
Zhang Ziqiang blackmailed Li Ka-shing and tried to blackmail Stanley Ho for the finale, but why did he not succeed in the end


In 1996, banks in Hong Kong's Central neighborhood were closed, but there were long queues in front of bank ATMs. These people are dressed in suits and leather shoes, and they take out various amounts of cash from the machine with bank cards in hand, and they have a common boss, Li Ka-shing.

Li Zeju, the eldest son of the Li family, was kidnapped by Zhang Ziqiang and extorted 1 billion Hong Kong dollars from him. At that time, Li Ka-shing could only come up with about 500 million yuan in cash, so he mobilized the middle and senior executives of the Tongshi Group to withdraw money overnight to pay the ransom.

Zhang Ziqiang blackmailed Li Ka-shing and tried to blackmail Stanley Ho for the finale, but why did he not succeed in the end

Zhang Ziqiang blackmailed Li Ka-shing and then blackmailed Guo Bingxiang, and later set his sights on Hong Kong gambling king Stanley Ho, intending to wash his hands after the last vote, but unexpectedly sent himself to Huangquan Road......

The poor boy in the herbal tea shop grew into a troubled teenager, and after the robbery, he claimed compensation from the Hong Kong police

Zhang Ziqiang was born in Yulin, Guangxi Province in 1955 and settled in Hong Kong with his parents when he was 4 years old. Zhang Ziqiang's father knew a little about Chinese herbal medicine, and opened an herbal tea shop on Temple Street, barely making ends meet.

The place where Temple Street is located is the most reluctant place for the wealthy in Hong Kong to set foot in the hemp oil field, and almost all of the people who live here are the people at the bottom of society, as well as people from three religions and nine streams.

In the 70s, many Hong Kong gangsters would rise up and grab turf, and hemp oil became one of the main strongholds of these gangs.

In such an environment for a long time, Zhang Ziqiang was also affected badly, at first he was young, and he could only honestly stay in the herbal tea shop to help his father.

Zhang Ziqiang blackmailed Li Ka-shing and tried to blackmail Stanley Ho for the finale, but why did he not succeed in the end

Zhang Ziqiang's father saw that his son was not the material for studying, and he didn't want him to enter the society too early and become infected with bad habits, so he sent him to a tailor shop as an apprentice.

The father's education of his son was simple and rude, and he punched and kicked him at every turn, causing Zhang Ziqiang to be accustomed to using violence to solve problems.

The high-pressure education made him have a serious rebellious mentality, and he was arrested at the police station for fighting at the age of 12, and was imprisoned for the first time at the age of 16.

In 1990, 34-year-old Cheung and four other accomplices robbed a Rolex of 2,500 dollars, worth about HK$30 million at Kai Tak Airport.

The Hong Kong police investigated this case for a long time and determined that Zhang Ziqiang and others were suspected of committing the crime, but there was no conclusive evidence.

Zhang Ziqiang blackmailed Li Ka-shing and tried to blackmail Stanley Ho for the finale, but why did he not succeed in the end

A year later, also at Hong Kong's Kai Tak Airport, several robbers robbed 170 million Hong Kong dollars (17 million US dollars and 35 million Hong Kong dollars), and later the police found that Luo Yanfang, a clerk of the robbed company, was suspected of committing the crime.

After investigation, they found out that Luo Yanfang's husband was Zhang Ziqiang, and the two were arrested soon after. In November 1992, the High Court of Hong Kong convicted Zhang Ziqiang of robbery and sentenced him to 18 years in prison.

Luo Yanfang was released in court due to insufficient evidence, and she immediately spent a lot of money to hire the best gold medal lawyer in Hong Kong to defend her husband, and also used public opinion to put pressure on the judiciary. In June 1995, the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal ordered Zhang Ziqiang to be released in court.

Less than 24 hours after he was released from prison, he did some jaw-dropping acts, giving a high-profile interview in his multimillion-dollar Lamborghini, announcing that he would prosecute the Hong Kong police for creating unjust cases.

In the end, the Hong Kong police paid Zhang Ziqiang 8 million Hong Kong dollars to settle the matter, and this gangster of the century became famous in Hong Kong.

Zhang Ziqiang blackmailed Li Ka-shing and tried to blackmail Stanley Ho for the finale, but why did he not succeed in the end

kidnapped the son of a wealthy man to extort 1 billion Hong Kong dollars, and after succeeding, he aimed at the Macau gambling king

The robbery of hundreds of millions of Hong Kong dollars was not only acquitted, but also claimed compensation from the Hong Kong police, which can be seen from this kind of ungodly operation, Zhang Ziqiang is not only bold but also very smart.

After the previous two robberies, his appetite grew bigger and bigger, and he wanted to directly do the big ticket to completely achieve financial freedom. Later, Zhang Ziqiang found another kidnapper, Ye Jihuan, and after some discussion, the two set their sights on Li Zeju, the son of Li Ka-shing, the richest man in Hong Kong.

At about 18 o'clock in the evening of May 23, 1996, the top level of the Hong Kong police learned of a shocking case, and Li Ka-shing's eldest son was kidnapped. The police inspector personally went to the Li family's villa in Mid-Levels, Hong Kong, patted his chest and said that he would take all measures to rescue Li Zeju.

Unexpectedly, Li Ka-shing directly refused the police to intervene in the kidnapping case, the super-rich man already knew that Zhang Ziqiang had kidnapped his son, and the two had preliminary negotiations.

It turned out that Zhang Ziqiang contacted Li Ka-shing by phone an hour ago, saying that Li Zeju was in his hands and warned Li Ka-shing not to call the police.

Zhang Ziqiang blackmailed Li Ka-shing and tried to blackmail Stanley Ho for the finale, but why did he not succeed in the end

Li Ka-shing, who learned that the other party was a gangster who claimed compensation from the Hong Kong police, was also very cautious, calling the other party "Mr. Zhang" on the phone, and repeatedly said that if you have any requirements, please say it directly.

Zhang Ziqiang did not say the amount of extortion, but asked to come to the door to talk, Li Ka-shing personally promised to welcome Mr. Zhang's arrival, we are ready to wait, and at the same time put forward a request, that is, to ensure the safety of his son.

In fact, Zhang Ziqiang came to the door in person to test the sincerity of the other party, and after coming to the villa, the maid who had been waiting at the door for a long time welcomed Zhang Ziqiang into the living room respectfully, and Li Ka-shing was already waiting here.

The first thing he said when he went to the meeting alone was to ask him to call out the police who were hiding at home. Jiang is still old and spicy, Li Ka-shing heard this sentence and gained insight into the other party's intentions, and then calmly explained:

I have been in business all my life, and I know that being a man of my word is to be true, and I said that I didn't call the police if I didn't call the police.
Zhang Ziqiang blackmailed Li Ka-shing and tried to blackmail Stanley Ho for the finale, but why did he not succeed in the end

Then a surprising scene happened, Li Ka-shing actually led the gangster who kidnapped his son to visit the villa in the middle of the mountain, and seeing the other party's full sincerity, Zhang Ziqiang also let down his guard and began to sit down to negotiate.

Li Ka-shing ordered someone to give Zhang Ziqiang the 40 million cash that had been prepared, and the latter thought that this figure was unlucky and returned 2 million, and finally took 38 million. Before leaving, he told Li Ka-shing to prepare another 1 billion Hong Kong dollars in cash for himself.

Although Li Ka-shing is the richest man in Hong Kong, he will not put too much cash at home, and after counting, he can only take out 500 million Hong Kong dollars in a short period of time, and then inform the company's management to go to the ATMs of various banks in Hong Kong overnight to withdraw money, and it took a busy night to get together 1 billion Hong Kong dollars, and there is an opening scene.

Considering the huge amount of money, the Li family also thoughtfully prepared a transport van, and the two sides discussed the location of the meeting.

Zhang Ziqiang saw that the other party was so happy with the money, so he let Li Zeju go without saying a word, and then he got 400 million Hong Kong dollars, and the remaining 600 million Hong Kong dollars were taken away by Ye Jihuan.

Zhang Ziqiang blackmailed Li Ka-shing and tried to blackmail Stanley Ho for the finale, but why did he not succeed in the end

However, Zhang Ziqiang, who got carried away, went to Macau with a huge amount of money to gamble and lost everything, and returned to Hong Kong again to kidnap Hong Kong billionaire Kwok Bingxiang, and also extorted 1 billion Hong Kong dollars.

The Guo family is far less wealthy than the Li family, and finally set the ransom to 600 million, but this is also a lot of money. After successfully getting the ransom, Zhang Ziqiang kept his promise to let Guo Bingxiang go, but soon the money was lost by him in the Macau casino.

The bandits of the century provoked the Macau gambling king, and the attempted kidnapping was arrested by the mainland police

Zhang Ziqiang kidnapped Hong Kong's top rich man twice, and took the money to hide anywhere in the world, as long as he didn't touch pornography, gambling and drugs, he couldn't spend it in a few lifetimes, but unfortunately he lost all his money on the gambling table in Macau.

Zhang Ziqiang, who gambled on red eyes, did not reflect on his actions, but felt that the responsibility lay in the casino, and in January 1997 he decided to kidnap Macau gambling king Stanley Ho.

Before Zhang Ziqiang kidnapped Guo Bingxiang, the price he offered was 2 billion Hong Kong dollars, and the gambling king's worth was several times that of Guo Bingxiang, so naturally it could not be lower than this amount.

Zhang Ziqiang blackmailed Li Ka-shing and tried to blackmail Stanley Ho for the finale, but why did he not succeed in the end

The ideal is very plump, the reality is very skinny, and this outlaw finds it too difficult to kidnap Stanley Ho.

Don't look at the gambling king's fame, but he himself is very low-key, living in a simple house, even when he goes out, he is accompanied by many bodyguards.

When Zhang Ziqiang took his accomplices to step on the spot, the bodyguards had already noticed that something was wrong, these bodyguards were extraordinary and carried pistols, and they couldn't find a chance to start, and once they were found by the bodyguards and fled.

After Li Zeju was kidnapped, Li Ka-shing did not dare to call the police, but Zhang Ziqiang did not have any handle in his hand that could threaten the gambling king, so Stanley Ho chose to report the case to the Macau police, and then almost did not appear in public and did not see anyone.

Zhang Ziqiang has a wealth of "kidnapping experience", which is not useful here for Stanley Ho, so he decided to lure the snake out of the hole. He took several accomplices to throw Molotov cocktails into the He family's mansion, hoping to use this method to force the gambling king to show up and take the opportunity to kidnap him.

Zhang Ziqiang blackmailed Li Ka-shing and tried to blackmail Stanley Ho for the finale, but why did he not succeed in the end

But he didn't know that the Macau police had already sent someone to follow him, and before he arrived at the He family's mansion, the police with loaded guns and ammunition chased after him, and a shootout broke out between the two sides, and Zhang Ziqiang finally fled.

I'm not afraid of thieves stealing, I'm afraid of people worrying, and it's also very annoying to be stared at by the gambling king like this all day long, and at the critical moment, Lan Huaying, the brother of Lan Qiongying, the second wife, stood up. He told Stanley Ho, you don't care about this, I'll take full responsibility!

Lan Huaying has learned martial arts since she was a child, has quick reactions and is vigorous, and her sister accompanied her uncle to gallop in the shopping mall after marrying Stanley Ho, and she is also one of the most trusted people in the gambling king.

This person knows people in both black and white, and in less than half a day, he turned Zhang Ziqiang's past upside down, and learned about the other party's location in Hong Kong through friends in the rivers and lakes, and then took dozens of younger brothers to capture Zhang Ziqiang alive with weapons.

In this way, the gangsters who terrified the Hong Kong tycoons fell into the hands of the gambling king, not only kidnapping and ransom unsuccessfully, but also hitching themselves in.

Zhang Ziqiang blackmailed Li Ka-shing and tried to blackmail Stanley Ho for the finale, but why did he not succeed in the end

Zhang Ziqiang was arrested and handed over to the Macau police, and after investigation, it was found that he had purchased 800 kilograms of explosives from the mainland, and the Guangdong police took over the case.

In 1998, Zhang Ziqiang was prosecuted, and his wife Luo Yanfang tried to repeat the old trick and create public opinion to put pressure on the mainland police, wanting to extradite her husband to Hong Kong for trial.

Many of Zhang Ziqiang's criminal activities took place in the mainland, and the Guangdong side refused Luo Yanfang's request and filed a case against the criminal suspect for investigation in accordance with the law.

On December 5, 1998, the Guangdong Provincial High Court issued a final judgment that Zhang Ziqiang was sentenced to death and deprived of political rights for life on charges of kidnapping, robbery, and endangering public safety.

After the Supreme People's Court approved the death penalty, Zhang Ziqiang was executed on a hillside next to the Panyu Crematorium in Guangzhou.

Zhang Ziqiang blackmailed Li Ka-shing and tried to blackmail Stanley Ho for the finale, but why did he not succeed in the end

After the gangster's wife sold her real estate in Hong Kong, she took her family and husband to go abroad with the money she had obtained from the robbery, and her whereabouts are still unknown.

Back then, the kidnapping case created by Zhang Ziqiang in Hong Kong had a very bad impact, and even now Hong Kong's top rich people attach great importance to the safety of themselves and their families, but they must be accompanied by security guards when they go out.

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