
Red braised lamb, Henan people's specialty dish, lamb is tender, pure taste, three or nine days to eat the most suitable

author:Fragrant cuisine

Introduction: Red braised lamb, Henan people's specialty dish, lamb is tender, pure taste, three or nine days to eat the most suitable.

To cook sheep and slaughter cattle for pleasure, one will have to drink three hundred cups at a time. The annual "Spring Festival" is coming, and for Chinese, it symbolizes reunion and peace. In the dictionary of the old ancestors, the sheep "Xiang" is also regarded as an auspicious thing, so cooking sheep and slaughtering cattle has become a major scene for northerners to celebrate the Spring Festival. At this time of year, the mountain of mutton can always relieve the hunger of the moment.

Red braised lamb, Henan people's specialty dish, lamb is tender, pure taste, three or nine days to eat the most suitable

Lamb is delicious and delicious, but in ancient times, the allusions to eating mutton and drinking mutton soup are numerous, especially in the Warring States period, because of the "yokan soup" caused by the allusion to the fall of the country, it is still popular, every time when the mutton is served on the table, the first thing you hear is the story of the "death of the country with a cup of yokan". According to the "Warring States Policy", when the monarch of Zhongshan invited guests at a banquet, a person named "Sima Zi Period" was also invited to sit, during the banquet, for the guests to share "sheep soup", but Sima Zi Period could not get it, and the angry Sima Zi Period persuaded the King of Chu to cut down the Zhongshan Kingdom, and the Zhongshan Kingdom died, and the monarch lamented that "a cup of sheep soup was destroyed.".

Red braised lamb, Henan people's specialty dish, lamb is tender, pure taste, three or nine days to eat the most suitable

Red braised lamb, the best dish of Henan people, this dish was created by Mr. Li Wuqing, a Xinxiang person, and has been handed down to this day, and it is also popular in Henan. When making red braised lamb, the meat quality not only requires excellent quality, but also pays special attention to the method. The red braised lamb hot pot from Xinxiang is popular throughout Henan. Fat and not greasy, full of meat flavor; mouthy tendons, tendons and crisp, crisp and rotten, a bite to cool, a spoonful of fresh soup into the mouth, suddenly feel relaxed, three or nine days to eat the most suitable.

Red braised lamb, Henan people's specialty dish, lamb is tender, pure taste, three or nine days to eat the most suitable

Red braised lamb

Main ingredients:

1500 g lamb with skin.

Supplementary ingredients:

Rapeseed oil, salt, green onion, ginger, garlic, grass fruit, baizhi, baikou, peppercorn grains, angelica, Pixian bean paste, dark soy sauce, soy sauce, rice wine, pepper, coriander.


Red braised lamb, Henan people's specialty dish, lamb is tender, pure taste, three or nine days to eat the most suitable

Step 1: First chop the lamb into small pieces of uniform size, cut the green onion into horseshoe-shaped pieces, slice the ginger, cut the garlic into garlic grains, and place the bean paste on the board and chop it up and set aside.

Red braised lamb, Henan people's specialty dish, lamb is tender, pure taste, three or nine days to eat the most suitable

Step 2: Add an appropriate amount of white wine to the water, soak the cut lamb for 10 minutes, soak the lamb into the liquor in order to remove the smell of the lamb, but also effectively remove the blood in the lamb.

Red braised lamb, Henan people's specialty dish, lamb is tender, pure taste, three or nine days to eat the most suitable

Step 3: Add cold water to the pot, put the soaked lamb in cold water, boil the water for 4 minutes on high heat, rinse it with cool water, and then burn the skin of the lamb and wash it clean.

Red braised lamb, Henan people's specialty dish, lamb is tender, pure taste, three or nine days to eat the most suitable

Step 4: Add an appropriate amount of rapeseed oil to the pot and heat it, put the lamb into the sauté, when sautéing the lamb, do not put other ingredients and spices, sauté the lamb with water vapor, and sauté the lamb on high heat.

Red braised lamb, Henan people's specialty dish, lamb is tender, pure taste, three or nine days to eat the most suitable

Step 5: After sautéing the water vapor, add the ginger slices, green onions and garlic grains to simmer the flavor, then add the peppercorns, fry the flavor, add the grass fruits, white curs, angelica, baizhi, and sauté until the flavor is fragrant.

Red braised lamb, Henan people's specialty dish, lamb is tender, pure taste, three or nine days to eat the most suitable

Step 6: Add the chopped watercress sauce, stir-fry the crispy stir-fry out the red oil, and then add the soy sauce, soy sauce, and the rice wine to stir-fry the aroma, add the appropriate amount of water to boil, turn the heat to simmer for an hour, then add salt and pepper to taste, then fish it out, pour it into the original soup, and then put it on the alcohol pot while simmering and eating, a fresh and fragrant red braised lamb is ready.

Red braised lamb, Henan people's specialty dish, lamb is tender, pure taste, three or nine days to eat the most suitable

Cooking Tips:

1. To make red braised lamb, you must use high-quality lamb with skin as raw material, and you must soak it in white wine to remove the smell of lamb.

2, blanching water can make the blood in the lamb leach out, so that the lamb is fragrant.

3, the most critical step is to sauté lamb, be sure to sauté the water vapor in the lamb, so that the red braised lamb is delicious.

Red braised lamb, Henan people's specialty dish, lamb is tender, pure taste, three or nine days to eat the most suitable

Red braised lamb is the best dish of Henan people, can also be eaten directly, can also be eaten as a hot pot, do you like the dish of red braised lamb? If you like it, gently like and forward, if you have a different approach, you can also leave a message with me, let's discuss making a more delicious red braised lamb, today I will share it here, thank you for reading, see you in the next issue!

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