
Yang Xingfo was stabbed: 20 bullets were fired at the convertible, he pressed on his son, who miraculously survived

author:Resourceful historiography

On a damp morning in 1933, the streets of Shanghai were still shrouded in a mist, and the rush of early risers through the streets seemed to herald an ordinary day. However, across from 362 Albert Road, an event is brewing that threatens to change the fate of many. Yang Xingfo, the director general of the People's Protection League, took his son Yang Xiaofo to prepare to go out, and a convertible car waited quietly in front of the door. This scene seems ordinary, but I don't know that a bloody storm is about to be set off.

Yang Xingfo was stabbed: 20 bullets were fired at the convertible, he pressed on his son, who miraculously survived

This sudden assassination was not only a great tragedy for Yang Xingfo and his family, but also caused a huge shock in Shanghai and even the whole country. The news spread quickly, and the reactions of all sectors of society to the incident varied, with some angry, some horrified, and some thoughtful. Behind all these emotions, an even bigger mystery is slowly unfolding – what is the story behind this assassination?

Chiang Kai-shek's secret order with the agents of the Renaissance Society

In the summer of 1933, the weather was unusually hot, and political tension and high temperatures hung over Nanjing. Against this background, Chiang Kai-shek summoned Dai Li in the secret office of the Nationalist Government. The contents of the meeting were extremely confidential and were restricted to the two of them. Dai Li, as a key figure in the secret service of the Fuxing Society, is well aware of the importance of this trip. He wore a standard suit and listened to Chiang Kai-shek's instructions with a blank face. Chiang Kai-shek's voice was calm and firm, without any emotional fluctuations, and he elaborated on the plan to assassinate Yang Xingfo.

Yang Xingfo was stabbed: 20 bullets were fired at the convertible, he pressed on his son, who miraculously survived

Yang Xingfo, the director general of the People's Protection League, became a nail in the eye of Chiang Kai-shek because of his important position and influence in the political circle. As a political group, the position of the League was fundamentally different from that of the Nationalist government, which made Yang Xingfo a natural target in Chiang Kai-shek's campaign to purge dissidents. Dai Li understood that the completion of this task was of great significance for consolidating Chiang Kai-shek's political position.

After completing the meeting with Chiang Kai-shek, Dai Li did not stop at all and set off directly for Shanghai. Shanghai, as the economic and cultural center at that time, was also the forefront of the game of various political forces. Dai Li's actions in Shanghai must be extremely cautious, and any lack of attention to detail can lead to the failure of the entire operation.

Yang Xingfo was stabbed: 20 bullets were fired at the convertible, he pressed on his son, who miraculously survived

After arriving in Shanghai, Dai Li immediately contacted Zhao Junli, the head of the East China Operations Group of the Secret Service. Zhao Junli, a shrewd and decisive figure, was well aware of Shanghai's topography and political environment. The two meet in a nondescript teahouse, unnoticed by the people around them, who are exchanging secret missions involving life and death.

Yang Xingfo was stabbed: 20 bullets were fired at the convertible, he pressed on his son, who miraculously survived

Dai Li conveyed Chiang Kai-shek's instructions to Zhao Junli, without any exaggerated words, only simple and direct orders and action plans. After Zhao Junli heard this, he immediately began to plan the details of the execution, he knew that the difficulty and risk of this mission were extremely high, once the operation failed, not only the action team would be seriously hit, but he would also be personally responsible.

Secret Service Conspiracy and Preparation

On the night he received Dai Li's secret order, Zhao Junli quickly summoned his three trusted colleagues: Li Ada, Shi Yunzhi, and Guo Decheng. They assembled in a secluded location in Shanghai, a location that had been deliberately chosen to provide a natural cover for their secret meeting. All four are experienced spies who have been in the political storm for a long time, and are not surprised by the sudden secret order. They knew that the next move would be a life-and-death contest, and everyone was ready.

Yang Xingfo was stabbed: 20 bullets were fired at the convertible, he pressed on his son, who miraculously survived

In order to celebrate the beginning of this operation, and to enhance the cohesion of the team, Zhao Junli arranged a small banquet. The banquet is not held in a luxurious restaurant, but in an authentic old Shanghai restaurant to avoid attracting attention from the outside world. Despite the simplicity of the occasion, the gathering meant a lot to them. Dai Li's personal appearance at the banquet and toasting each member was not only an affirmation of their courage, but also a symbol of anticipation and trust in the success of the operation.

Yang Xingfo was stabbed: 20 bullets were fired at the convertible, he pressed on his son, who miraculously survived

Dai Li's words at the banquet were short but powerful, and he emphasized the importance and urgency of the task, which must be completed within a week. His words were filled with calmness and determination, which made everyone present feel unprecedented pressure. What's more, Dai made it clear that if the operation failed and everyone was arrested, everyone must immediately commit suicide to avoid falling into the hands of the enemy and being treated more harshly. This is not only a requirement for them personally, but also a manifestation of responsibility for the entire operation. Everyone understands that this is the highest requirement of loyalty and execution of the Renaissance Society, and there is no way back.

As the banquet ended, the four's plan of action quickly unfolded. Zhao Junli immediately set about detailed planning and assignment of tasks. They began to closely monitor Yang Xingfo's daily movements, using their respective networks and resources to collect a lot of information about Yang Xingfo. Each person is assigned specific roles and tasks, and every step of the way, from monitoring and tracking to execution, is carefully arranged to ensure that no trace is left behind.

Yang Xingfo was stabbed: 20 bullets were fired at the convertible, he pressed on his son, who miraculously survived

For the next few days, they silently roamed the streets of Shanghai like shadows, their movements so secretive that even their neighbors and acquaintances were unaware of their true identity and purpose.

The assassination campaign unfolded

On the morning of June 18, the sun shone through the sparse clouds on the streets of Shanghai, and the pedestrians on both sides of the street hurried to start their day as usual. On such an ordinary morning, Yang Xingfo and his son Yang Xiaofo were ready to go out. Yang Xingfo maintained his daily routine as always, without warning of what was about to happen.

An open-top car was quietly parked outside their residence, and the driver was ready to go. Yang Xingfo opened the rear door of the car and motioned for Yang Xiaofo to go in first. Xiao Yang Xiaofo obediently boarded the car and sat in the seat that his father had prepared for him. Immediately afterwards, Yang Xingfo also got into the car with steady steps, gently closed the door, and everything in the car seemed calm.

Yang Xingfo was stabbed: 20 bullets were fired at the convertible, he pressed on his son, who miraculously survived

At this critical moment, Zhao Junli and his companions had been hiding in the shadows around them for a long time. They arrived ahead of schedule, carefully selected the best ambush location, and waited for the most opportune moment to act. As Yang Xingfo got into the car, Zhao Junli calmly snuffed out the cigarette in his hand, an action that symbolized the official start of the action.

At the moment when the car door closed, Zhao Junli and his two companions suddenly jumped out from different directions. Their movements are swift and precise, and they are carefully coordinated with each other to ensure that they can attack their targets from different angles. Almost at the same time, the three of them drew their pistols hidden in their clothes and aimed them at the convertible where Yang Xingfo was.

In the next moment, only a dense burst of gunfire could be heard, which cut through the silence of the morning. The muzzle of the gun was particularly glaring in the morning sun, and the bullets rained down on the innocent vehicle. Within minutes, more than 20 rounds were fired at the target with astonishing speed and accuracy, each shot full of determination and cruelty.

Yang Xingfo was stabbed: 20 bullets were fired at the convertible, he pressed on his son, who miraculously survived

The moment the gunshots rang out on the Yalbet Road, everyone on the street was shocked by the sudden violence. Among them, Bekirk, a White Russian who lives on the second floor of No. 362, witnessed all this. Beckok was originally an ordinary resident, living a quiet life, and he never expected to witness such a bloody assassination.

In just a few minutes, Yang Xingfo's convertible became the target of the attackers' fierce attack. The driver was unfortunately shot in the first wave of shots, lost control, and hit his head heavily on the steering wheel, making the whole person look lifeless. Yang Xingfo instinctively tried to protect his son in the midst of gunfire and chaos, and he quickly threw Yang Xiaofo on the floor of the carriage, trying to use his body to shield the child from bullets.

Yang Xingfo was stabbed: 20 bullets were fired at the convertible, he pressed on his son, who miraculously survived

The sudden attack culminated in just a few minutes, with the gunmen leaving no room to rain bullets on the vehicle. Yang Xingfo and his son struggled under the gunfire, and although Yang Xingfo tried his best to protect Yang Xiaofo, their fate seemed to have been sealed under such dense gunfire.

Bekirk saw the scene from his window, and he witnessed Yang Xingfo's last efforts to protect his son. After the gunfire had stopped for a moment, he saw father and son lying in a pool of blood, surrounded by bullet-shattered glass and the body of the car. At that moment, everything on the street seemed eerily silent, broken only by the occasional whispering moans and the sound of distant sirens.

Yang Xingfo was stabbed: 20 bullets were fired at the convertible, he pressed on his son, who miraculously survived

The gunmen quickly left the scene after being convinced that they had completed their mission, leaving only a trail of broken and bloodstained ground. After the attack, other residents of the street began to arrive one after another, and they were stunned by the sudden violence. Some people call the police, others try to help, but most can only watch from the sidelines, overwhelmed.

Yang Xingfo was stabbed: 20 bullets were fired at the convertible, he pressed on his son, who miraculously survived

Emergency services and police arrived at the scene shortly after, cordoning off the area and questioning witnesses while paramedics rushed to treat the injured. Bekirk was also questioned, and he tried his best to recall and describe what he had seen, but he was shocked and puzzled by what had happened.

Repercussions after the assassination

In the aftermath of the attack that shocked Shanghai, emergency responders rushed Yang Xingfo and his son, Yang Xiaofo, to the nearest hospital. In the hospital, medical staff and doctors conducted an urgent and comprehensive examination of Yang Xingfo and found that his injuries were extremely serious, and the bullets hit his left ribs, left waist, heart tip and right thigh respectively, causing fatal injuries. Although the doctors carried out more than an hour-long rescue and used all available medical resources to try to save his life, in the end, Yang Xingfo died of his injuries.

At the same time, Yang Xingfo's son, Yang Xiaofo, was in critical condition, but after examination, it was found that he was only shot in the leg. Considering that his young body surprisingly withstood the attack, it can be said that he is a miracle survivor. Under emergency treatment and meticulous care, Yang Xiaofo's injuries stabilized, and hope for gradually recovering his health began to flash.

Yang Xingfo was stabbed: 20 bullets were fired at the convertible, he pressed on his son, who miraculously survived

As the news of Yang Xingfo's assassination spread, all walks of life were shaken. Not only because of his identity and role in the Democratic Protection League, but also because this assassination exposed the cruelty of the times and the ruthlessness of political struggle. On the second day, domestic heavyweights, including Li Jishen, Shao Lizi, Li Zongren, and Feng Yuxiang, sent telegrams of condolence, expressing their strong condemnation of Chiang Kai-shek and their condolences to Yang Xingfo and his family.

On the morning of June 20, although the weather was not beautiful and Shanghai suddenly poured down, this did not stop people mourning Yang Xingfo from coming to see him off. Outside the Shanghai Wanguo Funeral Home, more than 5,000 people from all walks of life gathered here, including Yang Xingfo's friends, supporters, and even ordinary citizens, all of whom came here spontaneously to express their respect for Yang Xingfo and their condolences for this tragedy. Everyone in the crowd, whether they were waiting in the rain or holding a wreath, was paying their last respects to Yang Xing Buddha in their own way.

Yang Xingfo was stabbed: 20 bullets were fired at the convertible, he pressed on his son, who miraculously survived

Although Yang Xingfo's life has ended, his spirit and the idea of fighting for it have taken root in the hearts of many more people after that day. And for Chiang Kai-shek and his rule, this incident was undoubtedly a huge blow, and it was also an open question of his political methods.

Journal of Zhaoqing University,2001,22(4):31-34

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