
The world's first madman: Xu Jiayin is a liar, claiming that his assets exceed Li Ka-shing, what is the origin?

author:Shihana Shikan
The world's first madman: Xu Jiayin is a liar, claiming that his assets exceed Li Ka-shing, what is the origin?

"My assets have long surpassed Li Ka-shing! Xu Jiayin is a complete liar! The person who said these words was called Yan Jiehe, the world's number one madman, and even Mo Yan, who won the Nobel Prize in Literature, didn't pay attention to him.

The world's first madman: Xu Jiayin is a liar, claiming that his assets exceed Li Ka-shing, what is the origin?

That's right, madness is many people's first impression of Yan Jiehe, he likes to brag, in his mouth, Xu Jiayin is a liar, and Li Ka-shing, the richest man in Asia for many years, is not as rich as him. After being stepped on, the two men touched Huawei, which he said was two of the best in China.

Who is Yan Jie and this madman? What kind of capital is so crazy? Is his true strength really as strong as he says he is?

The world's first madman: Xu Jiayin is a liar, claiming that his assets exceed Li Ka-shing, what is the origin?

Maverick teacher-student love

In 1960, Yan Jiehe was born in a scholarly family in Huai'an, Jiangsu. After graduating from high school at the age of 19, Yan Jiehe became the envy of everyone's people's teacher.

The world's first madman: Xu Jiayin is a liar, claiming that his assets exceed Li Ka-shing, what is the origin?

At that time, high school children were generally only sixteen or seventeen years old, and Yan Jiehe was only two or three years older than them. Among them, including Zhang Yunqin. Zhang Yunqin was Yan Jiehe's class representative at that time, and the two often came into contact.

After a long time, Yan Jiehe found that Zhang Yunqin was not only good at linguistics, but also good at ball games. Over time, Yan Jiehe developed different feelings for this student. Rao is now, and the teacher-student love cannot be favored and accepted by everyone, let alone the 80s when the mind was not yet open.

Yan Jiehe could only keep this relationship in his heart, what he didn't know was that Zhang Yunqin also had a love for this approachable teacher. As a girl and a student of Yan Jiehe, Zhang Yunqin didn't dare to show anything. It wasn't until Zhang Yunqin graduated that Yan Jiehe dared to express his heart to Zhang Yunqin, and at that time, this matter was extremely sensational.

The world's first madman: Xu Jiayin is a liar, claiming that his assets exceed Li Ka-shing, what is the origin?

However, the two insisted on getting married with all kinds of incomprehensible eyes and comments. A year after marriage, Zhang Yunqin gave birth to a lovely daughter. Two years later, Zhang Yunqin became pregnant again, which made the couple worried, and the mainland was implementing a family planning policy at that time.

Yan Jiehe, as a people's teacher, should strictly abide by the policy, in the face of this sudden child, the two were very reluctant, and after hesitation, the two still decided to give birth to the child. After the child was born, Yan Jiehe was also expelled from the school, and he had to pay a sky-high fine of 18,000 yuan.

The difficulties in front of him made Yan Jiehe realize that it was not enough to rely on a dead salary, and he had to find another way to earn more money for his family to live a better life.

The world's first madman: Xu Jiayin is a liar, claiming that his assets exceed Li Ka-shing, what is the origin?
The world's first madman: Xu Jiayin is a liar, claiming that his assets exceed Li Ka-shing, what is the origin?

From a well-behaved teacher to a maverick businessman

Soon, Yan Jiehe was hired by a local township enterprise because of his high education, but because of the poor management of the business, Yan Jiehe faced bankruptcy soon after joining the company, and Yan Jiehe successfully ran for the director of the cement factory with his excellent plan and defense level.

After becoming the director of the factory, Yan Jiehe made a military order to the workers: the cement factory must be brought back to life in three months! Otherwise, resign. As a result, it only took Yan Jiehe a year to restore the factory that was on the verge of closure to normal operation, and the profits gradually increased.

The world's first madman: Xu Jiayin is a liar, claiming that his assets exceed Li Ka-shing, what is the origin?

After the factory resumed normal operation, Yan Jiehe gradually had new ideas, and after several years of accumulation and study, in 1992, Yan Jiehe registered his own construction company - Yinjiang Construction Company. The company was not well-known in the beginning, and many people didn't even know that there was such a construction company.

In order to make the company well-known and to operate normally, Yan Jiehe took over a project that would not make a profit - Nanjing Ring Road Construction Project. Because of the huge cost of this project and the fact that there can be no mistakes, many companies are reluctant to take on this hot potato, and even if they take it, they will be contracted out.

Therefore, this project is already the fifth package here by Yan Jiehe. Unlike others, Yan Jiehe doesn't see the project as a hot potato, and he sees it as a great opportunity to expand the company's visibility. In order to get this project, Yan Jiehe went to Nanjing 11 times.

The world's first madman: Xu Jiayin is a liar, claiming that his assets exceed Li Ka-shing, what is the origin?

In order to leave a good impression on the government, Yan Jiehe proposed that "a loss of 50,000 is better than a loss of 80,000", the original plan of more than 140 days of the project, Yan Jiehe completed it in 72 days, and there was no cutting corners, and the quality inspection was excellent! As the saying goes: suffering a loss is a blessing, and Yan Jiehe's loss this time paid off in the second year.

Because the Nanjing Ring Road project was completed very successfully, the government handed over a project worth 10 million yuan to Yan Jiehe the next year, and in this way, Yan Jiehe expanded the scale of his company step by step. Some key projects at the national and provincial levels have Yan Jiehe's participation.

At the same time, Yan Jiehe is still constantly acquiring and merging some enterprises that were originally poorly managed, which makes the government departments have a good impression of Yan Jiehe's company.

The world's first madman: Xu Jiayin is a liar, claiming that his assets exceed Li Ka-shing, what is the origin?

In 2002, Yan Jiehe changed the company's name to China Pacific Construction Group Co., Ltd., by which time his company had already made a name for itself in China, and Yan Jiehe was chairman of the board of directors, and three years later, Yan Jiehe had already occupied the second place on the Hurun China Rich List. Later, Yan Jiehe handed over the Pacific Group to his son to take care of, and he began to dabble in other fields, such as literature and education.

The world's first madman: Xu Jiayin is a liar, claiming that his assets exceed Li Ka-shing, what is the origin?

Speak wildly

In fact, many people really began to know and understand Yan Jiehe, not because of his achievements in the construction industry, but because of his wild words. As we all know, the writer Mo Yan was the first person in the mainland to win the Nobel Prize in Literature, but Yan Jiehe seems to be quite skeptical about this.

The world's first madman: Xu Jiayin is a liar, claiming that his assets exceed Li Ka-shing, what is the origin?

He said: My writing is also very good, why can a person who did not graduate from primary school win the Nobel Prize in Literature before me? I'm so sad! I have to say that this remark is quite disrespectful to Mo Yan, no matter what kind of education Mo Yan has, he has the ability to win the Nobel Prize in Literature with his literary attainments, since he is pretentious, why not give it a try?

Not only that, Hong Kong's richest man Li Ka-shing, he also doesn't pay attention to it, he said: His assets have surpassed Li Ka-shing, whether this is the case or not, Yan Jiehe's approach is really flattering. After seeing Evergrande Ice Spring and Evergrande Football losing money one after another, Yan Jiehe was unceremonious and bluntly said that Xu Jiayin was a liar, what to do, what to lose.

The world's first madman: Xu Jiayin is a liar, claiming that his assets exceed Li Ka-shing, what is the origin?

When Wang Jianlin began to get involved in real estate, Yan Jiehe was ashamed to say: his real estate will definitely be finished. Later, as Yan Jiehe said, Xu Jiayin was enforced, and Wang Jianlin's real estate career was also defeated. Although his language is arrogant, it is indeed to the point.

Although Yan Jiehe said some things very accurately, such wild words will inevitably make people resentful, and this kind of behavior without caring about other people's faces is also undesirable. may be because Yan Jiehe's strength is indeed strong, therefore, no one can do anything to him.

The world's first madman: Xu Jiayin is a liar, claiming that his assets exceed Li Ka-shing, what is the origin?

Of course, Yan Jiehe also has someone to admire, that is Ren Zhengfei, who thinks that the two best companies in China, one is Huawei, and the other is his Pacific Construction Group, so his company has not been listed. Pacific Construction has also been listed in the world's top 500 and China's top 500 for many years. In 2023, Pacific Construction Group will rank 157th in the world with a turnover of 79.498 billion US dollars.

Yan Jiehe didn't care about this, thinking that when the turnover exceeded one trillion yuan, he hoped that he could fight until 2050.

From Yan Jiehe, we can indeed see his new path and unique business acumen, and he dared to fight against the mainstream at a young age and resolutely married his own students. After losing his originally stable job, Yan Jiehe dared to break the kettle and put all his energy into the cement factory that was on the verge of closure.

The world's first madman: Xu Jiayin is a liar, claiming that his assets exceed Li Ka-shing, what is the origin?

After his career improved, he did not sit idly by, but continued to expand the scale, dabble in other fields, dare to suffer losses, and make his enterprise bigger and stronger.

Although his wild words have made others complain about him, and it is true that this should not be the case, but his spirit and courage to dare to fight and make profits are exactly what most young people lack now, and it is also what we should learn.


On December 29, 2014, China Youth Network reported on "Yan Jiehe: The Warm "Side" of the World's No. 1 Chinese Maniac".

China Securities Journal on November 13, 2017 on ""Madman" Yan Jiehe: Why am I crazy and flamboyant? Because my ass is clean".

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