
Teach you to make Guizhou specialties at home, sauerkraut bean soup and fried hibiscus eggs, which are slightly sour and delicious

author:Chief food blogger

Each place will have specialties and delicacies that the locals can enjoy. For example, there is a kind of bamboo worm in Guangzhou cuisine, the locals like to eat, but outsiders do not see what can be enjoyed, whether it is bamboo worms or bamboo rats I can not accept, doomed to lose two delicious food. In fact, the food in the north is very regular and very strange, that is to say, silkworm cocoons, pupae, silkworms are not eaten by some people, so when I share the special food with you, I will skip these curious dishes and look for some that everyone can accept.

Teach you to make Guizhou specialties at home, sauerkraut bean soup and fried hibiscus eggs, which are slightly sour and delicious

The first delicacy: sauerkraut bean soup

Ingredients to prepare: 1 kg of red beans (guizhou called red beans), 5 pairs of sauerkraut, 1 kg of fresh pork leg bones, 2.5 kg of rice soup steamed and filtered out, salt to taste, ginger and onion MSG wood ginger flowers

Specific practices:

In the first step, put the beans on the sand, wash them with water, and cut off the pork leg bones. At the same time, put in a sand pot, add 2 kg of water (temporarily without salt) and cook until the beans are rotten. Squeeze the water out and cut it into chunks. Ginger and wood are crispy and ready to use.

Teach you to make Guizhou specialties at home, sauerkraut bean soup and fried hibiscus eggs, which are slightly sour and delicious

In the second step, we first wash the casserole or iron pot, pour in the rice soup and boil, then add ginger rice, MONOS glutamate and salt, then put the beans into the pot to cook, put the cut pickles into the pot to cook, then knead the wood flowers and ginger flowers into the pot, sprinkle in the green onions and stir, and then watch the dishes.

Second delicacy: fried hibiscus eggs

Ingredients: 6 servings of egg white, 2 parts of egg yolks, 15 grams of dry starch, 20 grams of sea cucumber, 20 grams of magnolia slices, 20 grams of chicken, 10 grams of sea rice, a little ginger and shallots, 10 grams of soy sauce, a little flavor salt, 5 grams of cooking wine, 150 grams of clear soup, 750 grams of vegetable oil (75 grams of cooking oil).

Teach you to make Guizhou specialties at home, sauerkraut bean soup and fried hibiscus eggs, which are slightly sour and delicious

In the first step, we cut the sea cucumber, magnolia slices and cooked chicken into diced green beans. Jaime was slashed by a knife. Wash the lettuce and cut it into two-inch long segments. We first put 300 grams of water in a soup pot, bring it to a boil over high heat, then cook the sea cucumber, magnolia slices and cooked chicken for a while and remove the controlled water.

In the second step, we put the value oil (20 grams) into a frying pan, heat it to 60% over medium heat, add the onion and ginger to fry the aroma, put it in cooking wine, add soy sauce, flavor, clear soup, open happily, take out the onion, ginger, and then go down to the swimming ginseng, cooked chicken, magnolia slices, and sea rice, cook for about 5 minutes on low heat, put it in a bowl. Pour out the soup to make a mixture. Next, we put the egg whites in a bowl, stir with chopsticks, and then add the dry starch. Then put the two egg yolks in another bowl and break them. Pour them into a clean bowl and stir well to make egg sauce.

Teach you to make Guizhou specialties at home, sauerkraut bean soup and fried hibiscus eggs, which are slightly sour and delicious

The third step, then put the vegetable oil into the pot, heat the heat to 60%, pour in the egg whites, fry until solidified and not coagulated, pour in half of the egg whites, then use a large spoon to hold the unspacked half, turn over to the top of the mixture, make a semicircle, continue to fry until light yellow, turn over, also fry the other side when it is light yellow, remove and place on the side of the plate. Place the lettuce part neatly on the other side of the plate and print it out.

Fried hibiscus eggs are simple and creative. We usually fry or boil eggs. We can make this dish based on existing ingredients without affecting too much taste. Another kind of sauerkraut bean soup is characterized by its clear flavor and moderate acidity.

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