
Why did the energy crisis break out? Abandoning traditional energy sources prematurely? Li Ka-shing's "lying and earning" is not a dream

author:Earth viewer

A few days ago, a crazy energy crisis began to sweep the world, Europe made an energy shortage, electricity prices and natural gas prices, rose almost "can't stop the car", just when people are crying bitterly at the same time, the most joyful laugh behind it, it is estimated that Li Ka-shing. Received by the Queen of England and received three British medals, why is Boss Li the biggest winner behind this energy crisis? Why is Li Ka-shing, who is crazy about "harvesting leeks" in britain, more and more difficult at home, and can't sleep all night?

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Why did the energy crisis break out? Abandoning traditional energy sources prematurely? Li Ka-shing's "lying and earning" is not a dream

Let's briefly talk about the causes of this European "energy shortage". The other day, when we began to cut electricity, it attracted a high degree of attention, and under the strong regulation of the state, the price of residential electricity has always remained stable. On the other hand, in Europe, there has also been a large-scale power shortage, not only limited to electricity, more than 50% of the gas stations in the United Kingdom have faced no oil to add, the most conspicuous news is that the driver of the international football superstar C Luo, waiting in line at the gas station to refuel, has been told that there is no oil to add for several hours, and many British people have run to the field with empty barrels to grab gasoline. At the same time, The price of electricity in Germany soared like a rocket, soaring by 200% in a year's time. The price of natural gas in Europe has also increased exponentially, Europe has encountered an unprecedented energy crisis, we are here to limit production, and many companies in Europe have chosen to close because they cannot afford to pay high electricity bills. Because of the lack of truck drivers, the logistics industry to ensure people's livelihood is also in a state of stagnation, and many shopping malls and supermarkets are empty of even the most basic daily necessities. KFC is facing the point of "no chicken to fry". In the northern hemisphere of many European countries, is about to enter the winter heating period, many people are worried, this winter heating can still be supplied? The electricity bill is almost unpaid, what will be the heating price?

Did you find a phenomenon? When there are a very small number of commodities with a gap between supply and demand, the situation reflected in the market will be very exaggerated, and the merchants often seize the panic of the people and let the price increase exponentially, which is very disproportionate, in fact, in the view of the editor, the energy shortage in people's mouths is also one of its factors. Second, most of the finished products in society can be produced, which will involve many production links, interlocking and closely linked. The emergence of the epidemic will disrupt the normal order of one or even more links, thus affecting the production of the entire finished product, so the epidemic is also a "culprit". Third, the whole world is advocating carbon neutrality, of course, Europe must also set an example, so it began to desperately engage in environmental protection, energy conservation and emission reduction, and in the mouth is more than a "fierce". Germany plans to shut down all coal-fired power plants by 2038, while the UK is even more ruthless, planning to shut down all coal-fired power plants by 2024. The most ruthless, or somewhat unreliable, France has announced that it will phase out all coal-fired power plants this year. Moreover, they have also stated that nuclear power plants will also tend to be phased out. This force is really shocking to everyone. How can this missing part of the power be compensated? The way to think of it is to replace it with new energy, such as wind, water, and solar energy. However, Tiangong is really not beautiful, encountered a very abnormal climate, either flood or drought, flood directly led to huge economic losses, drought makes hydropower generation face a dilemma, offshore air pressure is lower than in the past, without the interaction of high and low pressure, it can not form wind, a large number of offshore and onshore wind power equipment is like a decoration. But this cowhide has been blown out, and one is bigger than the other, coal-fired thermal power generation has been eliminated, new energy can not keep up, and the relationship with the big owner of natural gas Russia is also tepid, in this case, it seems that things are very difficult to do. Therefore, it was a last resort, hoping to raise prices to limit people's demand for energy. But it also bears a lot of "scolding", I believe this is also expected.

Why did the energy crisis break out? Abandoning traditional energy sources prematurely? Li Ka-shing's "lying and earning" is not a dream

The increase in energy prices is really bad news for the majority of people, but for the rich Li Ka-shing, it is definitely great news. This made Li Ka-shing, who was already rich, catch the "fat meat" again. Why? The epidemic that began last year has made normal supply and demand lose its proper rhythm, and energy supply has also been greatly restricted, with the gradual recovery of the epidemic this year, the energy industry boss who has been suppressed for a year does not want to make a lot of money? In addition, under the guise of "energy non-renewable", prices have been greatly increased, although countries are vigorously developing new energy in order to gradually get rid of the restrictions of traditional resources. However, in the current situation, there is really no new energy that can completely replace the status of traditional energy. Now Britain has a quarter of electricity and nearly 30% of the natural gas supply, a third of the docks and nearly 40% of the telecommunications are all pocketed by Li Ka-shing, taking advantage of the price increase of this "energy shortage", Li Ka-shing really issued another "disaster wealth", but this time "harvest" is not China, but britain. I believe everyone knows, before, Li Ka-shing in our place through the purchase of land, hoarding, land sales, transfer hands on billions of dollars into the account, leaving a very bad reputation, which is also one of the reasons for the high house prices, look at the operation of Li Ka-shing in the past few years, sold Beijing Pacific Century Center, Shanghai Pudong Century Hui, Hong Kong Central Financial Building, a total of 400 billion yuan of huge money, and a large amount of huge money was smashed into the United Kingdom, creating a huge business empire in the United Kingdom. This posture, it is estimated that even London at that time was a bit dumbfounded, almost about to buy the whole of London. To this end, the Queen of the United Kingdom also personally awarded him a knighthood and thanked Li Ka-shing for providing more than 10 million jobs in the UK. The famous Bill Gates was awarded this medal after 5 years. Li Ka-shing, who was so inspired, certainly had to roll up his sleeves and do it. Continue to invest more. No wonder some netizens joked that if this continues, the whole of The United Kingdom will have the surname Li. In terms of investment vision, Li Ka-shing is simply more refined than a fox. Behind this energy shortage price increase, it is even more that Boss Li has hundreds of millions of dollars of income lying down every day, and li Ka-shing, who is now 93 years old, is estimated to be able to regenerate the dragon and tiger, 20 years younger, right? But in our eyes, Li Ka-shing only cares about how to let his family's property continue to increase in value, and he does not care at all about the hardships of ordinary people. And Li Ka-shing, who "fled" the mainland, heard this news at home, and it is estimated that it is enough for him to stay up all night.

Some time ago, Hong Kong announced a major news to build a northern metropolitan new area, which will occupy one-third of Hong Kong's land area and solve the housing problem of 2.5 million people. In addition to high-rise buildings in Hong Kong, there are ordinary people who cannot afford to buy a house, and the situation that a family of several people live in a room of more than ten square meters abounds. At present, only a quarter of Hong Kong's 11 million square kilometers of land is used for development and construction. This is the four major real estate tycoons headed by Li Ka-shing, after buying land on a large scale, they did not start construction at all, but held it in their hands, waited for the dividends of the times, waited until the land was speculated to a certain high price, and then sold or started construction. Houses are built less, and house prices will certainly be high due to the influence of supply and demand. Therefore, when all the land in their hands is developed, it means that the wealth of these "real estate crocodiles" will be ended. They can continue to develop for their wealth, and it is impossible for them to take out the land they own. The "common prosperity" proposed by the state is not an empty slogan, so the new capital in the north of Hong Kong came into being, and from the geographical point of view, it is close to Shenzhen, which provides good external conditions for the coordinated development of the two places. Li Ka-shing, who can make a lot of money in the UK, has frequently encountered walls in China in recent years. What is the reason? Everybody knows, right? That is: the interests of the people are above all else!

Why did the energy crisis break out? Abandoning traditional energy sources prematurely? Li Ka-shing's "lying and earning" is not a dream

Natural disasters and man-made disasters have made this "energy shortage" sweep the world, and people have complained bitterly. I would like to ask, who can find a country that can use more than 30 years to make earth-shaking changes in the country's appearance? The speed of the rise frightens Europeans and Americans! Therefore, we who live in the present, do not be born in the blessing and do not know the blessing, no matter how the situation changes, it will always be the motherland in front of you!

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