
He was the introducer of Zhou Enlai Zhu De Zhang Guotao to join the party, and later sold his soul for 3,000 yuan

author:Liu Jixing

The name Zhang Shenfu is very unfamiliar to young people today, he is a heavyweight figure that cannot be bypassed in the history of the Party, one of the main founders of the Communist Party of China, and one of the important leaders of our Party in the early days.

On June 15, 1893, Zhang Shenfu was born in Xiaoduozhuang, Xianxian County, Hejian Province, Hebei Province (now Xiaoduozhuang Village, Dusheng Town, Cangxian County, Hebei Province). Xianxian County and Cangxian County are now under the jurisdiction of Cangzhou City, Hebei Province.

Zhang Shenfu was the son of a wealthy family, with a family origin, and his father and uncle were both late Qing Dynasty scholars. One door and two soldiers, it is really not simple.

In 1914, Zhang Shenfu was admitted to the Department of Philosophy of Peking University, and later transferred to the Department of Mathematics. After graduating from Peking University, Zhang Shenfu stayed at Peking University as a teaching assistant, teaching preparatory mathematics and logic, and later served as the acting director of Peking University Library.

In 1918, a new employee came to the Peking University Library, working under the leadership of Zhang Shenfu, who was Chairman Mao in his youth.

Chairman Mao was the same age as Zhang Shenfu.

Zhang Shenfu later recalled: "It was the May Fourth period, Mao Zedong worked under me, and after liberation, he went around saying that 'the boss of Zhang Shenfu looked very ugly.'" Because he can't forget that I once asked him to fill out another stack of book cards. ”

Chairman Mao said this, but it is impossible to "say it everywhere", because after the founding of the People's Republic of China, Zhang Shenfu was not so important, and Chairman Mao was also very busy. Intellectuals are just being sentimental, and being careful with their eyes is a common disease.

He was the introducer of Zhou Enlai Zhu De Zhang Guotao to join the party, and later sold his soul for 3,000 yuan

During his time at Peking University, Zhang Shenfu was not only the editorial board member of New Youth, but also co-founded the Weekly Review and presided over the editorial work.

These were two of the most famous publications in China at the time.

This is just the beginning, and Zhang Shenfu's greater merit was to participate in the creation of the Chinese Communist Party. In mid-August 1920, Chen Duxiu was preparing to establish the party, and in order to determine the name of the organization, Chen Duxiu in Shanghai said in a letter to Zhang Shenfu that "only you (referring to Zhang Shenfu) and Shouchang (Li Dazhao) can talk about the founding of the party."

Zhang Shenfu and Li Dazhao were the two founders of the Beijing Communist Group at that time, and Zhang Guotao, who later became famous all over the world, was introduced by Zhang Shenfu to enter the Beijing Communist Group.

At the end of 1920, Zhang Shenfu went to Europe to teach and investigate. He first introduced Liu Qingyang (who later became Zhang Shenfu's wife), who went to Europe to study in the same boat, to join the Chinese Communist Party, and then together with Liu Qingyang became the introducer of Zhou Enlai, who was a work-study student in Europe.

Zhang Shenfu also joined Zhou Enlai in introducing Zhu De, who had gone to Europe to seek truth, to join the Chinese Communist Party.

He was the introducer of Zhou Enlai Zhu De Zhang Guotao to join the party, and later sold his soul for 3,000 yuan
He was the introducer of Zhou Enlai Zhu De Zhang Guotao to join the party, and later sold his soul for 3,000 yuan

In February 1924, Zhang Shenfu, who had just returned from Europe, came to Guangzhou, the stronghold of the Chinese revolution, and participated in the preparation of the Whampoa Military Academy. Three months later, Zhang Shenfu was appointed by Sun Yat-sen as deputy director of the political department of the Whampoa Military Academy, the first person in the Whampoa Military Academy at that time.

At that time, the director of the political department of the Whampoa Military Academy was Dai Jitao, an elder of the Kuomintang, and when Dai Jitao left, Zhang Shenfu served as the acting director of the political department of the Whampoa Military Academy.

The newly established Whampoa Military Academy is in great need of political work cadres, and Liao Zhongkai, a party representative of the military academy, and Dai Jitao, director of the political department, have repeatedly asked Zhang Shenfu to recommend talents for the military academy, and Zhang Shenfu has opened a list of 15 people, the first of which is Zhou Enlai, a young man who stayed in Europe.

Zhang Shenfu also settled the funds for Zhou Enlai's return from Europe, and made every effort to promote Zhou Enlai to the position of director of the political department of the Whampoa Military Academy. This matter, Zhang Shenfu did too well!

In January 1925, the Fourth National Congress of the Communist Party of China was held in Shanghai. At the meeting, due to different views, Zhang Shenfu had a dispute with Cai Hesen, Zhang Tailei and others, and then he resigned from the party in a negative mood.

Zhang Shenfu later described the experience as follows: "Cai hesen said that I was childish and ridiculous. I still remember his words today. I was furious and walked out of the room. Zhou Enlai stopped me in the lobby aisle and told me that he agreed with me, but begged me not to leave the party. In the next few months in Beijing, Zhao Shiyan tried to change my mind, but I was not moved. This is my temperament: rather bend than bend... Or maybe it's my flaw. ”

Saying that quitting the party is quitting the party is also too hasty! This incident became a major regret in Zhang Shenfu's later years.

After joining the Party, Zhang Shenfu successively taught at Jinan University, Mainland University, Daxia University, China University, Peking University, Tsinghua University and other universities. In 1934, Zhang Shenfu wrote in the Ta Kung Pao: "Qian Zhongshu and my brother Zhang Dainian are national treasures. ” 

At that time, Qian Zhongshu was just 24 years old, and Zhang Dainian was only 25 years old.

Zhang Shenfu was originally named Zhang Songnian, and Zhang Dainian was his younger brother.

Qian Zhongshu and Zhang Dainian later became top universities.

Zhang Shenfu can be described as a unique vision in recommending people, and has recommended many important people for both political and academic circles.

In the winter of 1935, Zhang Shenfu, Yao Yilin and others jointly launched and led the "12.9" movement in Beiping. Zhang Shenfu, who was full of vigor, was one of the commanders-in-chief of the "12.9" movement parade.

Because of the organization of the "12.9" student tide, Zhang Shenfu also sat in the Kuomintang prison for two months. During the Whampoa Military Academy, he became acquainted with Chiang Kai-shek and was very disapproving of him. Of course, Chiang Kai-shek also hated Zhang Shenfu.

Since then, Zhang Shenfu has done another big thing, that is, he participated in the creation of the China Democratic League, was one of the main initiators of this organization, and served as a member of the Standing Committee and director of the Cultural Work Committee.

Who knows, in October 1948, Zhang Shenfu suddenly turned to Chiang Kai-shek, whom he did not like, and published an article entitled "Appeal for Peace" in the 9th issue of Observation magazine, supporting Chiang Kai-shek's "counter-insurgency policy" and calling on the Communist army to lay down its weapons.

At this time, the People's Liberation Army has entered the stage of strategic offensive, and the victory has been decided. This can be seen by clear-eyed people. What is particularly incredible is that Zhang Shenfu called the People's Liberation Army a "bandit" in this article—even Chiang Kai-shek did not call the People's Liberation Army a "bandit" at that time.

Shortly after the article was published, the headquarters of the Democratic League held a special meeting to expel Zhang Shenfu from the league on the grounds that "Zhang Shenfu's words and deeds have embarked on the road of opposing the people and opposing democracy."

Zhang Shenfu's wife, Liu Qingyang, also wrote an article denouncing her husband's perverse behavior and publicly announcing her divorce from him.

In his later years, Zhang Shenfu repeatedly mentioned the article "Appeal for Peace" and explained some of the background of the article to people: "I wrote this article and earned 3,000 yuan. You know, it was a lot of income at the time. The professors were all starved of food and pay at that time, and eating was a problem. Chu Anping, the editor-in-chief of The Observation magazine, was a very famous and respected figure at the time, and he asked me for a manuscript, how could I refuse? His magazine was the most widely sold of democratic publications at the time, and there was a fee for the submission of the manuscript. I'm probably one of his highest-paid authors. ”

Some money cannot be earned, no matter how short you are.

There is an axiom in the world.

In the early days of the founding of New China, Zhang Shenfu was idle at home and had nothing to do.

The enthusiastic Zhang Shizhao then proposed Zhang Shenfu to Chairman Mao, hoping to arrange a job for Zhang Shenfu. Chairman Mao said, "That's my boss..."

Under the personal care of Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou, Zhang Shenfu was assigned to work at the Beijing Library (now the National Library).

Zhang Shenfu's life began in the library and finally ended in the library. To paraphrase the king' words: Perhaps, this is life.

In July 1986, Zhang Shenfu died at the age of 93. The People's Daily published an obituary calling him a "well-known patriotic democrat" and "an old friend of the Chinese Communist Party." (Liu Jixing)

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