
Zhang Jie: With brand party building, it leads the innovation drive of Shanghai Qunwen team

Zhang Jie (second from the left) carries the collective in his heart, and does not leave the individual behind.


Zhang Jie, born in 1962, joined the Communist Party of China in 1986 and is currently the general secretary of the party branch and deputy director of the Shanghai Mass Art Museum. She united and led party members to actively explore a new model of Qunwen party building work, transform the team's self-driving force into mechanism innovation, and constantly improve the shanghai public cultural content supply platform pioneered by the country. In 2021, he was awarded the title of "Excellent Party Worker of Shanghai".

More than 30,000 activities are carried out every year, and more than 30 million people participate, which is an impressive achievement in the development of the Shanghai Citizens' Cultural Festival after eight years. The public cultural content supply platform covering the whole city and going deep into the community and villages has carried out more than 30,000 annual activities in the past five years, nearly 80,000 class hours of literary and artistic guidance, and 170 million people in four years. It is hard to imagine that the management organizer who undertakes such a huge amount of activities is a unit of less than 100 people, the Shanghai Municipal People's Art Museum. Behind the team with "self-driving force", there is a low-key "secretary" - Zhang Jie, general secretary of the party branch and deputy director of the Qunyi Museum.

Nowadays, the Shanghai Municipal People's Art Museum has formed three major platforms- namely, the innovative and open platform connecting the Yangtze River Delta Shanghai Citizens' Cultural Festival; the public cultural distribution platform that realizes the full coverage and accurate supply of the four-level network of "cities, districts, towns and villages"; and the digital cultural center platform of "one-click direct access". The basis for business can be laid is ideological excellence: around the construction of a modern public cultural service system to deepen reform, in recent years, Zhang Jie and the team have conducted more than 20 relevant special investigations, forming reports and summaries accumulating nearly 300,000 words; through the "story party lesson" and other innovative party building forms as the starting point, not only fully mobilize the subjective initiative of the party members and masses in the unit, but also produce extensive repercussions in the entire propaganda system.

Party building work is, in the final analysis, doing "people's work"

This year, Zhang Jie proposed to use the story of the "birthplace of the party" to sort out the "four histories" and add "literary and artistic color" to the party building activities. When the on-stage companions told the stories behind "24,000 short videos played nearly 1.4 billion times" and "more than 14 million people experienced the cloud on the opening day of the Civic Cultural Festival", everyone was full of emotions.

Zhang Jie's idea of "letting every group of literati see themselves from the party class, see the role models around them, and see the strength of the collective" was once opposed by Lu Jun, the director of the story party class and the creative department. "The law of literary and artistic creation is to focus on individuals and specific events in order to explain clearly", Lu Jun's insistence on starting from the law of art is not unreasonable. However, in Zhang Jie's view, if "Radio Waves, Never Die" selects the fragment of Li Bai's martyr saying goodbye to his wife and children the day before the righteousness, and inspires people through a little-known "cold perspective", then telling the story of the contemporary group of literati around him is not for the sake of tree model, but to highlight the collective. Through the party lessons, from the suspension of cultural venues, to the response to the "art to move forward" online literary and artistic epidemic, to serve the masses, and then to the online and offline parallel, to open a new pattern of group literature services, such party classes have become a vivid footnote to the work of group literature in the past year and a half. In the "Teacher Yang" and "Teacher Li" in the story, each group of literati saw their busy figure and felt the value of their own work.

In the final analysis, party building work is to do "people's work," and the key to "people's work" is to unite people's hearts. Zhang Jie carried the collective in her heart, and did not leave the individual behind. For the group of literary workers who face the people directly, only by letting the ideals and beliefs and professionalism of the spring wind and rain and penetrate into the hearts of employees can they eventually be externalized into actions, and the core values can be integrated into literature and art, so as to serve and influence the broader masses.

Strengthen the "self-driving force" to help young and middle-aged cadres grow rapidly

"Man's work" doesn't stop there. Chatting with the front-line workers of Qunyi Museum, the biggest feeling is the strong "self-driving force" - "Shanghai can be copied, can not be surpassed", adhering to this concept, they take the initiative to find problems, solve problems, and think about how to improve the modern public cultural service system under the new goal of building a people's city and enhancing the soft power of Shanghai.

A number of young backbone forces have emerged.

In 2016, the beginning of the "13th Five-Year Plan", Shanghai focused on promoting the reform of public cultural content distribution institutions. One of the most important is to build a unified municipal content distribution platform. That year, the responsibility of providing distribution to more than 200 community cultural activity centers in Shanghai fell to the Municipal Qunyi Museum. Originally, the six major institutions and the task of mobilizing hundreds of people were integrated into one road, pressing on a department of no more than 10 people, and the pressure can be imagined. In this regard, the Qunyi Museum transferred Zhu Jingbo, director of the District Cultural Center, as the director of the distribution center. Those who have come into contact with Zhang Jie and Zhu Jingbo have found that the two have very different personalities and styles. The two did not argue less at work, but Zhang Jie, as the "helmsman", stabilized the direction of work with cold thinking. "Not only hand over the task to teach the method, but also press the burden to give confidence", so that the team grows together with the development of the cause, which is the principle of "employing people and educating people" of the Qunyi Museum. In recent years, 15 young and middle-aged cadres have grown rapidly and been promoted in the Qunyi Museum.

Zhang Jie said: "Shanghai wants to enhance its soft power, and the people are the thickest foundation. Qunwen work is not only to meet the people's growing needs for a better life, but also to assume the responsibility of popularizing culture and art, so that everyone in the city has a stronger sense of culture and art, so as to gather a powerful force to enhance the cultural taste of the city. ”

Author: Huang Qizhe

Editor: Xu Luming

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