
Since last year in Luoyang, I have heard that I have spoken out of Muzhou - Fan Zhongyun

author:Ghost Valley Downhill Count

Fan Zhongyan degraded Muzhou, and Ouyang Xiu did not alienate Fan Zhongyan for fear of disaster, on the contrary, when Fan Zhongyan knew Suzhou, he wrote another letter to Fan Xi, Shuyun: "... Since last year in Luoyang, I heard that I came out of Muzhou with words and things, and came to Beijing, and I also knew that I would move to Changzhou, find Suzhou, and move to the south, and the years would end. The beautiful rivers and mountains in the south, the rich fish and rice in the water country, the eunuchs of the world, called the southeast.

Since last year in Luoyang, I have heard that I have spoken out of Muzhou - Fan Zhongyun

However, if the court of Xiwenden and the discussion of the state are concerned about right and wrong, regardless of their own safety, although they have the joy of the southeast, how can they be happy for those who have the heart to worry about the world? Fan Zhongyan gave high praise and appreciation to Fan Zhongyan's responsibility for taking the world as his own responsibility and his dangerous words and deeds, and put forward the proposition of "those who have the heart to worry about the world are happy". In the winter and October of the second year of Jingyou, Fan Zhongyan was promoted to the rank of official Wailang and Tianzhangge to be made, summoned back to the capital to judge the state, and finally met with Ouyang Xiu, talked freely about the pursuit of life, discussed the major events of the world, and formed a lifelong friendship of gold and stone and a year-old friendship.

In the third year of Jingyou (1036), Fan and Ouyang were both in the imperial court, and Fan served as an official, Wailang, quanzhi Kaifeng Province, and Ouyang Xiu served as the inspector of the Pavilion. Fan Zhongyan's struggle to challenge The Right Minister Lü Yijian escalated step by step, reaching a white-hot level.

Lü Yijian did everything in his power to suppress Fan Zhongyun, and Fan Zhongyan not only did not give in the slightest, but instead pressed forward step by step. Lü Yijian accused Fan Zhongyan of being "pedantic" and "untrue in name", and Fan Zhongyan connected four theories, including "The Theory of Emperor Good Shangshang", "The Theory of Selection and Appointment", "TheOry of Close Names", and "The Theory of Pushing The Subordinates of The Commission", which refuted it according to reason, and then presented the "Hundred Officials Map" to Emperor Renzong, exposing the power of official promotion, all in the hands of Lü Yijian, until Lü Yijian was likened to Zhang Yu when he was Emperor Hancheng.

Since last year in Luoyang, I have heard that I have spoken out of Muzhou - Fan Zhongyun

This completely angered Lü Yijian. In front of the emperor, Lü Yijian charged Fan Zhongyan with "overstepping his duties, recommending friends and parties, and alienating the monarchs" and threatened Emperor Renzong with resignation. The weak Emperor Renzong once again fell to the chancellor Lü Yijian, and on May 9 issued an edict, fan Zhongyan treated him as a "friend party", took the Tianzhang Pavilion to be controlled, and degraded Rao Prefecture, that is, the sunrise of Beijing. The Manchu Dynasty was afraid of Lü Yijian's hot power, lest he touch the side of the "friends", and everyone kept silent.

On May 12, when Fan Zhong left Beijing, only Li Hong, a scholar of Long Tuge, and Wang Qiang, a scholar of Jixian School, sent off. Secretary Cheng and Jixian School Manager Yu Jingshang said: "Since your majesty's dictatorship, those who have been talking about things three times, I am afraid that it is not the government of the Taiping, please quickly change your previous fate." The imperial court immediately ordered Yu Jing to reduce the liquor tax in Jian prefecture. Crown Prince Zhongyun and Guan Ge Inspector Yin Su said that they were friends with Fan Zhongyi and were willing to sit with their friends, and the imperial court ordered Yin Su to reduce the liquor tax in Yin Prefecture.

Since last year in Luoyang, I have heard that I have spoken out of Muzhou - Fan Zhongyun

On May 14, Ouyang Xiu went to Yu Jing's house and met the counselor Gao Ruoner, who talked about the dispute between Fan Zhongyan and Lü Yijian, and Gao Ruoner actually confused right and wrong, reprimanded Fan Zhongyan for being willful, angering the prime minister, and causing a great disaster, which was completely self-inflicted. Ouyang Xiu heard that he was furious and angry, but there were other guests present, and it was inconvenient to attack on the spot. Two days later, Ouyang Xiu's anger finally erupted, and he wrote the "Letter of Advice with Gao Si".

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