
Why is the lunar soil brought back by China colored and NASA gray? Could it be that the U.S. moon landing was fake? Why is China's lunar soil colored? Why doesn't China share lunar soil samples with NASA? epilogue

author:History is material

Flying the moon is Chinese long-standing ideal, in the traditional Chinese cultural history, the moon has always had a unique meaning, people have also given it many value images. However, the scientific and technological level of the ancients is limited, and it is impossible to explore the mystery of the moon, especially whether there is really a "Guanghan Palace" above the moon, and everything needs more scientific decryption. With the continuous development of China's science and technology, aerospace technology has made great breakthroughs, and finally realized the dream of landing on the moon.

Why is the lunar soil brought back by China colored and NASA gray? Could it be that the U.S. moon landing was fake? Why is China's lunar soil colored? Why doesn't China share lunar soil samples with NASA? epilogue

After completing the lunar mission, it is even more important to use it for research. On July 20, 1969, the Apollo-11 successfully landed on the moon, Armstrong also became the first person in human history to set foot on the moon, since then, the moon landing is also in progress, the Same period of the Soviet Union is also stepping up to complete the lunar mission, and finally achieved the moon landing, bringing back important lunar samples. But what few people know is that India has also landed the moon before, and Japan and Europe are also constantly breaking through the goal of lunar exploration. Countries around the world have shown great interest in the earth's near-Earth satellite, and whoever can seize the high ground will have more say in the future.

Why is the lunar soil brought back by China colored and NASA gray? Could it be that the U.S. moon landing was fake? Why is China's lunar soil colored? Why doesn't China share lunar soil samples with NASA? epilogue

Previously, due to technical limitations, China did not have the conditions and capabilities to land on the moon, but research on the moon could not follow in the footsteps of others. In 1978, in order to promote the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States as soon as possible, the then US President's National Security Adviser Brzezinski visited China. As a sign of sincerity, Brzezinski carried a special gift with him, a 1-gram specimen of the Moon Rock. The rock is cast in a piece of plexiglass. But at this time, the Americans were really very clever, and put a magnifying glass inside the plexiglass, which may be the size of a thumb when it looks outside, but after it is really opened, it is only the size of soybeans. And it is this precious sample of lunar soil that has provided important help to our research and opened the door to a new world. At the same time, Chinese scientists are also secretly vowing that China must have its own moon landing ceremony.

Why is the lunar soil brought back by China colored and NASA gray? Could it be that the U.S. moon landing was fake? Why is China's lunar soil colored? Why doesn't China share lunar soil samples with NASA? epilogue

At 10:26 a.m. on January 3, 2019, the Chang'e-4 probe successfully landed in the pre-selected landing area near the east longitude and south latitude of the far side of the moon, and transmitted the world's first close-up image of the back of the moon through the "Queqiao" relay star, breaking the mystery of the ancient moon back. In the early morning of December 17, 2020, the Chang'e-5 returner returned to the earth with lunar samples at a speed close to the second cosmic speed, and landed at the Siziwangqi landing site in Inner Mongolia according to the predetermined plan, bringing back the precious 1731 grams of lunar soil, providing an important specimen resource for China's scientific research.

Why is the lunar soil brought back by China colored and NASA gray? Could it be that the U.S. moon landing was fake? Why is China's lunar soil colored? Why doesn't China share lunar soil samples with NASA? epilogue

But people who know something about the lunar soil, after seeing China's lunar soil, are very confused, because whether it is the lunar photos seen on the Internet or the lunar soil samples brought back by the United States, they are gray, but the final lunar soil is colored. Many people think that they are all objects in the same place, why is there such a big difference?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="30" > Why is China's lunar soil colored? </h1>

In recent years, the news about the US moon landing has been true or false, conspiracy theorists have always believed that the US moon landing is a self-directed comedy, so this issue has caused great controversy for a long time, many people think that China's moon landing may be able to prove the true or false of the US moon landing, because the lunar soil sample brought back can be compared with the US lunar soil sample to see if they are true or false.

Why is the lunar soil brought back by China colored and NASA gray? Could it be that the U.S. moon landing was fake? Why is China's lunar soil colored? Why doesn't China share lunar soil samples with NASA? epilogue

Recently, the China National Space Administration held the first lunar scientific research sample distribution ceremony of the Chang'e-5 mission, and the first batch of 17.4764 grams of lunar scientific research samples were distributed, which were divided into 31 copies and distributed to 13 scientific research institutions for the study of lunar soil samples and to promote China's research capabilities on the moon as much as possible. In the published photos, you can see some color samples, which is really magical.

Why is the lunar soil brought back by China colored and NASA gray? Could it be that the U.S. moon landing was fake? Why is China's lunar soil colored? Why doesn't China share lunar soil samples with NASA? epilogue

As for why China's lunar soil shows color, in fact, this is the effect presented under the microscope, that is, the moon soil powder specimen is enlarged to look at the lunar soil sample from a more subtle perspective. The moon photos seen in ordinary life, or the lunar soil samples released by the United States, are the effects presented under the human eye, so it is mostly gray.

Why is the lunar soil brought back by China colored and NASA gray? Could it be that the U.S. moon landing was fake? Why is China's lunar soil colored? Why doesn't China share lunar soil samples with NASA? epilogue

Li Chunlai, deputy chief designer of the third phase of the lunar exploration project and chief engineer of the ground application system, explained that the yellow one is generally olivine, the brown one is generally glass, the white one is generally oblique feldspar, and the dark color is generally pyroxene. These are the basic components of the largest amount of basalt on the moon, in fact, it is a kind of igneous rock, fine-grained dense, the appearance looks roughly black, it is condensed by the eruption of basal magma, the main component is sodium silica aluminuminate or calcium aluminuminate, the content of silica is about 45-52%, and it also contains high iron oxides and magnesium oxide.

Why is the lunar soil brought back by China colored and NASA gray? Could it be that the U.S. moon landing was fake? Why is China's lunar soil colored? Why doesn't China share lunar soil samples with NASA? epilogue

If the Chinese lunar soil sample is not placed under the microscope, it actually looks gray, which is the kind of lunar soil sample state that we often see.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="29" > the authenticity of the U.S. moon landing</h1>

Earlier, the technology edition of Mexico's Perpetual Weekly published an article titled "The Biggest Forgery of the Century" published by Russian researcher Alexander Golddorf, questioning the photos taken by the United States on the moon. He believes that all the photographs and video recordings taken by the so-called American astronauts on the moon were made in Hollywood studios. He stressed that he had reached this conclusion after careful scientific analysis and certification. The main reasons for this are as follows: no image can see the stars in the space background; the image of the object leaves a shadow in many directions, and the shadow formed by the sunlight on the object should be one direction; the star-spangled flag planted on the moon in the photographic record is flying in the wind, and it is impossible for the wind on the moon to blow the flag up. At the same time, he also believes that the gravity of the moon is much smaller than that of the earth, so that every step taken by people on the moon is equivalent to taking 5 or 6 meters above the earth. He firmly believed that the U.S. moon landing might just be a hoax, a public opinion created by the United States in order to gain international status in the era.

Why is the lunar soil brought back by China colored and NASA gray? Could it be that the U.S. moon landing was fake? Why is China's lunar soil colored? Why doesn't China share lunar soil samples with NASA? epilogue

Therefore, the topic of the authenticity of the US moon landing has always been the focus of attention, because there are too many uncontrollable factors in it. Previously, some people questioned that Armstrong's feet suddenly turned translucent in color when he walked out of the hatch, which made people very suspicious, so he felt that this may be the Time when the United States was shooting the moon landing scene in the studio, because the technology was not advanced enough, so there was an obvious loophole in the background processing.

Why is the lunar soil brought back by China colored and NASA gray? Could it be that the U.S. moon landing was fake? Why is China's lunar soil colored? Why doesn't China share lunar soil samples with NASA? epilogue

Regarding the issue of the American flag flying on the moon, it has been explained that the flag is sewn with high-temperature resistant nylon material, and in order to be able to unfold it on the moon, a crossbar was deliberately added to the top of the flagpole, that is, like a "7". Moser, the engineer in charge of the moon landing at that time, said that the flag planted on the surface of the moon did not have only a railing, but an inverted "L" shape, which fixed the flag. In addition, the mechanical failure when unfurling the flag caused the astronauts to try to unfold the flag with the tools they had in hand, but because they accidentally mixed the fibers on the flag together, it made the flag look a bit like it was fluttering with the wind.

Why is the lunar soil brought back by China colored and NASA gray? Could it be that the U.S. moon landing was fake? Why is China's lunar soil colored? Why doesn't China share lunar soil samples with NASA? epilogue

As for why Armstrong's feet became transparent, it was because the live television technology at that time was limited, because there must have been no developed broadcast technology like we have today in that era, and the signal transmission itself may have certain errors, and in the case of a variety of details not being handled in place, there were some large or small flaws. Instead, these flaws have become an omission that questions the veracity of the U.S. moon landing.

Why is the lunar soil brought back by China colored and NASA gray? Could it be that the U.S. moon landing was fake? Why is China's lunar soil colored? Why doesn't China share lunar soil samples with NASA? epilogue

On the question of the authenticity of the US moon landing, in fact, there is no need to question, because since the United States dares to send out the lunar soil, it is naturally not afraid of being found to be true or false, because the Soviet Union at that time also brought back a large number of lunar soil, and if the United States falsified the lunar soil, it would be too stupid. The question of the U.S. manned moon landing was the key to the controversy, because the Soviet Union had just completed the lunar exploration, and the United States could achieve manned lunar landing and return technology, which seemed inconceivable at the time, and even today it is too fast. As for whether the United States completed the authenticity of the manned moon landing in the era at that time, more material is needed to further prove this.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="28" > why doesn't China share lunar soil samples with NASA? </h1>

As the only country to retrieve the sample of lunar soil at this stage, China's lunar soil is actually very precious, and after distributing these lunar soils to 13 Chinese scientific research institutions, some good people have questioned on the Internet, believing that China should provide lunar soil to foreign scientific research institutions, and cannot conduct research behind closed doors.

Why is the lunar soil brought back by China colored and NASA gray? Could it be that the U.S. moon landing was fake? Why is China's lunar soil colored? Why doesn't China share lunar soil samples with NASA? epilogue

People who have such a view are actually very absurd. At present, China has great prominence in the process of space exploration, and many domestic scientific research institutions have not lost to some world scientific research institutions in terms of research capabilities. Moreover, China already has experience in lunar soil research, and this lunar soil is also the result of China's own extremely costly research, and there is nothing wrong with letting itself study first.

Why is the lunar soil brought back by China colored and NASA gray? Could it be that the U.S. moon landing was fake? Why is China's lunar soil colored? Why doesn't China share lunar soil samples with NASA? epilogue

And those who have made the above remarks have forgotten how the original space research excluded China.

In 2011, a Chinese employed by NASA's Langley Research Center on a contract basis was arrested while returning home on a transit flight, and Wolff, then chairman of the House Appropriations Committee's Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Institutions, trumpeted to the media that the Chinese citizen carried "a lot of information technology that he may not have the right to dispose of," but found no evidence, eventually saying that he had "yellow movies" on his computer. Through this spurious "espionage" incident, Wolff encouraged Congress to introduce legislation banning space cooperation with China, prohibiting any joint scientific research activities between the United States and China related to NASA or coordinated by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, including prohibiting NASA-owned facilities from hosting "official Chinese visitors."

Why is the lunar soil brought back by China colored and NASA gray? Could it be that the U.S. moon landing was fake? Why is China's lunar soil colored? Why doesn't China share lunar soil samples with NASA? epilogue

The ban first appeared as one of the provisions of the Spending Act for fiscal year 2011 signed by U.S. President Barack Obama, hence the term "Wolfe Clause." It is this provision that separates China from the world's space research.

Therefore, in recent years, the rapid development of China's aerospace technology has also had certain external pressures, because there are many unknown resources in space, and if China lags behind in this regard, it may fall into passivity in the future.

Why is the lunar soil brought back by China colored and NASA gray? Could it be that the U.S. moon landing was fake? Why is China's lunar soil colored? Why doesn't China share lunar soil samples with NASA? epilogue

As for whether the United States is interested in China's lunar soil this time, that is certainly inevitable. The lunar soil that China brought back is an area that the United States has not previously covered, and there are more unknowns, so they are also very concerned about it. But the Americans themselves have acted as demons first, excluding China, and now there is a day when they will suffer their own consequences.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="26" > conclusion</h1>

Today's China is constantly making a series of achievements in various aspects, and is destined to achieve more remarkable results in the future. Playing iron also needs to be hard, have the backbone to solve the target problem, and have the ability to solve more practical problems. Chinese astronauts are using their backbone and ability to tell the world that we can too! Especially after the completion of China's space station, China's influence in the space world will be even stronger.


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