
The "Xiangyanghong 18" research vessel went to the East China Sea to carry out scientific investigation

author:CCTV News

The reporter learned from the Ocean Institute of the Ministry of Natural Resources that on March 30, 2021, the "Xiangyanghong 18" research vessel set sail from the national deep-sea base dock to implement the "National Natural Science Foundation of China National Natural Science Foundation Of China Sharing Voyage Plan 2020 East China Sea Scientific Expedition Experimental Study and The Study on the Spatial Distribution law of the Substratum Acoustic Characteristics of the East China Sea Shelf", which was organized and implemented by the First Institute of Oceanography of the Ministry of Natural Resources and is expected to return at the end of April.

The "Xiangyanghong 18" research vessel went to the East China Sea to carry out scientific investigation

△ Image source: Ocean One

It is reported that the voyage is led by Kan Guangming Associate Researcher of ocean institute Kan Guangming as the chief scientist, a total of 28 scientific expedition members from 12 units in China to participate, will carry out marine hydrology, marine chemistry, marine biology, marine ecology, marine geology and geophysics and other multidisciplinary comprehensive investigation and fixed cross-sectional survey in the East China Sea, in order to reveal the environmental changes and ecosystem response processes, characteristics and mechanisms of the East China Sea shelf under the dual action of natural processes and human activities, deepen the understanding of the evolution of the east China Sea shelf environment, and also use the "East China Sea shelf environment" Research on the Spatial Distribution of Subplasmic Acoustic Characteristics of the East China Sea Shelf "Guided by major scientific issues, in situ measurement of seafloor acoustics in the sea area of the East China Sea shelf to reveal the acoustic distribution of the bottom matter and build a model.

The "Xiangyanghong 18" research vessel went to the East China Sea to carry out scientific investigation

In accordance with the relevant requirements of epidemic prevention, all the crew members completed two nucleic acid tests before setting sail, and carried out life-saving and firefighting exercises. (CCTV reporter Li Jie, Zheng Tianhao, Li Hui)

(Edited by Wan Xuanyan)

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