
In the movie "Huimin Detachment", Many people in Lingxian County thought that the prototype was the local Ma Ganxiu

author:Qilu Sanquan Academy
In the movie "Huimin Detachment", Many people in Lingxian County thought that the prototype was the local Ma Ganxiu

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, a well-known Huimin brigade (later renamed the Huimin Detachment) was active in the Jilu Border Region. Although the number of The Huimin Brigade was small at the beginning, it was brave and good at fighting and repeatedly defeated the enemy. After that, from small to large, from weak to strong, he turned to the north and south, bravely marched forward, and made great contributions to the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan and the War of Liberation.

On the afternoon of September 11, 2020, I was in Zhao Mala Village, Shentou Town, Lingcheng District, with the village clerk Feng Zhishui, the former captain and accountant Gu Xuesheng, the former accountant Hui Dengxin, the villager Zhao Linsheng, and The Round Xiang, as soon as they mentioned the Huimin Brigade, they could not hide their pride and pride, because the village had more than 30 people participating in the team, and the former Huimin Brigade Leader (Company Commander) Ma Qianxiu was buried in the village after his death.

In 1937, the July 7 Incident, Japan invaded Our country on a large scale. The people of all nationalities were filled with indignation and threw themselves into the War of Resistance Against Japan. Soon after the occupation of Lingxian County, under the initiative of the Communist Party of China, Hui compatriots also organized themselves into battle. In the second half of 1939, when our troops were greatly developing and expanding, the party organization arranged for Li Dengwu, a native of Lingxian County, to develop the Hui people's armed forces in his hometown, and at the same time issued him a certificate of appointment and helped him establish a military expansion group. When Li Dengwu organized fifty or sixty people, the headquarters of the Second Sub-district of Jilubian issued them dozens of guns and named his unit the "Huimin Brigade." Later, Ma Ganxiu was sent as the captain of the brigade. Later, it was organized into the 6th Squad of the Independent Brigade of the Second Sub-district of Jilubian and the 11th Company of the Independent 3rd Brigade of the Bohai Second Sub-district, and Ma Ganxiu successively served as the captain and company commander.

In the movie "Huimin Detachment", Many people in Lingxian County thought that the prototype was the local Ma Ganxiu

In order to strengthen the ranks, Ma Qianxiu came to the Hui village of Zhao Mara to mobilize and join the army: "Fellow villagers, the country rises and falls, and the people are responsible, and now the country is at a critical juncture, we must not stand idly by, we must enthusiastically join the army, jointly resist the war, and drive out the Japanese Kou..." Under his encouragement, Feng Yongli and Feng Wanzhong (this is the Feng Wanzhong mentioned later, who was originally from Lingcheng District in Beiyandian Village, Jixiang Township, and often participated in revolutionary activities in his wife's original Village of Zhao Mala), Xia Dengkui, Zhao Guiqing, Zhao Yuansheng, Wang Shunfu, Li Jinde, and Bai Guangshan, attended one after another. Then, Li Yuchi came, and he and Hui Baoren actively mobilized everyone to join the army and further strengthened the team.

At the beginning of 1942, the Huimin brigade put forward the slogan of "winning the battle, celebrating the New Year" and decided to attack the puppet army stronghold of Sun Geng in Jiyang on the Lunar New Year. After careful investigation and planning, on the afternoon of the twenty-ninth day of the lunar month (the small month of the month), the Muslim brigade marched from 60 miles away to directly attack Sun Geng. Arrived when it was dark and ambushed in a depression outside the village. At this time, sporadic firecrackers sounded in the village, and the people ushered in the New Year in the midst of war. At about eight or nine o'clock the operation began, everyone quietly touched the stronghold, and before the sentry could react, he was covered with his mouth, threatened to be his guide, and rushed into the courtyard with lightning speed. At this time, the puppet soldiers in the house were gathered around a table of sumptuous feasts, guessing fist orders, guns were hanging on the wall, and they were not at all defenseless. The warriors jumped in with their guns in hand and shouted at them, "Don't move, raise your hands!" The puppet soldiers were stunned and obediently raised their hands. The warriors drove them into the courtyard, then removed the guns on the wall and removed the bolts, handed them one to carry each of them, and then escorted them back to the original defense. In this way, without spending a single shot, this stronghold was removed, more than 20 rifles and 1 magazine gun were captured, and an exciting victory was achieved, which boosted the morale of the whole team.

In the movie "Huimin Detachment", Many people in Lingxian County thought that the prototype was the local Ma Ganxiu

In 1943, a regiment of the pseudo-North China government's security forces was stationed in Shandong, and they often operated in the area from Jinan to Jiyang, burning and looting everywhere they went, committing all kinds of evil deeds, and threatening to "eliminate the Communist Party in this area within a week." When our cadres and fighters learned of this, they were very angry and decided to eliminate this band of bandits. One day in the autumn, when they learned that one of their battalions was going to move north of Jinan, the headquarters sent more than 400 people, including the Huimin brigade, to ambush them in the green yarn tents on both sides of the highway, and when they came out, everyone rushed up and gave them a head-on blow. Before the enemy could resist, they all collapsed. The Huimin brigade captured 1 machine gun, 1 small cannon, and 14 rifles, and the other companies were all captured, and there were no casualties on our side.

In September of the same year, He Dogzi, a puppet army in the Majiazhai stronghold of Linyi, dispatched a squad to the surrounding villages to grab grain and catch people. When Ma Ganxiu learned of this, he immediately gathered his troops and set out to intercept them, and after a few rounds, all the puppet troops collapsed, and our army chased after them closely, and chased them out of five or six miles to a village. They ran into a compound, climbed onto the roof, tried to resist, were surrounded by our team, and were annihilated. Our team seized 1 machine gun, 1 small cannon, more than 40 rifles and 2 magazine guns. The weapons of the Muslim brigade were gradually expanded. At this time, Feng Shengxue, Zhao Meisheng, Feng Yubao, Zhao Jinxi, and Zhao Jincai joined the Huimin brigade in Zhao Mala Village.

In the movie "Huimin Detachment", Many people in Lingxian County thought that the prototype was the local Ma Ganxiu

In October 1943, the Huimin Brigade was ordered to open up the Deping Battlefield, and at that time, the County's Stubborn Cao Fifth Brigade often gathered the Japanese Kou to "sweep up" our guerrilla areas, and in addition to implementing the "three lights" policy of "burning the light, killing the light, and grabbing the light," they also introduced what "three wants, three don'ts," that is, "what can be seen, what can be seen, and what can be moved" and "what cannot be seen, not matched, and not moved." Every time there was a move, it was a big cart, chickens, ducks, cattle, sheep, grain, clothing, etc., returning with a full load. The local people hated it to the bone, but they were powerless to resist. One day, our team stationed Diao Jia and Zheng Du Village (now part of Shentou Town, Lingcheng District). The Fifth Brigade of Cao, together with the Japanese, surrounded our army in an attempt to wipe out the net. Although the enemy is strong and we are weak, our team is not discouraged and stubbornly resists with the repaired fortifications. The Japanese puppet army attacked twice, and we eliminated more than 60 people. In the night, the enemy launched a series of attacks, and I killed and wounded more than 70 people. The enemy was intimidated by our army's good at close combat night combat, and retreated in panic. My soldier Zhao Shuting was seriously injured.

One day in April 1944, a fierce battle took place near the ruins of the Lotus Terrace at the eastern end of Liu Village behind the temple. At that time, the Cao Fifth Brigade was still relatively powerful and still controlled most of deping, and the six priorities formulated by the Second Sub-district of Jilu Border District in 1944 included opening up a new situation in Deping, and continuing to expand eastward on the basis of controlling Renji and Diao Jia and Zheng Du villages in the westernmost part of Deping the previous year. In order to curb the further development of the Eighth Route Army, and in order to protect the harvest of summer grain, the Cao Fifth Brigade sent two battalions of the Fourth Regiment to set up a stronghold at Sihou Liu. One battalion is stationed in the southeast of the village and one battalion is stationed on the bay side of the central bay of the village. Taking advantage of its unstable foothold, the Eighth Route Army immediately sent troops to attack the Liu stronghold behind the temple, but due to insufficient troops, the attack was too hasty, and the cao fifth brigade had a large number of people, my first attack failed.

A few days later, the Eighth Route Army made a comeback, this time making full preparations, and transferred the Huimin Brigade, and at the same time summed up the reasons for the first defeat, evacuated the residents near the stronghold in advance, hollowed out the gables of every household, and made it easier for the troops to covertly move close to the stronghold, and chose to launch an attack on the night of the dark wind of the moon. Cao Fifth Brigade had just repelled the Eighth Route Army a few days ago, but it did not expect that the Eighth Route Army would launch another attack so quickly, coupled with the corruption of military discipline, officers and soldiers often went to the village to rob and stealthily, so the villagers secretly helped the Eighth Route Army. In the course of the battle, because the gate of the stronghold could not be opened for a while, the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army put a thick door board on their backs, tied a quilt and firewood on it, put it under the gate of the stronghold, lit firewood, opened the gate of the stronghold with fire, and took the stronghold. Due to the sudden launch of this battle, the other units of the Cao Fifth Brigade received the news that the stronghold had been taken. After the temple, Liu's stronghold was only ten days from the establishment to the time it was captured. Reinforcements elsewhere desperately came to the rescue, but the Eighth Route Army had already anticipated it and set up an ambush in advance. The Japanese squadron leader jumped out of the car, pulled out his command knife like a fierce god, and was about to raise his knife to direct the attack, when Gu Wensheng, a soldier of our team, aimed at him and pulled the trigger violently, and he immediately fell down in response, and the enemy suddenly became confused. Ma Qianxiu shouted, "Comrades, rush!" Lead the whole team of fighters to jump out of the trenches and rush towards the enemy like a tiger. For a time, the smoke of gunfire billowed and the sound of killing was tremendous, and the Japanese puppet army fled one after another under the brave attack of losing its commander and our team. In this battle, more than 100 enemy people were killed and wounded, and 3 machine guns, 68 rifles, grenades and bullets were captured. In this battle, our team suffered heavy casualties, and Feng Shengxue, Zhao Shuquan, and Yu Baolin were seriously injured. Ma Ganxiu was hit in the chest and head by a bullet during the charge, and gloriously sacrificed his precious life.

In the movie "Huimin Detachment", Many people in Lingxian County thought that the prototype was the local Ma Ganxiu

The above pictures are from the Internet, for reference only, infringement must be deleted

After the battle, the Bohai Second Sub-district, the Kuangwu County CPC Committee, and other special personnel were dispatched to hold a solemn funeral for Ma Ganxiu in the village in accordance with Hui etiquette and confer the honorary titles of combat hero and revolutionary martyr in the village.

After this battle, the Eighth Route Army opened up the situation in Deping. The two regiments of the Cao Fifth Brigade, which had strong combat effectiveness, were eaten, seriously injured, and went downhill ever since.

With the approval of his superiors, the commander of the Huimin Brigade (commander of the Eleventh Company) was succeeded by Feng Wanzhong. He was loyal to the party, resourceful, courageous, and brave in battle, and was trusted by the whole team. After he took over, he immediately organized a meeting of the whole team, and he said with tears and indignation: "Comrades, our company commander has sacrificed for the country, and the blood debt must be repaid with blood, and we must repay the blood debt from the devils and avenge the company commander." We must turn grief into strength and vow not to give up until we drive the Japanese devils out of China! In the future, our strategy is: to fight the big threat and the small one, to fight the small net, no one can empty the gun, and resolutely achieve 3 bullets to end the battle. When the war starts, no one can relax! Under the command of Feng Wanzhong, the Huimin Brigade embarked on a new journey.

At the end of the 1950s, there was a popular anti-war story film "Muslim Detachment", which was deeply touched and inspired by the audience. Because its protagonist is Ma Benzhai, the leader of the Muslim detachment, many people in Lingxian County say that this is our captain Ma Ganxiu, who was once called Ma Benzhai. However, that is our "wishful thinking"; in fact, "Huimin Detachment" is based on real people and real events during the War of Resistance in the Jizhong Plain, and Ma Qianxiu's original name was not Ma Benzhai but Ma Xiucheng. However, the Jizhong Plain and the Jilu Border Region are very close to each other, and Ma Benzhai and Ma Ganxiu are both the leaders of the Huimin branch (big) team surnamed Ma, and they are also heroic resistance fighters, and there is no doubt that there is a shadow of our Huimin branch (big) team and Ma Ganxiu in the "Huimin Detachment"!

【Related links】Ma Ganxiu (1921.05-1944.04), formerly known as Ma Xiucheng, male, Hui, a native of Laomajia Village, Linyi Town, Linyi County. He joined the revolution in 1938 and joined the Communist Party of China in 1939, and successively served as a confidential officer of the headquarters of the Second Jilubian Sub-district, the captain of the Anti-Japanese Huimin Brigade, the captain of the Sixth Squad (Huimin Brigade) of the Independent Brigade of the Second Sub-district of Jilubian, and the Company Commander of the Eleventh Company (Huimin Brigade) of the Independent Third Brigade of the Second Autonomous Division of Bohai. From 1939 to 1944, Ma Qianxiu led the Huimin brigade to move in the areas of Lingxian, Linyi, Deping, and Jiyang, fighting devils and eliminating traitors, from small to large, and getting stronger and stronger. In April 1944, the Huimin Brigade attacked the Japanese puppet army at Liu Village (now Part of Mi Town, Lingcheng District) in Deping County, and Ma Ganxiu was honorably killed in battle. Later, he was awarded the honorary title of combat hero and revolutionary martyr.

In the movie "Huimin Detachment", Many people in Lingxian County thought that the prototype was the local Ma Ganxiu

The deeds have been compiled into the book "Dream Pioneer"

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