
Xu Xilin: A martyr who served the country with a heart and assassinated Enming, the inspector of Anhui, was beheaded by the Qing court


The military song should sing the big sword ring, and swear to destroy hu nu out of Yuguan.

Only the battlefield is dead for the country, why should Ma Ge wrap the body back.

- Out of the jam

This poem "Out of the Plug" was written by Xu Xilin in 1906, when he returned from abroad, traveled north, and along the way, he had a lot of feelings, so he wrote this poem.

The vernacular meaning of the poem is that the soldiers who go out on the expedition should sing military songs and return triumphantly in victory, determined to drive the enemy out of Yumen Pass. Soldiers only know how to kill the enemy on the battlefield to serve the country and sacrifice their lives for the country, so why should they consider the matter of transporting the corpses back to their hometowns.

Xu Xilin's "Out of the Plug" expresses his revolutionary feelings and spirit of sacrifice at the expense of righteousness and righteousness, and judging from the content of the poem, it is full of heroism, and also reflects his feelings of serving the country and dying on the battlefield.

Xu Xilin: A martyr who served the country with a heart and assassinated Enming, the inspector of Anhui, was beheaded by the Qing court

So who is Xu Xilin? And what kind of life experience?

Xu Xilin (徐西麟), courtesy name Bosun ,号光汉; pinyin: BángZěìng), a native of Shaoxing, Zhejiang, was a modern democratic revolutionary, born on December 17, 1873, who joined the Guangfu Society and engaged in anti-Qing activities.

In 1907, Xu Xilin and Qiu Jin led the famous Zhejiang-Anhui Uprising, which, although unsuccessful, dealt a blow to the rule of the Qing Dynasty and, most importantly, inspired the revolutionary will of the anti-Qing revolutionaries.

On July 6, 1907, Xu Xilin was arrested due to the assassination of Anhui Governor Enming in Anqing and the leadership of the student army, due to the disparity in strength between the two sides.

After Xu Xilin was arrested, the Qing government interrogated him and wanted to write a confession, when he regarded death as a homecoming, and Dayi said awe-inspiringly: "Er wait to kill me well, cut my heart off, both hands and feet are broken, the whole body is broken, it is okay, you can not unjustly kill students." ”

Because of Xu Xilin's righteous words in the lobby, he angered Qing officials, and as a result, the day after his arrest, he was brutally killed by the enemy.

Xu Xilin's sacrifice was extremely heroic, and the enemy not only beheaded him, but also cut him to the heart. He was only 35 years old when he was heroic.

Xu Xilin: A martyr who served the country with a heart and assassinated Enming, the inspector of Anhui, was beheaded by the Qing court

Xu Xilin was born on December 17, 1873, to a large family in Dongpu, Shaoxing, Zhejiang. The family not only had more than a hundred acres of land, but also two shops, and at that time, the Xu family was definitely a famous family.

In the late Qing Dynasty, due to the corruption and weakness of the Qing Dynasty, it was repeatedly bullied by the great powers, causing the country and the people to suffer great losses and pain.

In 1903, when Xu Xilin went to Japan, he participated in an exposition, but at the Japanese exposition, he saw Chinese objects, which made him angry. He knew that this was the reason for the incompetence of the Qing Dynasty, which led to repeated bullying of China by the great powers. The landing of China Treasure Logistics abroad is the best witness.

Therefore, at this time, Xu Xilin was very bitter about the corruption of the Qing Dynasty, the rule of the Qing Dynasty, and the bullying of the great powers.

Fortunately, within a few days, Xu Xilin met Tao Chengzhang, Niu Yongjian and others.

Xu Xilin: A martyr who served the country with a heart and assassinated Enming, the inspector of Anhui, was beheaded by the Qing court

Tao Chengzhang, born on January 27, 1878, was one of the founders of the GuangfuHui, a famous revolutionary group in the last years of the Qing Dynasty, whose purpose was to "restore the Han nationality, return my mountains and rivers, pledge the country with his body, and retire after his achievements." ”

When Tao Chengzhang was a teenager, he hated the corruption and weakness of the Qing government, so he was determined to overthrow the Qing Dynasty. In 1900, because he was influenced by the Boxer Rebellion, he gradually developed a revolutionary consciousness and ideas. In 1902, Tao Chengzhang went to Japan to study, and while studying in Japan, he participated in the discussion of revolutionary activities.

Niu Yongjian, born on March 9, 1870, was a Chinese democratic revolutionary. He studied in Japan in 1899 and met Sun Yat-sen the following year. In December 1900, Niu Yongjian founded Jiangsu magazine and engaged in revolutionary activities.

Xu Xilin: A martyr who served the country with a heart and assassinated Enming, the inspector of Anhui, was beheaded by the Qing court

In October 1904, Tao Chengzhang and Cai Yuanpei and others established the Guangfu Association in Shanghai, elected Cai Yuanpei as the president, tao Chengzhang as the vice president, at the end of the same year, Tao Chengzhang rushed to Japan and established the Guangfuhui branch in Tokyo.

Because Tao Chengzhang and Niu Yongjian were both revolutionary volunteers, they both had anti-Qing revolutionary ideas. Before Xu Xilin knew them, he also had a slight illusion about the Qing Dynasty, believing that the Qing government would become rich and strong through reform.

But after getting to know Tao Chengzhang and Niu Yongjian, Xu Xilin gave up the glimmer of hope he had for the Qing government. Therefore, under their influence, Xu Xilin's thinking has undergone a great change, believing that the corruption of the Qing Dynasty is no longer a way to reverse the situation by relying on reform alone, and that there is only one way to make the country rich and strong.

Therefore, Xu Xilin began to move towards the revolutionary road from this time.

Xu Xilin: A martyr who served the country with a heart and assassinated Enming, the inspector of Anhui, was beheaded by the Qing court

In 1904, under the influence of Cai Yuanpei and Tao Chengzhang, Xu Xilin joined the Guangfuhui in Shanghai, and gradually grew into an important figure in the Guangfuhui.

In 1905, Xu Xilin met Qiu Jin in Shanghai and Shaoxing respectively, and introduced Qiu Jin to join the Guangfu Society, and since then the two of them have fought side by side and fought for the anti-Qing revolution without hesitation.

In 1905, Xu Xilin and others founded the Datong Academy in Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province, and at the same time invited Qiu Jin to preside. The Chase Academy was founded by revolutionaries in modern China, mainly to train revolutionary party military backbone personnel for the revolution.

At that time, the Chase Academy had an extremely important position, and several of its households became the command center of the revolution at that time, and his historical contribution, to a certain extent, was like the later Whampoa Military Academy.

In September 1905, the Chase Academy opened, stipulating that students entering the school should be members of the Restoration Society. At the beginning of the establishment of the GuangfuHui, its proposition was mainly assassination and riot, Xu Xilin later assassinated Anhui Inspector Enming, and later sun Yat-sen led the Xinhai Revolution to overthrow the Qing Dynasty, he once went to Hangzhou to pay tribute to Xu Xilin, when Sun Yat-sen said: "There will be Xu Xilin's killing of Enming, and his merits are seen in the world." ”

Xu Xilin: A martyr who served the country with a heart and assassinated Enming, the inspector of Anhui, was beheaded by the Qing court

In February 1907, Xu Xilin and Qiu Jin agreed to launch an armed uprising against the Qing Dynasty in Anhui and Zhejiang at the same time, and formulated a plan to "focus on Anqing and Shaoxing as the center".

In order to effectively organize the armed rebel forces, they reorganized the Guangfuhui organization and organized the Guangfu Army, with Xu Xilin as the leader and Qiu Jin as the assistant leader, and decided to assassinate Anhui Inspector Enming on July 6, 1907, when the Grand Examination was held at the Anqing Patrol Police Hall.

Enming, zi Xinfu, born in 1945, was a person who was once admitted to the examination, and then became a zhi county, and then promoted to the posts of taiyuan prefect, Shanxi according to the envoy, Zhejiang salt transport envoy, Ningbo cloth envoy and other positions, during which he resisted the Boxers and became an important general in the Qing Dynasty to suppress the peasant uprising.

In 1906, Enming served as the inspector of Anhui, during which he vigorously promoted the New Deal, during his term of office, he did have quite a political achievement, for the reform of modern education in Anhui, he made important contributions,

For example, he founded the Anhui Army Surveying and Mapping School, the Anhui Green Camp Police Academy, the Anhui General School Research Institute, the Anhui Army Primary School and so on.

However, although Enming contributed to modern education in Anhui, in the final analysis, he was a corrupt official of the Qing Dynasty. Xu Xilin and Qiu Jin decided to launch uprisings in Anhui and Zhejiang. What is important is that Xu Xilin is a member of the GuangfuHui, which in turn focuses on assassinations and riots.

Under such circumstances, Xu Xilin decided to assassinate Anhui Inspector Enming.

Xu Xilin: A martyr who served the country with a heart and assassinated Enming, the inspector of Anhui, was beheaded by the Qing court

On July 6, 1907, Enming came to the Anqing Patrol Police Academy to participate in the examination ceremony. At this time, Xu Xilin had already infiltrated the anqing official palace and gained enming's trust and value, even so, Xu Xilin still did not forget his revolutionary ambitions.

After that, Enming, accompanied by Xu Xilin, inspected the student exercises of the Anqing Patrol Police Academy. At this time, Xu Xilin was preparing to assassinate Enming, and Enming did not expect that Xu Xilin, who he had pulled by hand, would assassinate himself.

Subsequently, Enming and his party entered the inner hall and sat in the middle, while the students stood outside the hall, and Xu Xilin and Chen Boping and Ma Zonghan, who were planning to assassinate Enming, stood on either side.

Xu Xilin: A martyr who served the country with a heart and assassinated Enming, the inspector of Anhui, was beheaded by the Qing court

When the examination ceremony began, Xu Xilin presented Enming with a roster of students, and suddenly he said loudly: "Today the revolutionary party is in trouble." ”

After Enming listened, he exclaimed, "Where did you get this news?" ”

Saying that it was too late, it was fast, and Chen Boping, who had started an incident with Xu Xilin, suddenly sent a bomb to Enming. En Ming saw the situation and was in a hurry to go.

At this time, Xu Xilin said: "Rest assured, my lord, I will definitely catch this revolutionary party", and after saying this, he pulled out two pistols. Enming thought that Xu Xilin had come to protect himself, so when Xu Xilin pulled out two pistols, he did not care.

But Xu Xilin suddenly aimed the muzzle of the gun at Enming, and then Chen Boping and Ma Zonghan also aimed the muzzle at Enming.

With the sound of a burst of gunfire, Anhui Inspector Enming was shot several times in the body and died soon after.

Not long after, Xu Xilin and thirty students attacked the Anqing Ordnance Center, but soon, a large number of Qing troops rushed to surround the Anqing Ordnance Station.

Xu Xilin: A martyr who served the country with a heart and assassinated Enming, the inspector of Anhui, was beheaded by the Qing court

Due to the large disparity in strength between the two sides, after a fierce four-hour battle, Chen Boping was killed in the battle, while Xu Xilin, Ma Zonghan and more than 20 other people were unfortunately arrested.

In this way, the Anqing Uprising planned by Xu Xilin failed.

On the night after Xu Xilin's arrest, Qing officials interrogated him, but he said at the time: "Er wait to kill me, cut my heart off, break my hands and feet, and break my whole body. ”

The next day, on July 7, 1907, the Qing court killed Xu Xilin, who not only beheaded him, but also dissected him.

Xu Xilin: A martyr who served the country with a heart and assassinated Enming, the inspector of Anhui, was beheaded by the Qing court

After the failure of the Anqing Uprising, everyone advised Qiu Jin to leave Shaoxing, but she said: "The revolution must be shed in blood to succeed", so she resolutely refused to leave, and insisted on staying in the Datong Academy.

On July 13, the Qing army surrounded the Datong Academy, and Qiu Jin was unfortunately arrested, and after her arrest, she was unyielding and unyielding, and wrote a tragic and desperate poem of "Autumn Wind and Autumn Rain Sorrowful People".

Later, after the Xinhai Revolution overthrew the Qing Dynasty, Sun Yat-sen personally came to Hangzhou to pay tribute to Xu Xilin and Qiu Jin, and at that time to express his condolences.

For Xu Xilin, he wrote down the link of "Danxin a piece of sacrificial meat, white bone after three years of death".

The inscription for Qiu Jin is "Hero of the Towel".

Xu Xilin: A martyr who served the country with a heart and assassinated Enming, the inspector of Anhui, was beheaded by the Qing court

In January 1912, the coffins of Xu Xilin, Chen Boping and Ma Zonghan were transported to Shanghai and a memorial service was held at Yongxi Hall. The next day it was transported to Hangzhou and buried in the southeast foothills of Lonely Mountain. In 1964, it moved to Jilong Mountain in Hangzhou. In September 1981, it was relocated to the Tomb Group of Martyrs of the Xinhai Revolution in Zhejiang Province under the FenghuangLing In Hangzhou.

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