellence is obvious to all, not only strong body management, but also strong business ability.

Although she debuted as a singer, she still has a good achievement in the field of film, and can be said to be an all-round artist. And unlike those traffic stars, Karen Mok's position in the show business circle is spelled out by strength.

Honored by Zhang Guo as "the most perfect woman", it turned out that Mo Wenwei's mother was so cattle

However, Karen Mok's excellence has a huge relationship with a person, who is her mother, who was once honored by Zhang Guo as the "most perfect woman" - Mo He Minyi.

There is a well-received quote on the Internet:

"The missing mother is the most urgent talent in our time." Remember that behind every good child is a great mother! ”

It is no exaggeration to say that without Mo He Minyi's words and deeds, there may not be mo Wenwei who shines brightly today.

Honored by Zhang Guo as "the most perfect woman", it turned out that Mo Wenwei's mother was so cattle

▲ Mo He Minyi


After Karen Mok was truly famous, her grandfather was the founding principal of Wong College in Hong Kong and the well-known philanthropist Moris, while her father Mok Tin Chi was a Hong Kong food culture writer.

Chinese has always paid attention to "door to door", the Mo family is so excellent, can become the daughter-in-law of such a family, it is enough to prove that Mo He Minyi's own strength is not bad, and even enough to compete with the husband's family.

Not only does Mok Ho Min Yee have a prominent family background, but she also has many shiny labels on her body, such as HK Radio Presenter, Senior Press Officer of the Hong Kong Government, Senior Executive of Wireless and ATV, etc.

▲ Mo Ho Min Yi (Image source: Karen Mok Weibo)

In the eyes of the world, most women with successful careers cannot take care of their families, and even miss the growth of their children, which is the old saying that "fish and bear paws cannot have both".

But Mo He Minyi broke the prejudice of the world with her strength, she is not only a heroine in the workplace, but also a pair of children have been trained into top talents in different fields.

In the most critical stage of growth of Karen Mo and her brother Morris, it was also the busiest time for her mother Mo He Minyi's career, but she still squeezed out time to participate in the growth of her children.

Honored by Zhang Guo as "the most perfect woman", it turned out that Mo Wenwei's mother was so cattle

At that time, in order to buy more time to spend with her children, Mo He Minyi decisively moved her family to the vicinity of the company, so that she could save time on the road.

The work of the TV station is extremely busy, and Mo He Minyi is in an important position. She often pushes away unnecessary socializing and goes home after work just to have dinner with her children.

A meal may seem like a small thing, but in fact, eating is the best time to cultivate family affection, and it is the simplest small happiness for a family to sit around the table and laugh and laugh.

Honored by Zhang Guo as "the most perfect woman", it turned out that Mo Wenwei's mother was so cattle

▲ Karen Mok and her mother

Now many parents complain that because of busy work and fast pace of life, they have no time to accompany their children, but reflect on it, is this really the case?

When I return home from work, I would rather hold my mobile phone and brush up on videos and circles of friends than quietly tell a small story to my children, which I believe is a portrayal of many families.

Busy life is an inescapable reality for adults, but it is by no means an excuse not to accompany children.


Mo He Minyi also attaches great importance to the cultivation of children's personality.

Many mothers like to make decisions for their children when they are young, and they are eager to draw a box and let their children follow their own planned routes.

Children who grow up in such an environment often have no opinions and lack the ability to think independently, although they have grown older, they are still a giant baby who has not grown up psychologically.

Honored by Zhang Guo as "the most perfect woman", it turned out that Mo Wenwei's mother was so cattle

▲ Young Karen Mok, her parents and brother

Mo He Minyi knows that an independent personality is a person's most valuable asset, so she is open, inclusive and respectful to her children's education.

Mother Mo never deliberately helps her children to make life plans, but lets them choose what they want to do, and when they have their own ideas, Mother Mo will raise her hand in approval.

Karen Mok once said in an interview: "My parents grew up, for my every decision, as long as it does not hurt others or myself, they will support." ”

Honored by Zhang Guo as "the most perfect woman", it turned out that Mo Wenwei's mother was so cattle

▲ Mo's mother and a pair of children (Source: Karen Mok Weibo)

When she was a child, her mother not only encouraged Karen Mok and her brother to participate in various competitions, but also cheered them up and ran to cheer for their children in their busy schedules.

When Sharing her parenting experience, Mother Mo also mentioned: "Parents should lead by example, never be a tiger mother, and lock their children in a cramped space, pointing out where to fight." ”

Honored by Zhang Guo as "the most perfect woman", it turned out that Mo Wenwei's mother was so cattle

▲ Image source: "Worship Proud Mother - Star Mother Mo He Minyi"

It is precisely because of her mother's open-mindedness that Karen Mok is extremely confident.

When she first debuted, she broke the world's concepts and boldly took the sexy route, and when her appearance was criticized, she would also fight back mercilessly: "I look very beautiful." ”

And her acting path is very diverse, she will try what she likes, singers, actors, designers, etc., this unlimited life has a great relationship with her mother's encouragement.

Karen Mok graduated from Royal Holloway College, University of London, and her brother Morris was even more powerful, entering the law department of Cambridge University with honors, not only as a university professor, but also as a director and novelist.

A child who has been supported and affirmed since childhood will not only have a sunny mentality, but also dare to challenge themselves, even when facing the gains and losses of life alone, they will not be at a loss.


In life, there is a scene that we are not unfamiliar with, when children express their thoughts to their mothers, they are often exchanged for: "No".

Children who have been denied for a long time will not only become puppets, but also have a depressed mood, if there is no choice in life, how can we talk about fun?

For this problem, Mo's mother's approach is very positive.

Honored by Zhang Guo as "the most perfect woman", it turned out that Mo Wenwei's mother was so cattle

Mo Wenwei has been a bully since she was a child, and when she was in the fifth grade, she wanted to study in Italy, and her mother not only did not object, but also helped her do a small test.

In Europe, drinking is a basic etiquette, and Mo Ho Minyi expected that her daughter might encounter this situation when she arrived in Italy, so she used dinner time to let her daughter drink some wine.

This will not only test Karen Mok's alcohol intake, but also see how she reacts to the wine. In the process, Mo's mother also patiently taught her daughter some ways to drink. You can't drink on an empty stomach, you have to drink all the wine before you leave your seat, so as to avoid someone "adding ingredients" to the drink when you leave.

Honored by Zhang Guo as "the most perfect woman", it turned out that Mo Wenwei's mother was so cattle

▲ 17-year-old Karen Mok and her mother

Mo's mother does have a set of education for her daughter, she is a mother, but also a life mentor.

She supported her daughter's decision on major life choices. Similarly, in terms of marriage events and childbearing, Mo's mother's approach is also very advanced.

Now many older women are plagued by "forced marriage", and some people have reluctantly formed a family with people they don't like under heavy pressure, which is undoubtedly a tragedy.

Karen Mok's love life is also very bumpy, once called "the elderly golden leftover woman" by the media, sometimes she herself will think: "Is it impossible to meet true love." ”

Honored by Zhang Guo as "the most perfect woman", it turned out that Mo Wenwei's mother was so cattle

Whenever she was frustrated with her feelings, her mother would say, "Don't force it, let alone get married for the sake of getting married, you must wait until the right person, even if it's a little later." ”

With her mother's enlightenment, Karen Mok is no longer anxious and eventually reunites with her first love.

It is worth mentioning that when the two met again, the first love was already the father of three children, but Mo Wenwei did not care, just like her mother said: "If you love him, you have to accept everything from him." ”

Honored by Zhang Guo as "the most perfect woman", it turned out that Mo Wenwei's mother was so cattle

▲ In 2011, 41-year-old Karen Mok and her husband Johannes held a wedding

However, Karen Mok and her husband have been married for many years, but they have no plans to have children, and in an interview with Yang Lan, she replied very calmly: "The project of having children has not been in her own plan." ”

And when the practice of "Dink" is even related to the mother.

Mo's mother once said to her daughter very seriously: "You better not have children, because he is not necessarily very good." ”

Isn't it deviant to persuade her daughter to give up her children? But in fact, Mother Mo is living soberly, rather than raising a child who may not be excellent in order to pass on the generations, it is better to give up directly.

Honored by Zhang Guo as "the most perfect woman", it turned out that Mo Wenwei's mother was so cattle

I remember that Zhou Xun also had this concern when she mentioned the topic of having children, she said bluntly:

"It is not that I reject being a mother, but I am afraid that I will not be able to educate an excellent talent, and if my children are harmful to society, it is better not to have children."

Such an idea is difficult for many ordinary people to understand and accept, after all, in the traditional concept, the life of a child is perfect, but ask yourself: "Is the happiness index really related to the child?" ”

In fact, not necessarily, just like Karen Mok, although she has no children, she still lives a wonderful life, and behind her wonderful life, there is her mother's respect for her.

Honored by Zhang Guo as "the most perfect woman", it turned out that Mo Wenwei's mother was so cattle

Respecting children's choices can help children build social self-confidence, so that children will not be wronged in order to cater to others when they grow up.

Because they know that what suits them is the best, as for the gossip of the outside world, just let him go!


In addition to cultivating a pair of excellent children, Mo's own life is also wonderful, even in her old age, she has always lived in the way she likes.

Many parents reach a certain age and like to interfere in their children's lives and even work as "people who have come over".

As everyone knows, truly intelligent parents must know how to "withdraw" from the circle of their children's lives.

Honored by Zhang Guo as "the most perfect woman", it turned out that Mo Wenwei's mother was so cattle

Someone asked Mo's mother: "Will you go to the place where your daughter works?" ”

Mother Mo replied, "No, no, work is a very serious thing, and I will interfere with her when I go." ”

Also in life, she will not cling to her children, because she has her own things to do and has always maintained an independent personality.

Honored by Zhang Guo as "the most perfect woman", it turned out that Mo Wenwei's mother was so cattle

▲ In September 2019, mo's mother celebrated her eightieth birthday at the scene of her son, daughter and son-in-law celebrated her birthday (Source: Karen Mok Weibo)

Mama Mo not only served as a ceremonial lecture guest for Miss Hong Kong many times, but also founded her own public welfare foundation to bring hope to those disadvantaged groups in her own way.

When he was young, he had his own career.

After retirement, have your own life.

This is the right way to open the winner in life, and having such an independent and enlightened mother should be the dream of every child!

Honored by Zhang Guo as "the most perfect woman", it turned out that Mo Wenwei's mother was so cattle

In the current era of "tiger mother", the way Mo mother educates her children is worth learning.

In fact, such an enlightened, infiltrative education and money have nothing to do with it, it is suitable for the rich and aristocratic, and it is also suitable for ordinary people like you and me. Text/Morning And Night

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