
Talk about some knowledge of alcohol into the body: changes after drinking too much

author:Bless the shooter

Recently, there are more holidays, the big guys drink a lot, drink too much remember not to drive, while understanding a series of changes after alcohol enters the body.

Talk about some knowledge of alcohol into the body: changes after drinking too much

It's nice to look at, drink a little wine, eat a little dish...

Definition: Various types of liquor brewed by cooking, saccharification, fermentation, distillation, aging and blending using starchy (sugar) raw materials, using starchy (sugar) raw materials.

Talk about some knowledge of alcohol into the body: changes after drinking too much


Ingredients: Alcohol and water, accounting for more than 99%, and the other accounting for about 1%. Including fusel oil, polyols, methanol, aldehydes, acids, esters and so on. In the scientific analysis, its chromatographic skeleton components have acetic acid, lactic acid, caproic acid, butyric acid, as well as ethanol, acetal a total of 6 substances. It should be noted here that these components can be generated through complex reactions between multiple components (one life two, two life three, three life infinite). In addition, some production enterprises will add illegal additives in the production process, and the brewing and storage process may also cause liquor to be contaminated with phthalenes, heavy metals, etc. Therefore, the ingredients in liquor are complex and diverse, containing both functional active ingredients that are beneficial to the human body, substances harmful to the human body produced by fermentation, and pollutants produced during production and transportation.

Talk about some knowledge of alcohol into the body: changes after drinking too much

Alcohol is familiar, which is the structural formula of ethanol


Ethanol (alcohol): The most important ingredient, it represents the degree of wine. Sterilization, promote human circulation, stimulate gastric juice secretion.

It should be noted here that after entering the human body, it is metabolized into acetaldehyde, acetic acid, and eventually becomes carbon dioxide and water. In this process, two enzymes are needed to act on metabolism: ethanol dehydrogenase and acetaldehyde dehydrogenase, so whether a person's alcohol consumption can quickly metabolize the ethanol that enters the body and sober up (or tolerate), depends on this thing, so the amount of these two enzymes represents your alcohol.

Talk about some knowledge of alcohol into the body: changes after drinking too much

Ethanol dehydrogenase molecular diagram

Ester compounds: compounds produced under the action of microorganisms in the late fermentation stage have an aromatic odor, which can represent the taste of wine and are one of the main components of liquor quality.

These ester compounds are mainly ethyl acetate, ethyl caproate, ethyl lactate, and ethyl butyrate. Strong aromatic odor of ethyl acetate: the main ester of the wine is strong and long, and the strong aromatic liquor (the concentration is too high to cause the liquor to be turbid). Ethyl lactate: the most abundant content in rice-flavored liquor, which can increase the mellowness of the wine. Ethyl butyrate: fruity flavor (high concentration is astringent).

Talk about some knowledge of alcohol into the body: changes after drinking too much

ethyl acetate

Fusel oil: alcohols produced by the breakdown of proteins into amino acids during alcoholic fermentation and then further hydrolysis. Perfumes, which have an anesthetic effect on the human nervous system (on the top, stronger than ethanol but more slowly decomposed), winemaking companies stipulate that it cannot exceed a certain dose (2g/L), so this thing is a bad thing.

Talk about some knowledge of alcohol into the body: changes after drinking too much

Fusel oil is colorless and transparent, and is used industrially as fuel, flotation agent, fragrance, plasticizer and paint, etc., so that it is shipped

Organic acids: Acetic acid (acetic acid), etc., can help digestion, lower blood lipids, dilate blood vessels, etc.

Formaldehyde: has a coordinating effect on wine: Titian. It is toxic and can cause protein coagulation, which is the main factor leading to alcoholism. If the acetaldehyde dehydrogenase in the body is not metabolized, there will be symptoms of drunkenness such as red ears, dizziness, and headaches. This stuff has less content of Titian, and if the content is more, it will stimulate the mucous membranes of the mouth and esophagus, and the "throat prick" feeling when drinking alcohol is generally this reason.

Talk about some knowledge of alcohol into the body: changes after drinking too much


Formaldehyde this thing, the harm is great, but can be used to disinfect and sterilize, formalin is this stuff; industrial use is large, can do plastic, as well as automotive accessories, wood furniture (phenolic resin glue), all the clothes inside the dye and other things, basically a person's life can not be separated from this thing.

Talk about some knowledge of alcohol into the body: changes after drinking too much

Formaldehyde hazards

The above is the main ingredient, which is beneficial or product power, but there are still methanol (industrial alcohol), trace metal elements (lead, manganese, etc.), phthalates (plasticizers), etc. In the production of liquor, raw materials, transportation, storage and industrial production of additives or decolorization and other production processes.

Talk about some knowledge of alcohol into the body: changes after drinking too much

In 2012, a wine "plasticizer" exceeded the standard

The above is to understand, to understand the composition and function of liquor. The following highlights are useful:

1. The process after the liquor enters the abdomen:

After entering the human body, it can appear in the blood within 5 minutes, and the concentration of blood circulation in the human body reaches the highest in about 30 to 60 minutes. Procedure: oral-esophageal-gastrointestinal-biofilm into the bloodstream.

Talk about some knowledge of alcohol into the body: changes after drinking too much

Basically, it is followed by this process into the bloodstream

The body's ability to excrete ethanol is weak, and a small amount (2% to 10%) is directly excreted through sweat, urine, and respiratory tract, most of which passes through the liver and remains in the liver for decomposition by enzymes. Basically, it goes like this: ethanol dehydrogenase (catalytic) --- converted into acetaldehyde - acetaldehyde dehydrogenase (catalytic) --- acetic acid--- acetate dehydrogenase (oxidation) --- carbon dioxide, water and other elements, while releasing a large amount of ATP (energy). Looking at the above process, the size of a person's alcohol is related to the content of this catalytic and oxidative dehydrogenase.

Talk about some knowledge of alcohol into the body: changes after drinking too much

This is the liver, which often hurts, just like I often burst the liver out of the article

Harm, in theory, in the above process, all the organs that pass through it will be stimulated and injured, for example, many people will drink alcohol will have stomach pain, damage to the digestive tract, etc., of course, this is not the most powerful, the most powerful is how to metabolize alcohol into the blood? Theoretically, all the diets ingested through the digestive system will be decomposed and converted into various substances (sugars and amino acids, trace elements, etc.), so it is said that these decomposed ethanol and other substances that enter the blood need to be metabolized by the liver.

2. Hazards:

Stomach: Ethanol diuretic drainage effect, so people who drink alcohol urine more, urine fast [teeth], can coagulate the tissue proteins in the human body, can stimulate, corrode the gastric mucosa, the surface mucus layer of the stomach and mucus cells, etc. cause damage, in addition to causing gastric dysfunction, severe can lead to gastric ulcers, etc., and eventually lead to gastric artery bleeding, heavy bleeding.

Intestines: a large intake of ethanol is toxic, especially in the small intestine (this is because the small intestine absorbs the rotten food residue of the stomach into the bloodstream). Therefore, abdominal pain may occur after heavy drinking, which is convulsive (cramping). Long-term alcohol consumption reduces the oligosaccharidase activity of the small intestine (permanent), and after impaired intestinal function, chronic diarrhea or malnutrition (alcohol halo - do not eat the latter eat very little, emaciated).

Talk about some knowledge of alcohol into the body: changes after drinking too much

Stomach ulcers, whatever the cause, are leaking from the stomach

Liver: inhibits the regeneration and repair of stem cells, leads to hepatocyte necrosis, degeneration and other lesions, and in the long run, leads to fatty liver, liver fibrosis, cirrhosis. There is a set of data references: the more alcohol is drunk, the longer the time, the more serious the steatosis of the liver. Drinking alcohol every day is more harmful than intermittent drinking, and drinking a lot of alcohol once is more harmful than drinking small amounts of alcohol in 1 day. According to statistics, drinking 80-120g of spirits every day lasts for > 10 years, > 90% of people will have fatty liver; nearly 60% of chronic alcoholics will develop fatty liver, and 20% to 30% will eventually go cirrhosis.

Central system: has an inhibitory effect on the central nervous system, alcoholic encephalopathy. When alcoholism, most of them are from excitement to inhibition, when the intake of alcohol reaches 75 ~ 80g (1 two more), it can cause symptoms of alcoholism (there is a difference), blood alcohol concentration > 1000mg / L, can occur coma, the average person 96% of alcohol 200g can be fatal (90 degrees of drinking 4 two ends, here is the general situation, there is a difference). Symptoms: incoherent speech, incoherent steps, ataxia, lethargy, coma, etc.

Talk about some knowledge of alcohol into the body: changes after drinking too much


Three: response, treatment:

1. Sending a doctor nearby is the safest and most reasonable (of course, unconditional or unwilling and other situations ignore this article, drink too much unreasonable will not look at this article, so this article is for the reference of not drinking too much).

Talk about some knowledge of alcohol into the body: changes after drinking too much

I didn't drink much...

2. Relieves persistent injury: induces vomiting. Here need to pay special attention to the vomiting is to pay attention to prevent the drunk from being blocked by vomit and suffocated death, because drunk, central system inhibition, personnel do not know, so when vomiting either bow their heads or sideways (the left side of the head is low lying), try to bow their heads, so that you can prevent vomit from being uncontrollably inhaled into the trachea, many people will cough and cough after vomiting, coughing up phlegm, coughing, vomiting, vomit, cough, vomit, vomit,

Talk about some knowledge of alcohol into the body: changes after drinking too much

This method is easy to learn, pay attention to the head not to extend too inside

3. Rest, beneficial to alcohol metabolism, avoid other accidents.


According to the situation of drunks, they can be divided into: gastric lavage, negative pressure suction to aspirate secretions and other debris (suction sputum), reduce the risk of airway blockage in drunks; trachea has a foreign body to remove foreign bodies, can be seen in the situation of oxygen inhalation. In addition, gastric lavage and other postures refer to the low lying position on the left side of the head to prevent suffocation. Intravenous bolus naloxone: sedation, awakening, intravenous infusion if necessary (5% glucose 250ml plus ordinary insulin 12 ~ 16U intravenous drip, vitamin B1, B6 intramuscular injection to promote ethanol excretion), protect the gastric mucosa, prevent gastrointestinal bleeding and related symptomatic treatment.

Talk about some knowledge of alcohol into the body: changes after drinking too much

This is basically necessary after being sent to the hospital

Talk about some knowledge of alcohol into the body: changes after drinking too much


The above said so much, in fact, is far from enough, wait for the next write some supplements, otherwise in case it can't be sent, my liver is not in vain! Original is not easy, please like and support! Thank you so much! Like my peers, I went to you like this...

Talk about some knowledge of alcohol into the body: changes after drinking too much

Brothers, report a place, and arrive soon...

Some references:

About ethanol metabolism rate and therapeutic measures in humans Tian Wei1, Hu Jiangtao2 (1.Institute of Forensic Science and Technology, Xinyang Municipal Public Security Bureau, Xinyang 464000, Henan; 2.Henan Shengde Judicial Appraisal Center, Xinyang 464000, Henan) Keywords] Ethanol; Metabolism; Damage; Measures [Zhongtu Classification Number] R33 [Literature Identification Code] A [Article Number] ISSN.2095-8242.2019.18.198.01

Brief analysis of functional components and pollutants in liquor □ Song Jie, Liu Ying, Wan Yanzhong, Qingdao Dagang Customs

First aid and nursing experience of acute 2-sperm poisoning Tang] Zhang Xuebin 135100 Huinan County Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Jilin Province Keywords Alcohol poisoning t-rescue P doi 10.3969 /j.issn.1007 -614;.2012. 14.294

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