
What kind of person is Yang Xingfo (Yang Quan)? Lu Xun wrote a eulogy for him

author:Frog in the woods

In Lu Xun's poetic works, there is a widely recited seven-word poem "Mourning Yang Quan" in memory of the deceased friend, and the whole poem reads: "When there is pride like the old, the flowers blossom and fall for two reasons." He Period tearfully sprinkled Jiangnan rain, and cried for Si Min. This poem was written on June 21, 1933, and the object of mourning, Yang Quan, was assassinated by the agents of the Kuomintang military command three days ago, Lu Xun risked being assassinated by the secret agents on June 20 to bid farewell to his friend Yang Quan at the Shanghai Wanguo Funeral Home, and wrote this poem after sending the funeral home, so who is Yang Quan? And what about Lu Xun who was so angry and wrote this famous eulogy poem?

What kind of person is Yang Xingfo (Yang Quan)? Lu Xun wrote a eulogy for him

Lu Xun's "Mourning Yang Quan"

Yang Quan (1893-1933), the character Hongfu, the number of xingfo, the number of the world, the name of the qingjiang people, Jiangxi, his father Yang Yongchang had served as a warden in Yangzhou and Hangzhou, this is a position of low official rank, Yang Xingfo studied in Shanghai in the early years of the "Chinese Public School", and joined the Chinese League Association in 1910, in June 1911, he was admitted to the Tangshan Road Condition School with Mao Yisheng, when he heard about the outbreak of the "Wuchang Uprising", he immediately rushed to Wuchang to participate in the defense war, which can be described as a meritorious minister who participated in the Xinhai Revolution.

In January 1912, when the Republic of China was established in Nanjing, Yang Xingfo served as the head of the receiving and sending team of the secretariat of Sun Yat-sen's Presidential Office, and when Sun Yat-sen resigned from the post of provisional president, some meritorious ministers of the Xinhai Revolution were unwilling to serve Yuan Shikai anymore, so most of these people were sent to study abroad.

What kind of person is Yang Xingfo (Yang Quan)? Lu Xun wrote a eulogy for him

Yang Xing Buddha

In June 1914, Yang Xingfo and Hu Mingfu, Ren Hongjun, Bingzhi, Zhao Yuanren, Zhou Ren, Guo Tanxian, Zhang Yuanshan, Jin Bangzheng and others initiated the establishment of the "China Science Society", and raised funds to establish the monthly magazine "Science", and later Yang Xingfo, Hu Mingfu, Zhao Yuanren and others entered the Harvard University Research Institute for further study, and the "Chinese Science Society" also moved to Harvard University, and introduced modern scientific disciplines such as modern mathematics, physics, chemistry, geology, medicine, biology, meteorology, geography and other modern scientific disciplines into China. Further promoting the pace of modern science education and research in China, Yang Xingfo received a master's degree in business administration from Harvard University in 1918.

What kind of person is Yang Xingfo (Yang Quan)? Lu Xun wrote a eulogy for him

Group photo of members of the "China Science Society"

After Returning to China in October 1918, Yang Xingfo was hired as the chief of the cost section of the accounting department of Hanyeping Company, the full name of Hanyeping Coal and Iron Factory co., Ltd., founded in 1908, is China's first generation of new-style steel joint enterprises, is composed of Hanyang Iron Works, Daye Iron Ore and Pingxiang Coal Mine, the steel output of that year accounted for more than 90% of the country, known as the "cradle of China's steel industry", which shows the importance of its historical position, Song Ziwen was also employed by this company when he returned from study.

In April 1920, Yang Xingfo was invited by Guo Bingwen, president of Nanjing Higher Normal School, to become a professor of business science, at that time Guo Bingwen was preparing to build national southeast university, many members of the "Chinese Science Society" were invited by Guo Bingwen to return to China to teach, and the "Chinese Science Society" was also moved to Nanjing in 1918, so that "Nangao" and "Dongda" became the gathering places of the backbone members of the Chinese Science Society, and the professors who taught in the business department included Ma Yinchu, Pan Xulun, Li Daonan, Shen Lanqing, Hu Mingfu, Chen Changtong, Qu Ji'an, Lin Zhenbin and others, Yang Xingfo once served as the director of the business department of National Southeast University and the director of the school-run factory, but because Yang Xingfo was keen to engage in revolutionary activities, he was often invited to teach at Shanghai University, so he was hated by Guo Bingwen and eventually resigned from his teaching post.

What kind of person is Yang Xingfo (Yang Quan)? Lu Xun wrote a eulogy for him

Yang Xingfo (back row, fourth from left) poses with Tagore and others

In October 1924, Yang Xingfo went south to Guangzhou, the center of the revolution, and returned to Sun Yat-sen's side again as a secretary, at this time, Zhang Zuolin and Feng Yuxiang joined forces to overthrow the warlord regime directly under his direct lineage, and invited Sun Yat-sen to go north to discuss the state, Yang Xingfo, as Sun Yat-sen's entourage, first arrived in Shanghai, then detoured to Japan to Tianjin, and did not arrive in Beijing until the end of December of that year, accompanied the seriously ill Sun Yat-sen through the final course of his life, and deeply understood the essence of Sun Yat-sen's thought.

Sun Yat-sen died of liver cancer in Peking Union Medical College Hospital on March 12, 1925, Yang Xingfo participated in the transport of Sun Yat-sen's coffin to the Biyun Temple in Xishan, Beijing for temporary storage, and then went to Shanghai to found the "National Daily" and served as the editor-in-chief, but the newspaper was forced to stop publishing after 16 days of publication, Yang Xingfo published an article in the final issue: "Fang Period continued to work hard to share the hardships with the people of china, and the environment forced me to be born in the troubled "National Daily", and had to bid a temporary farewell to the readers. During this period, he also formed the "China Relief Society" with Deng Zhongxia, Huang Li and others.

What kind of person is Yang Xingfo (Yang Quan)? Lu Xun wrote a eulogy for him

Sun Yat-sen's coffin was transported to the Biyun Temple in Beijing

On April 18, 1925, the preparatory meeting for the funeral of Dr. Sun Yat-sen was held at the home of Zhang Jingjiang, the elder of the Shanghai Kuomintang, and the funeral preparation office of Dr. Sun Yat-sen was formally established, with Song Ziwen, Lin Ming and Ye Chuling as the standing members of the funeral preparatory committee, and Yang Xingfo as the chief officer.

Yang Xingfo to build nanjing Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum and painstaking efforts, as the director general of the funeral preparation office, with great power to suggest and decide, the total investment of Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum reached more than 800,000 taels of silver, and the project is huge, many construction companies have sent gifts and bribes in order to contract the project, Yang Xingfo accepted all the gifts to the giftees, but it was not private possession, but the gifts were stored in the exhibition room for public display. For the magnificent building of the Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum in Nanjing, people seem to remember only the designer Dr. Lu Yanzhi, but they know nothing about the silent efforts of Yang Xingfo behind the scenes, which cannot but be said to be a pity.

What kind of person is Yang Xingfo (Yang Quan)? Lu Xun wrote a eulogy for him

Yang Xingfo (first from right) poses with Song Qingling and others

In order to facilitate contact with the National Government in Guangzhou, Yang Xingfo stored a radio station in the attic of the funeral preparation office, at this time, when the direct warlord Sun Chuanfang was occupying Shanghai, he learned that Yang Xingfo's residence had a radio station, so he arrested Yang Xingfo through a French patrol, and while he was processing extradition, Song Qingling entrusted the famous female lawyer Zheng Yuxiu to negotiate with the Authorities of the French Concession, and Yang Xingfo was finally released on bail and avoided a head-killing disaster.

After the establishment of the National Government in Nanjing in April 1927, the Shanghai Special City was established, with Chiang Kai-shek's "second brother" Huang Gao as the first mayor, before the Kuomintang had secretly set up a municipal party department in Shanghai to support the Northern Expedition of the National Revolutionary Army, and Yang Xingfo served as executive member and propaganda minister. After the outbreak of the "12 counter-revolutionary coup", Yang Xingfo was detained by The Shanghai Garrison Commander Yang Hu for his close ties with the Communist Party, and was released on bail only after the mediation of Guo Taiqi, then vice minister of foreign affairs and Shanghai negotiator.

What kind of person is Yang Xingfo (Yang Quan)? Lu Xun wrote a eulogy for him

Yang Xingfo took a group photo with his family

At the beginning of October 1927, the graduate school in charge of the administration and scholarship of education in China was established, in fact, this college is the Ministry of Education, which is the highest administrative institution in charge of education, and is the product of Cai Yuanpei's imitation of the French education system, with Cai Yuanpei as the dean, Yang Xingfo as the vice president, and Lu Xun's friend Xu Shousheng as the secretary general.

At the same time, Yang Xingfo, Wang Jitong, Zhang Naiyan and more than 30 other people participated in the preparation of the National Academia Sinica, which is the highest academic research institution of the Republic of China, whose purpose is to "carry out scientific research, and guide, contact, and reward the national research cause, so as to seek scientific progress and the light of mankind." The first advocate was Li Shizeng, one of the elders of the Kuomintang.

On June 9, 1928, the first executive meeting of the National Academy of Sciences was held in Shanghai Dongya Restaurant, presided over by President Cai Yuanpei and announced its establishment, most of its main members are members of the "Chinese Science Society", after which the National Academy of Sciences replaced the status of the "Chinese Science Society", the official institutions and representatives of the Chinese scientific community, yang Xingfo served as the first director-general, and then served as the director general in the mainland period, including Ding Wenjiang, Zhu Jiahua, Fu Sinian, Ye Qisun, Li Shuhua, Saben Dong and others. Each is a big name in the Chinese scientific community.

What kind of person is Yang Xingfo (Yang Quan)? Lu Xun wrote a eulogy for him

From left: Li Ji, Yang Xingfo, Lu Xun

In 1931, Yang Xingfo was ordered by Chiang Kai-shek to go to jiangxi Soviet district to investigate, then Jiangxi was the base of the Chinese revolution, here is also Yang Xingfo's hometown, this hometown trip, let him have a new understanding of the central Soviet region, in English wrote and published the article "The Situation of the Communist Party in China", to introduce the situation in China's central Soviet region to the world, and the Chinese translated title is "Red Disaster and China's Survival", because the article is to expound the many benefits of the Communist Party, Chiang Kai-shek was furious after reading it, and perhaps laid the root of the disaster.

On December 29, 1932, the "Chinese Civil Rights Protection League" was established in Shanghai, a patriotic democratic political group whose purpose and task were: "to oppose the one-party dictatorship of the Kuomintang, to rescue all patriotic revolutionary political prisoners, and to fight for the people's freedom of publication, speech, assembly, and association." "The initiators are mainly Song Qingling, Cai Yuanpei, Yang Xingfo, Li Zhaohuan, Lin Yutang and others, with Song Qingling and Cai Yuanpei as the chairmen and vice chairmen, Yang Xingfo as the vice chairman and director general and presiding over the daily work, Hu Shi as the chairman of the Beijing branch, and Lu Xun as the executive member of the Shanghai branch.

What kind of person is Yang Xingfo (Yang Quan)? Lu Xun wrote a eulogy for him

Yang Xingfo (second from right) and Song Qingling (first from right) and others take a group photo

The "China Civil Rights Protection League" has successively rescued Niulan and his wife, Chen Duxiu, Xu Deheng, Hou Wailu, Liu Yusheng, Liao Chengzhi, Ding Ling, Luo Dengxian, Chen Geng, Yu Wenhua, Chen Guang, Chen Shuying, and others, but what they did was not tolerated by the Kuomintang authorities, so they threatened and intimidated their main members until they were killed, because Soong Ching Ling was Sun Yat-sen's widow and song Meiling's second sister, Chiang Kai-shek was not good at harming her, and Cai Yuanpei was a Kuomintang elder and had a very high reputation in the party, and Chiang Kai-shek was also somewhat jealous of him. Therefore, the military command was approved to target the assassination of Yang Xingfo, the third person in the "Chinese Civil Rights Protection League", in order to play an effect of killing one hundred people.

At about 8:00 a.m. on June 18, 1933, Yang Xingfo, who lived on the upper floor of the International Exchange of Publications of the Academia Sinica at No. 331 Yalpe Road (now No. 147 South Shaanxi Road) in the French Concession, and his son Yang Xiaofo went out in a Naxi brand open-top sedan. This bloody scene happened to be seen by a White Russian living upstairs, who went downstairs and drove the convertible car to take Yang's father and son to the nearby Guangci Hospital (now Ruijin Hospital), where he was pronounced dead by a French doctor, becoming China's "first person to shed blood for human rights."

What kind of person is Yang Xingfo (Yang Quan)? Lu Xun wrote a eulogy for him

Yang Xingfo and Yang Xiaofo took a group photo

In August 2019, I traveled to South Shaanxi Road, leaving a deep impression of the historical buildings, it seems that there are only "Mahler Villa", "China Science Society and Mingfu Library" and "Bugaoli" Lane, although Ba Jin and other cultural celebrities once lived in "Bugaoli", but because it was not open, I did not go in to visit, but for the place where Yang Xingfo was killed, I was not clear at the time, and later after verification, this place is now the Huangpu District Ruijin Er road street community health service center, this place I passed many times, He also probed the brain in the courtyard, but unfortunately there is no memorial here.

After Cai Yuanpei heard the bad news of Yang Xingfo's assassination, he quickly rushed to the Wanguo Funeral Home to deal with the aftermath of Yang Xingfo, and once said to the reporter interviewed by the "Declaration" with sadness and indignation: "Mr. Yang is a man of letters, and he has suffered such a very change, and the people's lives are not guaranteed. Since then, his relationship with Chiang Kai-shek has gradually become estranged.

Song Qingling also issued a statement condemning and solemnly saying: "Instead of being frightened, Yang Quan's price of sympathy for freedom has made us fight more resolutely ... But due to the growing white terror and the lack of organizers and doers like Yang Xingfo, the China Civil Rights Protection League had to stop its activities and eventually disbanded.

Yang Xingfo's ex-wife Zhao Zhidao once wrote a poem of sorrow and indignation: "When the crowd snipes stand, pounce on the king, there is still a worry in a moment, when it is depressed, there is no day to perish the country; Gu Erchi is hugging, and the upbringing must always blame me, think about the past a thousand times, live away from hatred, and die without swallowing." ”

What kind of person is Yang Xingfo (Yang Quan)? Lu Xun wrote a eulogy for him

From left: Ren Hongjun, Zhao Zhidao, yang Xingfo studying in the United States for photos

Zhao Zhidao is the daughter of Zhao Fengchang, a prominent figure in the late Qing Dynasty, who studied at the Shanghai Zhongxi Girls' School, after the outbreak of the "Wuchang Uprising", followed Zhang Zhujun's field medical team to Wuchang, so he delayed his studies and was expelled from school, so he was sent to the United States by his father to study, and Yang Xingfo met and fell in love in the United States, and Zhao Zhidao, who had a solid family, once funded the "China Science Society".

After Zhao Zhidao married Yang Xingfo, because he was not good at running the housework and the quarrels between the husband and wife continued, which eventually led to the breakdown of the marriage, but after the divorce, they got along better, when Yang Xiaofo lived with his mother, rushed to his father's apartment that morning and went out together and was ambushed by secret agents, Yang Xiaofo was also shot at the time, but there was no danger to his life.

What kind of person is Yang Xingfo (Yang Quan)? Lu Xun wrote a eulogy for him

Tomb of Yang Xing Buddha

There have always been many theories about the cause of Yang Xingfo's death, but in the end the decision-maker was Chiang Kai-shek, and why Chiang Kai-shek wanted to get rid of this former ally, the existing historical data is almost only speculation, and its true motives are unknown, but since Yang Xingfo began, there have been cultural celebrities such as Shi Liangcai, Fei Gong, Li Gongpu, and Wen Yiduo who have been assassinated by military command agents, which proves that Chiang Kai-shek is indeed narrow-minded, cannot tolerate dissidents, and will want to get rid of them quickly.

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