
My lettuce is never cold, stir-fried to eat more delicious, try these 5 methods Xiaobai can also become a chef

author:Lao Wang Food Shop

Today I would like to share with you 271-275 of the 500 home-cooked dishes.

====Stir-fried shredded lettuce =====

【Ingredients】: 200 grams of lettuce, 100 grams of pork tenderloin, green onion, ginger, cooking wine, starch, egg white, salt, salad oil.

【Preparation method】:1. Peel and wash the lettuce, rub it into a thin wire with a wire wiper, wash the pork tenderloin, first cut into thin slices of about 0.8 cm, and then cut into strips. Add egg whites, salt, cooking wine, starch to the tenderloin and marinate for 20 minutes.

2. Pour the salad oil into the pot, the oil temperature rises to 4-5 into the heat, put in the meat silky oil, the surface color of the meat becomes white and the shape is fished out to control the oil for later.

3. Leave a little bottom oil in the pot, add green onion, ginger slices and stir-fry fragrantly, stir-fry the shredded meat after putting in the oil, and finally add the lettuce shreds to stir-fry well on high heat, add salt to season and stir-fry evenly.

【Tips】: Lettuce shredded water content is large, can not be heated in the pot for a long time, it is easy to soup, with a large number of hot stir-frying to reduce the frying time.

My lettuce is never cold, stir-fried to eat more delicious, try these 5 methods Xiaobai can also become a chef

====Fried meat with lettuce fungus =====

【Ingredients】: 200 grams of lettuce, 50 grams of fungus, 100 grams of tenderloin, 40 grams of carrots, green onions, cooking wine, egg whites, soy sauce, starch, salt salad oil.

【Preparation method】:1. Peel and wash the lettuce and cut into thin slices, soak the fungus with boiling water, remove the root and tear it into small pieces, wash and set aside. Wash and peel the carrots and cut into thin slices, wash and cut the tenderloin into thin slices, add egg whites, cooking wine, soy sauce, starch and pick well for 20 minutes.

2. Bring water to a boil in a pot, add blanched water, boil for 3 minutes and remove. Bring the salad oil into the pan and heat it to 4-5% and add the sliced meat to the oil. The surface of the meat slices turns white and the shape is fished out for oil, then the lettuce slices and carrot slices are greased, poured into the oil pan and fished out for 2 minutes.

3. Leave a little bottom oil in the pot, add green onion and stir-fry until fragrant, add all the ingredients and stir-fry well, add salt and stir-fry again.

【Tips】: All ingredients are oiled once, so that the stir-fried dishes are dry and fragrant. Do not over-oil the fungus, which will dry out and affect the taste.

My lettuce is never cold, stir-fried to eat more delicious, try these 5 methods Xiaobai can also become a chef

====Fried shrimp with lettuce =====

【Ingredients】: 200 grams of lettuce, 150 grams of shrimp, green onion, cooking wine, salt, salad oil.

【Preparation method】:1. Peel and wash the lettuce, cut into about 6 cm segments, then cut into thin slices, soak the shrimp in water for 20 minutes, and then rinse.

2. Pour water into the pot, add the green onion and bring the cooking wine to a boil. Add the shrimp in blanched water, pour the shrimp into the pot 15 with a spoon and push away, after 15 seconds, drain the water and set aside.

3. Pour salad oil into the pot, add green onion and stir-fry until fragrant, add the sliced lettuce, stir-fry on high heat, add shrimp, and then add the right amount of salt and stir-fry well out of the pot.

【Tips】: The shrimp are relatively tender, so you need to fry lettuce first to avoid frying the shrimp to the old.

My lettuce is never cold, stir-fried to eat more delicious, try these 5 methods Xiaobai can also become a chef

====Lettuce stir-fried bacon =====

【Preparation ingredients】: 300 grams of lettuce, 200 grams of bacon, 30 grams of bean paste, 5 sticks of chaotian, green onion, ginger, garlic sprouts, salt, salad oil.

【Production method】:1. Lettuce peeled and washed and cut into diamond-shaped pieces, bacon washed and cut into thin slices, watercress sauce chopped, washed and cut into diamond-shaped slices, garlic seedlings washed and cut into diamond-shaped pieces.

2. Introduce salad oil into the pan, the oil temperature rises to 4-5 into the heat, put in the lettuce slices over the oil, fry for about 2 minutes and fish out the oil control and set aside.

3. Add the chopped green onion and ginger and stir-fry until fragrant, then add the watercress sauce, stir-fry the pepper to the sky, add the bacon slices and stir-fry well, then add the lettuce slices and stir-fry evenly, and finally add the garlic seedlings and salt and stir-fry evenly out of the pot.

【Tips】: Garlic seedlings can only be fried to make garlic flavor. And the garlic seedlings will not be fried softly, making the appearance of the dish more beautiful.

My lettuce is never cold, stir-fried to eat more delicious, try these 5 methods Xiaobai can also become a chef

====Lettuce stewed chicken nuggets =====

【Ingredients】: 300 grams of lettuce, 2 chicken thighs, 40 grams of bean paste, 5 pickled chili peppers, green onion, ginger, garlic, cooking wine, salt, salad oil.

【Preparation Method】:1. Peel and wash the lettuce and cut into hob pieces. Wash the chicken thighs, chop them into small pieces and wash them again. Chop the bean paste and set aside.

2. Pour water into the pot, add green onion, ginger, cooking wine and chicken nuggets to boil, skim off the foam and cook for 5 minutes to drain the water for later, pour salad oil into the pot, the oil temperature rises to 70% heat, put in the chicken nuggets, fry until the surface is golden and fish out the oil control and set aside.

3. Leave a little bottom oil in the pot, add shallots, ginger, garlic and stir-fry, add watercress sauce and pickled chili peppers to fry until fragrant, and finally add chicken nuggets and lettuce cubes to stir-fry well, add about 150 grams of water and a little salt to stir-fry well, cover the pot for 10 minutes, and dry the soup in the pot.

【Tip】: Chicken nuggets can be fried to keep the shape very well.

My lettuce is never cold, stir-fried to eat more delicious, try these 5 methods Xiaobai can also become a chef

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