
Zhang Jie: The personal significance of viewing the mirror

Zhang Jie: The personal significance of viewing the mirror

Zhang Jie, a native of Shan County, is a high school information technology teacher who loves life, is loyal to his career, and is accustomed to recording his feelings.

The personal significance of looking at the mirror

Text/Zhang Jie

Mr. Lu Xun once wrote "Looking at the Mirror with Feeling", looking at the ancient mirror, analyzing the present, and distinguishing the turbidity. Looking up to Mr. Now, I borrowed the theme to write this article, with the mirror of history, the mirror of man, and the mirror of oneself, to understand the present.


The most direct use of the mirror is to look at oneself, and to seek oneself. In the movie "After The End of the Day", there is such a critical sentence that hit the soul: "I have heard a lot of truths, but I still can't live this life well." Childhood ignorance, teenager ignorance, youth recklessness, middle-aged every word is thoughtful, every corner is down-to-earth, every little bit of strength is all-out, but feel that the future is uncertain, white and vast. In the cold moonlight, stomping feet and knocking hands, sighing old age, years faltering, in the rivers and lakes, but there is no legend of its own in the rivers and lakes. The reason for this is cognitive deficits, or nitpicking, or going astray.

To look at others with sincerity in self-contemplation is either to be spiritually shaken, or to be perfect in all things, or to be a good teacher and friend, or to be a spiritual leader, or to be respected by the public. Praise him for his ancient knowledge, praise him for his humility, envy him for his far-reaching realm, there is no longer him, he is short and he is long, he is ugly and beautiful, and he is flat. "I have heard a lot of truths, why do others live this life well"? Why is it that the heavens and the earth are the same, but others are superior in skill and one foot in the Tao? Does the mirror of man contain this insoluble mystery?

The mirror of looking at oneself is dazed, the mirror of looking at others is confused, and then looking at the mirror of history. Some people look at the mirror of history like looking at the telescope, and it is difficult to get fun and wisdom, but it is better to dive into the long corridor of history, read ancient words, listen to ancient events, taste ancient poems, and think about ancient people. In history, there are Xiang Yu Wujiang who killed himself, Liu Bang who dominated the world, Wang Mang to the ancient reform, Wang Mingyang who kept the system to give lectures, Tao Yuanming who leisurely went down to Nanshan, Li Bai who laughed in the sky, Du Fu who was concerned about his homeland, Li Yu who was depressed and sentimental, Lin Daiyu who washed and buried flowers in tears, and Hua Mulan who was on the battlefield. History contains sorrow and joy, success or failure, the survival of people's names, and the ambition of Qingyun. Guan Shi is to watch people, he also borrows wine to dispel his sorrows, but he is also confused and indecisive, and he also has a weak heart, a sad life, and he has also felt lifeless and imitated alone. People in history have mixed tastes, varied, exhausted style, or written down a light ink stroke, or accumulated good sentences through the ages, or erased by time.

It turns out that history is the best teacher, man is the history of walking, looking at history is like looking at people, from the outside to the inside, you can redeem yourself, looking at yourself like looking at people, from the inside out, you can find yourself. The difficulty of viewing the mirror lies in "viewing", observing, observing, looking at the difference, looking at the micro, and seeking oneself, which is also a process of making mirrors for people to see.

Zhang Jie: The personal significance of viewing the mirror

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