
Yang Xing, vice chairman of the CPPCC Xiuwen County, went to the rural revitalization contact point of Xiaozhen Town to investigate

author:Heart meditation

  On August 17, Yang Xing, vice chairman of the CPPCC Xiuwen County, went to Daxing Village, Xiaoba Village, Hexing Village and Shanba Village, the contact points of Xiaozhen Town, to investigate and consolidate and expand the results of poverty alleviation and the effective connection between rural revitalization. Relevant comrades of the county CPPCC Office, the county judicial bureau, and Xiaozhen Town, as well as personnel from the "two committees" of various villages and villages, and the working groups stationed in villages, participated in the investigation and investigation.

  Everywhere Yang Xing and his party went, they learned in detail about the construction of grass-roots party organizations in the village, infrastructure construction, industrial project development and human settlement environment improvement. Subsequently, a symposium was held to listen to the relevant work reports of the relevant villages, understand the work ideas of each village on rural revitalization, and work with the villages to find ways, ideas, and development.

Yang Xing, vice chairman of the CPPCC Xiuwen County, went to the rural revitalization contact point of Xiaozhen Town to investigate

  Yang Xing pointed out that it is necessary to adhere to the leadership of party building, strengthen the construction of grass-roots organizations, give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, develop and train young party members, cultivate rural technical experts, and stimulate the enthusiasm of village cadres and peasant masses. It is necessary to consolidate and expand the results of poverty alleviation, in accordance with the requirements of the "four non-picking" work, make good use of the relevant departments to help resources, give play to the role of helping cadres, and ensure that there is no large-scale return to poverty. It is necessary to strengthen the building of the leading bodies of the "two committees" of the village branches and the personnel sitting on the shifts, guide the broad masses of the people to participate in joint construction and sharing, and promote high-quality and high-efficiency agriculture, livable and workable villages, and rich and prosperous peasants.

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